How can we apply for factoring?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 11:02

You are required to submit the following documents:

  1. 5 copies of Deed of Assignment (DOA) letter as per TM format. Please request the template / format via Supplier Enquiry Form.
  2. Copy of Agreement between Factoring company and Supplier
  3. Copy of Contract or Letter Of Award (LOA) between TM and Supplier. Note: Supplier shall comply and submit the requirement ( Eg: Bank Guarantee/Performance Guarantee, Insurance or Osh Plan) to Project Manager/Contract Manager as stated in LOA before any DOA application.
  4. Copy of Purchase Order (if factoring on Purchase order level and not on Agreement/Contract level)
Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Factoring/Deed of Assignment(DOA)

How can I request for Manual Payment Advice?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 10:41

If you are a SUS Vendor, you can check your payment details by viewing the "Offline Report" in SUS Portal. For further enquiries, you need to lodge to Supplier Enquiry Form and provide relevant info for your request:

  • Vendor Number and Name
  • Supplier for which company: TM or TM Subsidiary (state exactly)
  • TT No. / Reference No.
  • Payment Date
  • Amount
  • Email address

If you are Non-SUS Vendor, please lodge your query and email to and provide relevant info:

  • Vendor Number and Name
  • Supplier for which company:  TM or TM Subsidiary (state exactly)
  • TT No. / Reference No.
  • Clearing Date
  • Estimated Payment Date based on Payment Term
Faq Category
Payment Related
FAQ Type
Payment Processing

Receipt of Payment - You will receive via email upon successful of payment

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 10:41
  • Tax invoice - You will receive the tax invoice via SUS portal within 24 hours upon successful of payment
  • Non-Solicitation Undertaking Letter - Please download from TM website under tender summary
  • Supplier Information form - Please download from TM website under tender summary
Faq Category
Supplier Self Service
FAQ Type
Online tender purchase

Receipt of Payment

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 10:41

Please submit the following documents to email address as stated in tender advertisement:

  • Tax invoice
  • Non-Solicitation Undertaking Letter
  • Supplier Information form
Faq Category
Supplier Self Service
FAQ Type
Online tender purchase

Supplier will receive receipt of payment through.

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 10:41

Supplier will receive tax invoice through email as per registered email in SUS Portal within 24 hours. Supplier is advice to update your profile through Supplier Enquiry Form at TM corporate website.

After payment has been made, supplier shall click button "Participate / Do Not Participate" in SUS Portal screen.

Faq Category
Supplier Self Service
FAQ Type
Online tender purchase
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