TM cautions public on scam emails misusing the company’s name

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to highlight that there is a scam email being circulated that claims to be from the company notifying customers that they are a winner of cash prizes under a programme called “Bonus Hadiah Keluarga TM”. The message then requests for the recipients to provide their personal details to enable them to claim the cash prize.

We would like to clarify that these emails were not issued by TM, and we strongly advise the public to ignore it.

TM confirms that it DOES NOT run any family gift bonus, lucky draw, lottery or other enticing, suspicious programmes that requires recipients’ personal details to claim any prizes. Messages sent using such modus operandi are clear signs of a fraudulent scam. We urge all members of the public who receive such messages to ignore them and we caution everyone to NEITHER REPLY NOR PROVIDE ANY PERSONAL DETAILS.

We would also like to take this opportunity to advise all Internet users to be ever mindful and cautious if they ever receive such messages from suspicious e-mail addresses or unknown phone numbers. TM also urges members of the public who receive calls, e-mails, or messages via SMS from unknown, suspicious individuals to immediately refer the matter to the relevant authorities, or contact the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997. As an added precaution, they may also check with the relevant organisations before participating in any contest or reward programme.

At TM, the safety and security of our customers remain the highest priority and we strongly condemn such unscrupulous activities. Furthermore, any misuse of TM’s name and logo is a serious offence and may result in prosecution.

If you have received suspicious emails or calls from companies that claim to act on behalf of or are representatives of TM, customers are advised to contact us via the below digital channels for clarification.

▪ Live Chat with TM via the myunifi app

▪ unifi self-help portal at 

▪ Facebook at 

▪ Twitter at @helpmeunifi


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