Discontinuation of DNS IP​

Dear Valued C​ustomers,

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to inform that its previous Domain Name System (DNS) with IP address will be discontinued in stages starting 1st October 2019.

Customers who have manually set their DNS to may face difficulty in accessing the Internet. Therefore, we would like to advise our customers to set your DNS to "auto-assign" to ensure uninterrupted experience.

Please refer to your device's instruction manual for steps on how to configure your DNS. Click here​ for the link to the digital device instruction manual.

We thank you for your continuous support towards TM's products and services.

For any enquiries, unifi customers can reach us via Live Chat at care@unifi app or unifi.com.my/chat​, tweet us @helpmeunifi​ or message us at facebook.com/weareunifi​.

For TM ONE customers, please refer to your respective Account Manager / Client Manager.

Thank you.​​


Discontinuation of Autopay or unifi, Streamyx and Telephony terminated account

Dear Valued Customers,

TM is in the midst of cleaning up our database, which includes discontinuation of Autopay monthly instructions for unifi, Streamyx and Telephony accounts that have been terminated. Rest assured that the activity will not impact your active services. 

For further enquiry, chat with us at unifi.com.my or via myunifi app.

Thank you


Statement from TM on access to gaming servers

Dear Valued Customers,

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) would like to bring your attention to the recent concerns raised by some of Malaysian internet users, particularly gamers, regarding difficulties to access several gaming servers such as EA, Ubisoft and PlayStation Network (PSN).​

We wish to clarify that Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) does not block gaming servers as we fully understand that in the current digital lifestyle, video games and e-sports plays a big part for a lot of people, including us!

In addition, we have conducted a thorough investigation on the matter and we have also contacted the respective server providers. It was revealed that the issue affected not only unifi users, but also gamers on other networks in Malaysia and around the world, thus the difficulties faced were not related to TM's network.

There are many scenarios which may affect users' accessibility to game servers which include multiple logins and wrong logins attempts just to name a few. We would like to recommend that users reach out to the respective server provider directly to check if there are issues with their login ID or if there are any configuration steps that they might need to check in order to resolve the issue.

Users can also head over to the unifi community for assistance on their service issues. We have an active community of unifi users that help each other. The unifi community is the best place to find like-minded users that may have encountered a similar problem and have found a solution for it. Users having problems with their PSN Network Address Translation (NAT) configuration found that the solution offered here (https://community.unifi.com.my/t5/unifi-mobile/NAT-TYPE/td-p/11810) help solved their issue.

Rest assured, TM continues to ensure the best gaming experience for online gamers with our extensive network with the widest connectivity and convergence network infrastructure. This is backed by multiple direct peering connections, 12 data centres, 20 submarine cables spanning the globe, over 560,000 km fibre optic cables domestically and internationally. On top of that, our state-of-the-art network operations centre proactively monitors our network and continuously optimises data routes to mitigate and eliminate congestions to further enhance the overall experience of Malaysia's digital users including avid gaming community.

Thank you


​Restoration of international capacity lost we​ll ahead of targeted timeline

Fully Mitigated Impact of APCN2 Submar​ine Cable Fault Via Alternate Routes

Dear Valued Customers,

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to update that it has restored the international capacity lost on the Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN2) cable fault, and has managed to fully reroute and optimised traffic via alternate international link routes. This is well ahead of the targeted timeline; originally estimated by 20 April 2020.

Fine tuning of the network is currently ongoing and we will continue to monitor our network performance together with our consortium partners in other countries. We would like to reiterate that the impact to customers was minimal due to proactive rerouting of traffic to alternative routes and other actions taken whilst restoration works by consortium partners are underway. We are now pleased to update that data connectivity to sites and servers hosted in Hong Kong and the US are now fully optimised for your enjoyment.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused and would like to thank you for your understanding and patience during the affected period.

In the meantime, our support team is readily available and, as always, customers can reach out to us for enquiries and assistance via our multiple customer service channels. We will continually monitor for developments on the ongoing situation and adapt ours services to help customers, whenever needed.

​Thank you​


TM takes proactive measures ahead of maintenance works by the consortium for Asia-America Gateway (AAG) to minimise disrupt

Proactive traffic optimisation and diversion to alternative routes to mitigate impact

The consortium of operators which maintains the Asia-America Gateway (AAG) submarine cable system will be performing planned preventive maintenance works between 17 to 21 April 2020 for the submarine cable system at Segment 1i, between Vung Tau (Vietnam) to Lantau, Hong Kong connecting Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Asia Pacific; including Malaysia to Hong Kong and United States of America (U.S.). The consortium needs to execute this preventive maintenance work to avoid any potential future breakdown.​

AAG provides international connectivity to some internet-based services such as video conferencing (e.g. Zoom), gaming that rides on Valve (e.g. Roblox & Blizzard), Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Instant Messaging (e.g. Jabber and Wechat) as well as any applications hosted in Hong Kong and the U.S. This maintenance exercise may cause some degree of service degradation for internet users of these services in Malaysia and in the region. For other users and services, the internet experience is largely unaffected by this cable works.

To mitigate this, ahead of the maintenance exercise, TM has taken proactive steps to optimise traffic on our networks to reduce congestion by diverting the traffic to alternative routes and other actions to minimise the impact to our users. ​

TM would like to reiterate that it has a vast and diverse network connectivity worldwide that is sufficient to continuously support any sudden spike in demand for internet bandwidth. This has enabled us to ensure the functioning of our network infrastructure, having it always-on and available to customers to ensure seamless and uninterrupted connectivity.

TM wishes to highlight that due to the Movement Control Order (MCO), most people are currently confined at home and this is resulting in a more than 30% increase in usage trending. Of this, the increase of international link traffic is only 5% and the TM network is still capable to serve popular apps or content with acceptable user experience.

Meanwhile, TM's existing partnerships with the world's technology giants and soc​ial networks in localising Internet content has resulted in only 20% of internet traffic going truly international mainly for streaming, online games and tele-conferencing. This has resulted in minimal impact of any cable fault or works to internet users in Malaysia.

TM is also committed to ensure its core network and fibre optic infrastructure are capable to support any sudden increase in bandwidth requirement for the industry to ensure that their services to the end users are not interrupted. The Company has ample backhaul capacity that can be upgraded to cater for the spikes in data usage of the industry and mobile users.

In the meantime, the support team is readily available and, as always, customers can reach out to TM for enquiries and assistance via its multiple customer service channels. TM will continually monitor for developments on the ongoing situation and adapt its services to help customers, whenever needed.


TM scam alerts

Stay alert against scammers who are trying to impersonate as individuals from TM.


















Waspada penipuan melalui akaun WhatsApp​​​


Baru-baru ini, kerap dilaporkan tentang penipuan melalui WhatsApp. Sehubungan itu, Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) ingin menasihatkan orang ramai agar berwaspada dengan taktik penipuan yang bertujuan mengambil alih akaun WhatsApp pengguna. Taktik ini menggunakan pelbagai helah bagi memperdaya pengguna supaya menyerahkan kod pengesahan 6-digit yang diterima daripada pihak WhatsApp.​

Kod pengesahan tersebut amnya diterima oleh pengguna untuk tujuan pengesahan apabila berlaku cubaan pertukaran nombor telefon yang dikaitkan dengan sesuatu akaun WhatsApp. Pengguna yang terpedaya menyerahkan kod pengesahan tersebut boleh menyebabkan akaun WhatsApp mereka diambil alih oleh scammer.

Pautan rujukan:



MCMC mengesan beberapa helah dan modus operandi yang digunakan seperti berikut:

1) Scammer menyamar sebagai rakan atau ahli keluarga dengan menggunakan akaun WhatsApp (milik rakan atau ahli keluarga) yang telah berjaya diambil alih sebelum ini; dan seterusnya merayu bantuan pengguna untuk menyerahkan kod pengesahan 6-digit yang diterima.

2) Scammer menyamar sebagai kakitangan WhatsApp dan meminta pengguna menyerahkan kod pengesahan 6-digit yang diterima.

3) Scammer sengaja membuat beberapa cubaan pengesahan yang gagal. Lantaran itu, sistem WhatsApp akan seterusnya membuat panggilan automatik ke nombor pengguna untuk memaklumkan kod pengesahan.

a) Scammer kemudiannya melakukan penyamaran dan berhubung dengan pengguna untuk mendapatkan kod berkenaan;


b) Sekiranya pengguna tidak menjawab panggilan automatik daripada WhatsApp dan ianya masuk ke peti mesej suara pengguna; scammer akan cuba meneka (melalui proses cubaan rambang) atau meminta kata laluan atau PIN peti mesej suara pengguna, untuk mengakses rakaman tersebut.

Sehubungan itu, para pengguna adalah diingatkan agar:

1) Berwaspada terhadap permintaan kod pengesahan 6-digit WhatsApp daripada mana-mana pihak berikut:

- mesej orang yang dikenali (seperti rakan atau ahli keluarga);

- mesej atau panggilan orang yang tidak dikenali; atau

- pihak yang mengaku sebagai kakitangan WhatsApp, serta lain-lain pihak termasuklah pihak berkuasa.

2) Tidak sama sekali menyerahkan kod pengesahan 6-digit WhatsApp kepada mana-mana pihak.

3) Melindungi akaun WhatsApp dengan pengesahan dua langkah (two-step verification). Ikuti aturan tetapan WhatsApp Settings > Account >Two-step verification >Enable, dan turuti arahan yang disediakan.

(Pautan rujukan: https://faq.whatsapp.com/general/verification/howto-manage-two-step-verification-settings/​).

4) Tidak sama sekali menyerahkan kata laluan atau PIN bagi peti mesej suara kepada mana-mana pihak.

5) Memastikan kata laluan atau PIN peti suara adalah rumit dan sukar untuk diteka.

Pengguna yang telah menjadi mangsa pengambilalihan akaun WhatsApp adalah disaran untuk mengikut langkah-langkah seperti di pautan berikut untuk mengambil alih semula akaun WhatsApp yang dirampas.

(Pautan rujukan: https://faq.whatsapp.com/general/account-andprofile/stolen-accounts/).

Bagi melindungi diri daripada sebarang kemungkinan perbuatan jenayah, pengguna yang menjadi mangsa boleh membuat aduan dan laporan berhubung pencerobohan atau pengambilalihan akaun WhatsApp kepada balai polis berhampiran atau kepada MCMC menerusi saluran berikut:

Portal Aduan MCMC: https://aduan.skmm.gov.my

E-mel: aduanskmm@mcmc.gov.my

WhatsApp: 016 – 220 6262

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