05 Jan 2023

TM R&D inks MoU with AL-QUDS University to foster industry-academia collaboration for research and innovation excellence in next generation communication technologies

TM R&D inks MoU with AL-QUDS University to foster industry-academia collaboration for research and innovation excellence in next generation communication technologies Article Header

​Telekom Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), the innovation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Al-Quds University (AQU) to foster industry-academia collaboration for joint research in Next Generation Communication Technologies and to create an institution for innovation and technology transfer.

Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM R&D, signed the MoU on behalf of TM R&D while AQU was represented by its President, Prof. Dr. Imad Abu Kishek. The agreement was sealed under the support and presence of H. E. Mr. Walid Abu Ali, Ambassador of The State of Palestine to Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand and Maldives.

Under the MoU, both entities will join forces to explore research and knowledge exchange activities including staff exchange for scientific works and student visits, in addition to development of impactful digital solutions with a global outlook.

Commenting on the latest collaboration, Dr. Sharlene said, “We are excited to have AQU on board as the first university that we’re collaborating with post COVID-19. This MoU is testament of our efforts to work with innovative and entrepreneurial academic institutions to deliver excellence in the field of research and innovation.”

“The knowledge sharing and technology transfer between Malaysia and Palestine will definitely boost research capabilities and cross-cultural innovations,” she added.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Imad Abu Kishek shared, “The university’s strategy encompasses building strong cooperative relationships with the Malaysian industry and academia. We believe that this is the first step towards a sustainable partnership with TM R&D, which will provide our staff and students the opportunity to access expert knowledge, latest technologies, innovation labs, and industry in Malaysia.”

“We hope that this collaboration will result in a symbiotic relationship that furthers the economy, innovation, and technology transfer among both institutions,” added Prof. Dr. Imad.

AQU is an academic research university that currently offers more than 120 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, delivered through its 15 degree-granting faculties that cover main scientific disciplines such as medicine, life and natural sciences, business and management, arts and humanities, law and jurisprudence, engineering, computer science, information technology, and social sciences.

In addition, AQU pursues educational distinction through a culture of innovation and strives to develop entrepreneurs who are able to partake in the development of the Palestinian economy.


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30 Dec 2022

TM's addresses data breach of Unifi mobile customers contact information

TM's addresses data breach of Unifi mobile customers contact information Article Header

​Telekom Malaysia (“TM” or “the Group”) has been made aware of a data breach (specific to contact information only) on 28 December involving a limited amount of Unifi Mobile customers’ information.

After investigations, TM has found 250,248 Unifi Mobile customers to be affected in this data breach, constituting both individual customers as well as SMEs. The type of data that was breached involved customer names, phone numbers and emails. No other information was breached.

TM confirms that the breach has been contained and have taken steps to minimise the potential impact to these 250,248 customers. The specific customers affected have been notified. Customers who have not received any notification are not impacted. TM has also reported this matter to the relevant authorities (National Cyber Coordination & Command Centre (NC4); Department of Privacy & Data Protection (JPDP); and the Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC)).

While additional security measures have been put in place to isolate the risk and protect our customers, we wish to inform that our customers did not experience any service disruptions in this incident.

TM is closely monitoring the situation and is conducting additional assessments. We advise customers to take extra precautions when receiving communications from unknown parties, as well as to secure their online information at all times.

The privacy and security of TM’s customers remain our highest priority and we take such matters seriously. We will continue to strengthen and ensure our data security framework, policies, systems and processes are continuously benchmarked against Bank Negara Malaysia's Risk Management in Technology (RMiT) standard and ISO27001, as well as other global standards to prevent such occurrences.


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29 Dec 2022

TM's decision to exit menara KL concession

TM's decision to exit menara KL concession Article Header

​Telekom Malaysia Berhad ("TM" or "the Group") wishes to clarify that Menara KL ("MKL" or "Tower") is owned by the Government while the operations and maintenance of the tower is granted under a concession. TM via its wholly owned subsidiary, Menara Kuala Lumpur Sdn. Bhd. (MKLSB) had undertaken the concession since 1996.

As part of its business transformation programme, TM is focusing its efforts and resources on strengthening its core business of telecommunications and technology. After due consideration on the change in the business nature of MKL, from telecommunications services to tourism and hospitality, TM has decided in October 2021 not to renew the MKL concession and informed the Government accordingly.

Subsequently in 2022, the selection process of the new Concessionaire was then taken up by the Government upon which TM was informed on the appointed company to take over the shares of MKLSB and the MKL concession. MKLSB shall continue to operate the concession and ensure the continuity of MKL operations for the Malaysian public, including international visitors.

Employees will remain employed with MKLSB under the new Concessionaire for a minimum period of 3 years. This is to ensure their welfare is protected in this transition.

In TM’s 3Q 2022 financial announcement to Bursa Malaysia, a reference was made in the subsequent changes to shareholding in MKLSB.

TM practices good governance and transparency in our business undertakings to preserve the interest of our customers and stakeholders. TM will provide our full cooperation and disclosures as required by the authorities.

Building on our commitment to enable a Digital Malaysia, TM will continue to deliver the best telco and technology services for the community, businesses, Government and industry.


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28 Dec 2022

ACES Awards 2022 recognises TM R&D as the innovative tech company of the year

ACES Awards 2022 recognises TM R&D as the innovative tech company of the year Article Header

In recognition of its transformative approach to software and technology that can lead to the creation of new approaches and prospects

​Telekom Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), the innovation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), recently won the Innovative Tech Companies of the Year Award at the Asia Corporate Excellence and Sustainability Awards (ACES) 2022, organised by MORS Group. The award was conferred to TM R&D in recognition of its transformative approach to software and technology, demonstrating that its tech innovations can lead to the creation of new approaches and prospects.

Dr Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM R&D accepted the award from Shanggari B., Chief Executive Officer of MORS Group and Luis Nieto, one of the juries for the ACES Awards 2022.

“This is a proud moment for the TM R&D team. Winning this award illustrates that we are on the right track. The transformative approach in our work will help propel Malaysia to be a nation of producers, instead of consumers.  Our ability to produce will lead to greater sustainability of our country,” Dr Sharlene expressed her gratitude on receiving the award. “Our achievements are shaped by the discipline, focus and determination we have instilled, and I would like to thank our team for their commitment towards excellence.”

TM R&D is a world-class R&D company that helps businesses solve operational issues and co-create solutions for the global market. It focuses on intelligent platforms, IR4.0 technologies and connectivity to create smarter business ecosystems. The company strives to stay relevant with new innovative solutions that the market cannot do without and takes on projects that provide multifold benefits to organisations.

Among its strengths is the local in-house talents that can make, create and innovate as well as provide thought leadership on infrastructure for the future. Acknowledging that nurturing talent is crucial to the business, TM R&D also offers emerging skills learning and development programmes such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Data Science & Analytics and Data Engineering for its employees.

Because its products and solutions are developed in-house, TM R&D is able to customise its innovations based on customers’ needs, addressing their specific pain points and meeting their customers demand (B2B2C) – embracing the Group’s aspiration of becoming a human-centred TechCo. Every product and solution that is developed contains embedded security, analytics and AI hence expanding its functionalities and delivering maximum benefits to the users.

TM R&D’s main aspiration is to create and deliver the next Unicorn for TM and ultimately for Malaysia. To support this, it holds fast to the three (3) pillars of its business, which are exploratory research, co-creation with industry, and commercialisation thus making life and business easier with smarter ecosystems to enrich humanity and bring progress to nations.

The ACES awards is among the most prestigious accolades that recognise inspiring leaders and sustainability advocates cross-industry across Asia. The awards value services and achievements of businesses of any nature respected for their contributions to their communities and the world. For more info about ACES Awards, visit https://www.acesawards.com/.


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27 Dec 2022

Nurturing future digital leaders through YTM Future Skills Champion Schools

Nurturing future digital leaders through YTM Future Skills Champion Schools Article Header

Enhances its adopted schools programme to be more holistic by embedding digital technology and leadership skills

​TM, through Yayasan TM (YTM), recognises the need to equip the next generation with the digital and technology skills required for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). In view of this, in 2014, YTM began its Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) oriented programmes, such as robotics, 3D modelling, coding, and big data analytics, to promote those subjects amongst students and education communities at schools nationwide.

In 2020, the modules were conslidated into TM Future Skills (TMFS) programme, with the aim of making it more comprehensive and beneficial to the intended participants. The programme was tailored to the syllabus outlined by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and covered the nine (9) pillars of the IR4.0. It has been receiving positive feedback from the teachers and students involved and more schools have requested to be part of the programme.

Supporting MOE’s aspiration for digital education transformation, YTM continues to spread the positive impact of TMFS in a more structured approach. Towards this end, the foundation has embarked on TM Future Skills Champion School (TMFS School) initiative, as a continuation of the TM School Adoption Programme with enhanced contents. TMFS Schools foster future digital skills by embracing digital technology in its classroom activities where leadership, design thinking and cognitive abilities were emphasised to prepare the students for future employment.

SMK Gunung Semanggol (SMKGS) in Perak, with more than 90% of its students from B40 families, was selected as the first TMFS School, aligned with YTM’s aspiration to assist B40 students in rural areas. To further facilitate the initiative, YTM is establishing TMFS Digital Hub at TMFS Schools where the schools will be equipped with a PocketLab, robotics set, 3D printer, smart TV, desktop, and digital learning content to gain more interest from its students as well as the neighbouring schools.

"SMK Gunung Semanggol was identified based on its active involvement in various STEM initiatives, including previous TMFS programmes. The school also has passionate and dedicated teachers, where they adopt integrated and innovative approach for more in-depth understanding of the modules among the students. With such exposure and capabilities, we are confident that SMK Gunung Semanggol is able to play the role as a hub to spread the digital technology knowledge to more students and teachers including at the five (5) neighbouring schools, and approximately over 20 secondary schools in the Kerian district," said Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM, during the launching ceremony of TMFS School in November 2022.

Throughout this three-year programme, YTM, together with its strategic partner, Creative Minds, will work with Multimedia University (MMU), Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM), TM Perak, and other YTM's partners to design and deliver engaging programmes providing the tools and support for students in rural schools to flourish.

"We are also happy to see that SMK Gunung Semanggol promotes the development of other skills, such as urban farming and entrepreneurship, to empower the local communities sustainably. So as we continue to identify more potential schools in more states of Malaysia, we hope this programme will unearth more talented students towards building a competitive and sustainable community in the future," she added.

Salmah Iman, the Principal of SMK Gunung Semanggol, expressed her enthusiasm, "We feel honoured and privileged to be chosen as the first TMFS School in the Northern Zone and Malaysia. We are excited and look forward to share the positive impact of this programme with the nearby schools. As we are committed to ensuring that this programme achieves its goals, we are also confident that YTM's support and assistance will help these students be prepared for future employment and enhance their standard of living."

At the event, Bakri Arsad, Chief Assistant Director of Mathematics and Science, Learning Sector, Perak State Education Department, said, "We welcome such initiatives through collaboration with the private sector, especially for rural schools that need exposure to digital technology. These programmes will inspire students to explore their potential beyond academics and increase the number of students choosing STEM-related fields."

During the launch, guests had the opportunity to visit the Pusat Sumber Sekolah Pendeta Za'aba and experience content and materials created by the students based on specific themes including unique handicrafts and martial arts performances. Guests toured the school's urban farm, where they sampled delicious cuisine prepared by students from the special education class using produce from the farm. SMK Gunung Semanggol provided a wonderful ambience of positive vibes that attract students' engagement and boosted their creativity.  

To date, STEM-related programmes by YTM, including TMFS, have benefited over 15,000 students and teachers from over 500 schools across the country. With the support and assistance of various interested partners, we hope this initiative will spark students' interest in pursuing their tertiary studies in technology and digital fields and equip the young generation with future-proof skills relevant to the future workforce.


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14 Dec 2022

Consolidation of TM’s business in Malaysia to strengthen fixed-mobile convergence leadership and improve operational efficiency

Consolidation of TM’s business in Malaysia to strengthen fixed-mobile convergence leadership and improve operational efficiency Article Header

Telekom Malaysia Berhad ("TM" or "the Group") today announced an internal reorganisation which involves the transfer of its business in Malaysia to a single operating entity named TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd ("TM Tech"). The internal reorganisation is anticipated to complete by 31 December 2023.

The reorganisation – which includes Unifi, TM One and TM Wholesale, among others – marks the next phase of the Group's transformation to be the enabler of a digital Malaysia, and to further improve its operational efficiencies, streamline processes and simplify customer touchpoints to provide a more seamless customer experience.

Incorporating its diverse businesses under TM Tech will also reinforce TM's Fixed-Mobile Convergence leadership, offering integrated fixed broadband, mobile services, data services, digital content and innovative solutions to communities, businesses and the Government.

Group CEO, Imri Mokhtar said, "As digital lifestyles, increasing competition and stakeholder expectations reshape the industry, consolidating these businesses into one operating entity will allow us to serve our diverse customer segments better and deliver their needs more quickly.

"Consolidating our suite of connectivity and digital offerings will also enable us to easily tap into the right combination of solutions to meet the unique needs of individual lifestyles and businesses."

"Furthermore, this reorganisation aligns us to industry best practices and will improve TM's competitive edge among Malaysian and international Telcos and digital players, as we continue to pursue our aspiration of becoming a leading human-centred TechCo," he added.

Under TM Tech, consumers will continue to enjoy the fastest and widest all-in-one connectivity and digital content. Enterprises and the public sector will also benefit from TM's digital and smart solutions, including cloud and data centres, cybersecurity and smart industry offerings. The operating entity will also continue to champion TM's nation-building efforts in expanding and modernising the country's fibre network, data centres and submarine cable systems.

TM Tech will be led by TM's existing senior management team and will bring together its diverse talents under a single company, encouraging greater agility and cross-functional collaboration to improve service quality.

Imri explained, "Our Warga TM will remain the execution engine for TM and the country's digital transformation. While our workforce will be realigned to this single operating entity, employee functions, entitlements and benefits will remain unchanged."

Similarly, all of TM's partnerships, vendor and service agreements will remain in effect.

Telekom Malaysia Berhad will now serve as an investment holding company for this operating entity, with all other subsidiaries within the Group to remain status quo.

"Beyond TM's own growth, this reorganisation strengthens our role in advancing the country's digital transformation and to serve our customers in a more cohesive manner. While it marks a new milestone in our continuous transformation, we remain anchored to our purpose of enabling digital inclusion, opportunities and progress for all," Imri concluded.​


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07 Dec 2022

TM One Smart Healthcare solutions to enhance digital patient experience at Ramsay Sime Darby Health Care

TM One Smart Healthcare solutions to enhance digital patient experience at Ramsay Sime Darby Health Care Article Header
TM One

Malaysia’s first healthcare provider to leverage TM One Smart Patient Suite solution

TM One, the enterprise and government sector solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), today inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ramsay Sime Darby Health Care (“RSDH”) to collaborate on Smart Healthcare and other business solutions for the RSDH group of hospitals.

The MoU was signed by Shazurawati Abd Karim, Executive Vice President of TM One, and Peter Hong, Group Chief Executive Officer, RSDH.

Aimed at improving patient experience and enabling innovative transformation for essential in-patient services, the collaboration marks the first in Malaysia to leverage TM One’s Smart Patient Suite solution, by harnessing the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide automation and surround control.

Shazurawati Abd Karim, Executive Vice President, TM One said, “We are honoured to be working with RSDH to serve as the enabler of their next advantage today and tomorrow, bringing Malaysian healthcare and digital progress for all. TM One’s Smart Patient Suite, under its Smart Healthcare solutions, enables users to customise their in-patient environment for a more positive patient care experience.”

Peter Hong, Group Chief Executive Officer, RSDH, said, "We are pleased to mark a milestone with this collaboration, as ParkCity Medical Centre will be the first hospital under the Group to pilot TM One’s Smart Patient Suite solution. Given the evolving nature of the healthcare system, we strive to continuously offer solutions that will elevate our patients' experiences by accommodating their needs through the adaptation of digital technology. Backed by TM One’s comprehensive digital support, we are confident that this will contribute to driving the evolution of Malaysia’s healthcare ecosystem moving forward.”

TM One is also looking into the co-creation of smart solutions that will offer predictive and preventive intervention, as well as improve monitoring and medication adherence. Wellness wearables, for example, will allow high-risk patients who have received care at medical facilities to transition as outpatients quicker and continue self-monitoring in the comfort of their homes, with healthcare professionals leveraging real-time analytics for patient care administration.

“Technology is reshaping the relationship between patients, healthcare providers, and the healthcare system, enabling us to move towards patient-centric, prevention-focused and outcome-driven healthcare. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), will empower healthcare providers with data and analytics to improve the quality of patient care while maximising operational efficiency,” added Shazurawati.

This two-year collaboration with RSDH follows the launch of TM One’s Sphere Programme, which brings together Malaysia’s leading technology and smart solution partners to create an ecosystem that will help springboard enterprise and government sector innovative transformation. Since its launch in October 2022, the alliance has registered close to 50 partners.

​“At TM One, we look forward to collaborating with partners to offer innovative healthcare solutions to the public. The digital transformation of enterprises and the government sector will change the way they serve today’s digitally-enabled customers and communities,” Shazurawati concluded.​


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