What are the most common reasons for rejection of new or renewal of Supplier Registration Form (Terms & condition of approval)?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 11/29/2022 - 00:46

The approval of the application will be based on the information that is given by the Supplier. The Supplier must ensure that the following are met:

  1. An official or corporate e-mail has been provided
  2. A registered office and/or legal operation
  3. Permanent employee(s) with monthly contribution to EPF (Employee Providence Fund)
  4. An active bank account
  5. Company is existing and not having dissolved or winding-up status with SSM or respective country's company registrar
  6. Business is active and not having expired or terminated status with SSM

Notification on any change of company’s address and/or phone/fax number must be made within 21 days from the date of the change. The supplier must ensure that the industrial sector that wants to register is not the same as the industrial sector that has been approved by any of the categories below :

  1. Holding company, parent and subsidiary company are not allowed to register under the same Product Category.
  2. Two (2) or more different companies doing the same activity in the same premise is not allowed to register under the same Product Category.
  3. One same equity owner in two (2) or more companies is not allowed to register under the same Product Category.
  4. wo (2) or more companies that have the same Owner, Director or Management is not allowed to register under the same Product Category.

Should TM discover that the information given is falsified, TM will cancel the registration without giving the Supplier any prior notice.

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How will I know that my registration is approved?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 11/29/2022 - 00:46

TM will send two (2) separate e-mails to notify that your application has been approved. The first e-mail will provide you your temporary user ID for your company, and the second e-mail will have your temporary password for your login process. It is stressed here that the function of establishing your official corporate e-mail address is vital towards ensuring that only those authorized personnel in your company gets the System Administrator role, who will be receiving the user ID and password.

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What if my company doesn’t have any official or corporate e-mail?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 11/29/2022 - 00:46

It is crucial that an official or corporate e-mail address is established between TM and Supplier as this is the main channel to send 2 separate e-mails on:

  1. User ID for Supplier to login to SRM SUS (Supplier Self Service) Portal​
  2. Password for SRM SUS Portal login.

If a prospect supplier does not have any official or corporate e-mail address, the registration process cannot be completed. It is also acceptable if a company use free email provider as their official email.

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Is there any limitation for registration of Procuct Categories?

Submitted by tmadmin on Tue, 11/29/2022 - 00:45

Maximum 30 (thirty) Product Categories can be selected. The Product Categories chosen by the supplier must be commensurate with the nature of business, supply/work experiences, PKK/CIDB certificate and/or MOF registration as attached in the supporting documents.

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How do I register?

Submitted by tmadmin on Thu, 11/24/2022 - 11:51

The basic steps for online registration are:

  1. Head to Registration
  2. Complete the online registration form (please keep in mind that the maximum size for file upload is 10MB) 
  3. Click the submit button 

Please refer to the ROS User Guide for more in-depth information.


Note: The ROS screen (Registration) will time out if left idle for more than an hour. The suppliers are advised to undergo the online registration process in one go to avoid any interruptions

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Who can register as a TM supplier?

Submitted by tmadmin on Thu, 11/24/2022 - 11:49

The following entities are allowed to be registered as a supplier with TM:

  1. Sole proprietorship 
  2. Registered Consortium 
  3. Partnership including LLP 
  4. Enterprise 
  5. Companies (Private & Public Limited) that are registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia 
  6. Government Agencies 
  7. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) 
  8. Local Councils 
  9. Professional Firms/Bodies eg. Legal Firms, Accountants & Engineers 
  10. Universities 
  11. Foreign registered companies 

Note: The minimum paid-up capital for Sdn Bhd company must be at least RM10,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Ten Thousand).

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