Why is my SUS invoice rejected and what should I do?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 11:02

Please refer to the reason below and the required action for your invoice resubmission:

  • Supplier request to Finance SSO to reject his/her SUS invoice (Resubmit correct invoice/supporting document)
  • Discrepence of Information beween SUS Invoice/Supplier Invoice/PO & Other Payment Supporting Documents (Resubmit the correct information align with the vendor invoice such as: 1. account number 2. amount)
  • Scanned documents submitted via SUS Portal not clear and legible (Resubmit the clear scan invoice/supporting document via SUS Portal)
  • Relevant documents are not certified and endorsed by TM personnel (Vendor/Supplier to obtain the endorsement from Authorised Personnel on relevant documents as prior submission via SUS Portal)
  • Scanned Supplier Invoice attached to SUS invoice not original (Resubmit complete document as per stated in the contract agreement and or as per requested)
  • Documents attached to SUS Invoice not completed as per mandatory supporting documents (Resubmit complete document as per stated in the contract agreement and or as per requested)
  • Supplier input information in SUS invoices incorrectly and not accordance to the Supplier Invoice or other payment supporting documents (Vendor to input correct information as per hardcopy invoice and resubmit)
  • System technical problem which resulted in wrong SUS invoice amount calculation (Please log your query to srm@tm.com.my)
  • Supplier combined multiple invoices in one PO which may cause system to bypass the invoice duplication checking (Resubmit only one invoice per submission)
Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Payment Processing

What happens if I attached incomplete supporting documents during invoice submission in the SUS Portal?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 11:02

The SUS invoice will be rejected in the SUS Portal and the status will be changed to "Cancelled by Customer". In addition, you can view the reason of rejection at “Customer Note” field.

Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Payment Processing

Can the same contract be assigned to more than one factoring company at any one time?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 11:02

At any time, only one contract is allowed to be assigned to one Factoring Company. Or you may stop the factoring arrangement with the existing Factoring Company and appoint other Factoring Company to finance the same contract.

Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Factoring/Deed of Assignment(DOA)

What happens if there is mismatch between information created in SUS invoice and hardcopy invoice especially on factoring arrangement?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 11:02

The claim will be rejected by TM and Supplier/vendor need to re-submit the invoice via SUS portal correctly as per required.

Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Factoring/Deed of Assignment(DOA)

What should I do during the submission of payment claim for factoring arrangement?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 11:02

Basic rule as per mentioned in the TM Deed of Assignment (DOA) letter, all invoices subject to factoring arrangement are required to be stamped as per format mentioned under Para 2. SUS portal will defaulted to the factoring bank and supplier/vendor is not allowed to change the bank info unless to cancel the factoring arrangement.

Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Factoring/Deed of Assignment(DOA)

If Factoring done on Contract level, does that mean that all payment under that contract is paid directly to the Factoring Company / Financial Institution?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 11:02

Yes, all payment tagged to that contract will be paid direct to the said Factoring Company / Financial Institution; without exception.

Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Factoring/Deed of Assignment(DOA)
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