30 May 2023


TM Research and Development

Telekom Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), the innovation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wins the “Digital-Utilities” Award for its smart workforce management solution known as FORCE at the recent Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2023 (MTEA), organised by the Asian Business Review.


This is the seventh award received by TM R&D from MTEA in the last five years, spotlighting its role in accelerating the use of advanced technology and mobile-first approach to spearhead industrial productivity and operational efficiencies as Malaysia transitions into a digital economy.


Through cross learnings from deployment within the TM ecosystem, TM R&D’s advanced analytics software in the FORCE platform measures and reports business performance metrics in real-time. This enables fast-paced businesses to make precise data-driven decisions to improve complex tasks scheduling of large fieldwork teams across geographies that in turn, significantly ease resource planning and operational costs.


Commenting on the achievement, Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM R&D said, “In promoting growth mindsets through innovation and capacity-building, TM R&D has been consistently recognised for advancing tech solutions to meet fast-evolving digital needs of today’s competitive businesses. Our work in R&D is helping companies in the region adopt automation and digital solutions in improving workforce productivity and efficiency which translates into reducing cost of doing business.”


“FORCE provides operational efficiencies and first-class customer experience by automating day-to-day tasks of large field teams. It proves to be an indispensable tool not only for its ability to automate functions of a workforce but also in enabling seamless execution of digital solutions. Today, FORCE can be effectively deployed in key sectors such as the Water and Utility Industry, IT Services, Public Services, Manufacturing, Hospitality and Plantation Management,” added Dr. Sharlene.


The workforce management solution is designed to enable the adoption of digitalisation progressively within the organisation’s own growth strategy, allowing it to rapidly reap benefits with minimal costs. Dr. Sharlene concluded, “Winning this award inspires us to create smarter digital solutions in line with TM’s transformation towards becoming a human-centred TechCo and enabling a more Digital Malaysia.”


For more information about TM R&D and its innovations, visit www.tmrnd.com.my or email your inquiry to business@tmrnd.com.my  or follow them on LinkedIn (TM Research & Development) for more news and updates.



17 Mar 2022
Statement from TM on Government's decision to retain Single Wholesale Network (SWN) for 5G

1. TM welcomes and supports the Government's decision to continue with the Single Wholesale Network (SWN) model for the deployment of 5G in the country. We believe this reflects the national aspiration for an inclusive digital Malaysia. 2. The SWN model reflects the shared responsibility to meet the collective objectives of 5G for Malaysia: Telcos to focus on investing and developing innovative 5G products and solutions for end customers. DNB shall focus on network-build towards faster rollout of coverage and capacity in a cost efficient manner. TM will continue to provide the fiber backhaul as committed in the signing of the agreement with DNB on 16 Dec 2021. This is another example of public-private partnership in the rollout of critical telecommunications infrastructure to boost economic development and enhance the well-being of Keluarga Malaysia. 3. We look forward to rolling out 5G-enabled products and solutions to our unifi and TM ONE customers. As such, we are currently undertaking internal customer and network trials to bring an improved convergence proposition of fiber plus 5G services to our unifi and TM ONE customers. This is subject to finalising our wholesale agreement with the DNB.

16 Jun 2021
TM lauds the government’s national recovery plan; stays committed to serve customers

Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) lauds the Government on the announcement of the National Recovery Plan which outlines the four-phase exit strategy and conditions for Malaysia to overcome the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. TM is fully supportive of the recovery plan that is anchored on three conditions – the number of daily cases reported, the medical healthcare capacity (ICU) and the national vaccination rate. Commenting on the announcement, Imri Mokhtar, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, TM said: "We welcome the clarity provided by the Government on the National Recovery Plan. It is indeed a necessary response to the serious economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic. We hope that through the effective implementation of this plan, the nation will be able to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic to a reasonable level of normality by year end, revive the economy and place the country on a new growth trajectory." "TM as an essential services provider continues to ensure Malaysians remain connected in the safety of their homes and that all our customer support services remain in operation throughout each phase of the recovery plan. As the enabler of Digital Malaysia, TM is committed to playing our part to support all our customer segments across homes, businesses, industry as well as the public sector with connectivity and digital infrastructure and solutions towards economic recovery. All of us at TM pray for the safety and health of all Malaysians nationwide; stay safe and ensure that we get vaccinated - together may we return stronger," he concluded. TM is taking proactive measures in its operations to ensure homes and businesses stay connected; strictly adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and guidelines set by the National Security Council (MKN). TMpoint outlets and key partner stores are open for service applications and essential transactions subject to government and local authority regulations. Service installation and restoration activities remain available for customers with SOPs in place to ensure the safety of both TM personnel and its customers. TM customer care lines remain open. Additionally, customers are encouraged to utilise our 24/7 self-serve digital platforms for service registration, service diagnostics, account-related enquiries as well as payment. TM supports the National Immunisation Programme and encourages Malaysians to register for vaccination to ensure the country can achieve herd immunity. TM also runs its own internal vaccination drive and thus far, 65% of Warga TM has registered. TM will also be running an internal campaign to rally its TM Volunteers by participating in the Malaysia Vaccine Support Volunteers (MyVAC) programme for The Special Committee On COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) to assist with the vaccination process at Vaccine Delivery Center (PPV) locations across the country. TM is also offering its suitable venues nationwide for PPV, drive through and mobile unit stations. Today, its Multimedia University Melaka campus begins its operations as a PPV facility for JKJAV. TM also connects PPVs nationwide with internet access services to enable the frontliners, medical teams, volunteers as well as members of the public to stay connected during the vaccination process. More than RM8.0 million has been channeled for nation building initiatives to date; in terms of medical and non-medical humanitarian aid for communities in need during the pandemic. Most recently, TM has also set up Tabung Solidarity COVID-19 TM as a continuation of the employee donation drive last year, which has already raised and disbursed RM800,000 to various causes. Thus far, TM Board members and Warga TM have pledged another RM600,000 for the fund through voluntary salary and allowance deduction. The contribution is matched by the company to total RM1.2 million to date. The donation will be channelled to the government's Akaun Amanah Bencana. TM also continues to support the nation and communities in need through connectivity initiatives such as Jaringan Prihatin, CERDIK and MYBAIKHATI. TM reiterates its commitment to ensure the safety and health of customers and Warga TM with special working arrangements implemented and enhanced SOPs towards business and customer service continuity. The Company will continually monitor for developments on the ongoing situation, adhere to the SOPs under the specific phases detailed out by MKN and adapt its services to help customers, whenever needed as the safety of its employees and members of the public are of paramount importance.

07 Sep 2022
Yayasan TM issues two requests for proposal (RFP) for Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur Transformation Plan 2022 - 2024; seeks interested parties to apply

Request For Proposal (RFP) On Food And Beverage (F&B) Operator At Muzium Telekom, Kuala Lumpur Yayasan TM (YTM), the foundation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), today has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking multiple partner organisations to be part of Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur Transformation Plan 2022 - 2024. YTM launched The Muzium Telekom Transformation Plan with the objective to placemake the 94-year-old heritage building as an engaging public space, for education, entertainment and monetisation opportunities. "We are calling on many experts and practitioners to join forces with us in the spirit of collaboration and creativity, to curate programmes, services, activities or events that can help us to reimagine and transform Muzium Telekom as a placemaking public venue that is vibrant, educational and inclusive to everyone," said Izlyn Ramli, Director of Yayasan TM. "As the economy has opened up, public spaces and museums are seeing an increasing number of visitors looking for iconic venues and engaging activities. Muzium Telekom's differentiation is through the marriage of technology and arts, where digitalisation plays a significant role, in line with our TM Group vision as a human-centred tech company and the enabler of Digital Malaysia.  YTM will continue its ongoing mission to preserve and celebrate the nation's arts, culture & heritage, as well as supporting community sustainable livelihoods by placemaking Muzium Telekom into an engaging public digital arts space with future-forward immersive museums' exhibits and various community and micro-SME (such as retail and F&B) programmes," she added. Since 1994, Muzium Telekom also known as Muzium Telekomunikasi Negara, has been showcasing the history and evolution of telecommunications in Malaysia. Befitting the times, YTM aims to reinvigorate this beautiful historic building as an engaging hub that connect the dots across the many facets within the TM Group and beyond, to include the industry and overall ecosystem. Within TM Group, it aims to showcase talents from Multimedia University (MMU) students, alumni and faculty in digital, creative and cinematic arts as well as TM's heritage and innovation in telecommunications. Concurrently, this is extended to the rich ecosystem of collaboration partners in the same fields. In 2018, YTM launched the Telegraph Museum, Taiping graced by HRH the Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah. This unique and niche museum features the history of the country's telegraph communications system including its maiden breakthrough in Taiping, Perak and how technology has contributed to the development of the nation. Both Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur and Telegraph Museum Taiping aim to be key resources for students, researchers and the communities to deepen their understanding on the complex telecommunications industry and how it has contributed to both nationbuilding and the world telecommunication history. YTM is calling for interested parties to participate in two (2) RFPs issued earlier. Details are as follows: 1)    Request For Proposal (RFP) On Food And Beverage (F&B) Operator At Muzium Telekom, Kuala Lumpur YTM is seeking F&B companies who are capable to manage end-to-end F&B outlets' operations at Muzium Telekom KL. The scope will be covering F&B outlets' concept (inclusive design & build), compliance to heritage building guidelines, F&B business model and operations. There are TWO (2) F&B outlets available at Muzium Telekom whereby the interested party can choose to operate F&B outlet 1 that is located at the corner lot in the front of main road or/and F&B outlet 2 which located in the courtyard of museum. These share a common kitchen located next to outlet 2. 2)    Request Of Proposal (RFP) For The Appointment Of Museum Operator (Service Provider) For Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur And Telegraph Museum Taiping YTM is seeking proposals from firms / consortiums or  interested  qualified parties with experience in the museums / galleries / arts and culture / tourism or  related  experience industries  to  be  The  Museum  Operator  (Service  Provider)  for  Muzium  Telekom  Kuala  Lumpur  and  Telegraph  Museum  Taiping;  and  implement  The  Muzium   Telekom   Transformation Plan 2022-2024  By the year 2024, YTM hopes to complete the new museum experience built on the theme of "Art & Technology: Future Forward", providing access to a variety of experiences that educate, inspire and engage the public with telecommunication technologies and innovations. The new Muzium Telekom will unveil more than 27,000 sq ft of completely reimagined spaces, including its National Telecommunication Gallery, Digital Art Gallery, Museum Black Box Theater, Museum Cafe & Restaurant, Kids Discovery, Thematic Exhibition Rooms and many more. The RFPs can be downloaded at https://bit.ly/museumoperator or https://bit.ly/RFPmuseumcafe. The deadline for submitting proposals for Food And Beverage (F&B) Operator is 16 September 2022 and Museum Operator (Service Provider) For Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur And Telegraph Museum Taiping is 20 September 2022. YTM looks forward to all proposals and wishes participants all the very best in making these aspirations a reality for the community and the city.


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