What if I'm not TM Registered Supplier? Can I participate and purchase the Tender Documents?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 10:41

For non-registered Supplier, Tender purchase can be made manually at following address in the form of Banker’s Cheque/Bank Draft/Money Order payable to Telekom Malaysia Berhad (128740-P)

Registration Counter,
Telekom Malaysia Berhad,
Level 4 (North Wing), Menara TM,
Jalan Pantai Baharu,
50672 Kuala Lumpur.

Nevertheless, Tenderer are encouraged to register as TM Registered Vendor which can be made via the following website.

Faq Category
Supplier Self Service
FAQ Type
Online tender purchase

Can I view the Tender Document before purchase?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 10:40

Summary of tender requirement and eligible criteria to participate in tender can be viewed via TM Website. However, the Tender Documents is available at the following address for review prior to purchase:

Registration Counter,
Telekom Malaysia Berhad,
Level 4 (North Wing), Menara TM,
Jalan Pantai Baharu,
50672 Kuala Lumpur.

Faq Category
Supplier Self Service
FAQ Type
Online tender purchase
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