30 Mar 2021

Business going digital: unifi kicks off its business webinar series for 2021 with reboot 5.0

Business going digital: unifi kicks off its business webinar series for 2021 with reboot 5.0 Article Header

unifi Business Club (uBC) kick off its 2021 webinar series with REBOOT 5.0, focusing on how businesses could build and retain customer loyalty in this digital age

unifi continues its efforts in empowering Malaysian SMEs through complete business solutions, helping them to become sustainably-ready and economically-resilient. With that, unifi aims to enable the digital transformation of SMEs with not just products and solutions but also support programmes.

Today, unifi, via its one-stop business community for SME, unifi Business Club (uBC), organised REBOOT 5.0, which focuses on how businesses could build and retain customer loyalty during these times of adversity. Ignatius Ong, Chief Executive Officer of Touch & Go DigitalKhalil Jaffri Muhammad Muri, Head of Retail Business Division of Petronas Dagangan, and Khaidhir Elias, Value Program Lead of unifi SME, shared their point of views and insights on enhanced customer loyalty for the digital future.

Speaking at the event, Khaidhir said: "As the leading telecommunications service provider for Malaysian SMEs, unifi continues to organise programmes such as business webinars which are very relevant in today's landscape towards accelerating digital economy. This REBOOT 5.0 webinar series is a not to be missed online event, specially organised for our business customers. This is part of our commitment to facilitate the digital adoption and digitalisation of our business customers towards accelerating their growth. More programmes by uBC are in the pipeline, so stay tuned!"

"Through uBC, unifi supports local SMEs by equipping them with the right skills and knowledge in ensuring business owners stay ahead of the competition in this digital age. This is in line with the unique role of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) as the enabler of Digital Malaysia and in support of the Government's nation-building initiative including MyDIGITAL," he added.

uBC acts as a one-stop business community for all SME needs to grow digitally. The community provides practical solutions and support, connects SMEs to various business associations and supporting agencies to enable them to grow and realise their full potential. Serving close to 400,000 businesses of all industries and sizes, unifi also provides value-added solutions offerings by leading industry experts to uBC members through various upskilling and reskilling avenues, to help them adopt digital tools with ease.

Among these learning avenues for SMEs are the free live webinar series, Sembang Business and REBOOT sessions. Sembang Bisnes is a live Q&A and sharing session with reputable SME entrepreneurs, while REBOOT is a dedicated webinar session with industry experts, aimed at helping uBC members and SMEs gain business knowledge. Both are conducted live via unifi Business Club various social media accounts. Through its strong partnerships, unifi gathers industry leaders to discuss the current economic landscape, business-related queries and share valuable advice with the audience. Past sessions featured notable representatives from MDEC, SME Bank, KryptoPOS, enginemailer, TM Info Media Sdn Bhd (TMIM) and Digital Marketing Consultancy (DMC).

To tune in to the upcoming free live webinars and learn more about how to stay ahead in the market with unifi, visit unifi Business Club Facebook page at www.facebook.com/unifibusinessclub.


12 Jul 2018
unifi unveils broadband and mobile plans with value for everyone towards boosting Malaysia’s global competitiveness

Upgrades Existing unifi Customers to speeds of up to 800Mbps; Introduces Affordable unifi Basic Plan of 30Mbps for Targeted Households; Upgrades Existing Streamyx Customers to unifi or Double Existing Speed; Reinstates Unlimited unifi Mobile Postpaid unifi, the premier Convergence brand under Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today raises the bar for Malaysia’s high-speed broadband service with the unveiling of its new plans. unifi today announced upgrade plans for existing unifi Home customers to up to 800Mbps, with upgrade plans for new sign-ups scheduled for early next year. Also announced is an affordable 30Mbps broadband-only unifi plan exclusive for households with income of less than RM4,500 per month. Included also are upgrade plans for Streamyx (pre-unifi) customers to unifi in coverage areas or double the speed in non-coverage areas and the popular unlimited unifi Mobile postpaid plan, exclusive for its broadband customers. Datuk Bazlan Osman, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer, TM said, “Today’s announcement marks another milestone for TM, as Malaysia’s Convergence Champion. We are proud of our unique role as Malaysia’s nation-building partner, and our stewardship in increasing and improving access to ensure all Malaysians are able to enjoy the benefits of broadband, mobile, WiFi and content. In moving towards a digital and creative-led economy, it is imperative that Malaysia scales up to higher broadband speeds to enable the endless possibilities that technology - and a digital lifestyle - can bring. We will lead the charge to realise the digital economy and accelerating digital-led innovation with what we do best - providing the best high speed broadband services at affordable prices and best value  in the country. TM is set to turbo-boost Malaysia’s regional broadband standing starting 15 August 2018 when existing unifi Home customers enjoying broadband, phone and content services will be upgraded in phases up to 10 times the current broadband speed at the same monthly subscription. For example, an existing 30Mbps unifi Home customer will be upgraded up to 300Mbps whilst a 100Mbps unifi Home customer will be upgraded up to 800Mbps. Customers who have yet to sign up as a unifi Home customer are encouraged to subscribe to any existing unifi plan before 31 December 2018 to enjoy the speed upgrade in phases beginning 2019. Not yet unifi customers are encouraged to sign-up to existing plan via unifi.com.my for a hassle-free and faster service. unifi Basic, exclusive for households with income of RM4,500 and below, is a broadband-only plan at 30Mbps with a 60GB monthly usage quota, offering greater affordability at RM79 per month - more than 50% lower than the current 30Mbps unifi Home plan. unifi Basic is available exclusively online at unifi.com.my/unifi-basic and will be available starting 15 August 2018. Pre-orders open from 15 July 2018. Another affordable broadband offering already available today is unifi Wireless broadband at RM79 per month, for customers looking for a hassle-free home broadband.  Imri Mokhtar, Executive Vice President, unifi said, “We are committed to serving all our broadband customers better, including our loyal and patient Streamyx customers who are asking for a faster broadband service. Part of our ongoing broadband improvement initiative is to upgrade more than 340,000 Streamyx customers located in unifi coverage areas to unifi. For Streamyx customers who are currently not in a unifi area, we are committed to continuously invest in the best of both fixed and wireless technologies to bring them high speed broadband. In the meantime, we shall double the Streamyx speed they are subscribing to today. More than 350,000 Streamyx customers are expected to enjoy faster broadband very soon.” “Though the broadband plans unveiled today are primarily for home customers, we certainly have not forgotten our SME customers. Exciting plans will be announced soon for all our SME customers nationwide,” added Imri. In addition to the various broadband plans, the unlimited unifi Mobile postpaid plan promises a peace of mind experience with its calls, data connectivity and messaging at a promotional price of RM99 per month. This plan will be available from 15 July 2018 exclusive for its existing broadband customers – both, unifi and Streamyx customers. “These new plans mark our commitment to bring better affordability/price – speed – coverage for all Malaysians to enjoy a seamless digital experience with unifi. We expect the new broadband plans to place Malaysia alongside the top broadband nations in the region. At TM, we remain steadfast to our Convergence and Digital strategic thrusts to be the enabler and premier solutions provider in Malaysia’s digital and creative-led economy”, said Datuk Bazlan in his closing.

02 Nov 2020
MDEC and TM work together to deliver greater reach and impact to Malaysians in the digital economy

Both parties are collaborating on four (4) key areas of Digitally Empowered Businesses; Rural Digital Economy; Digitally Skilled Malaysians; and Digital Advocacy and Community Engagement. ​​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) today announced a collaboration in the joint effort to further strengthen the digital readiness of Malaysia, towards realising its Digital Nation aspirations. The collaboration encompasses four (4) key areas namely, to digitally empower Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs); to bolster rural digital economy; to empower Malaysians with digital skills; and to leverage on each other's strengths in running digital advocacy and community engagement programmes. More significantly, it brings the two national organisations, MDEC and TM, together moving in tandem towards delivering greater digital reach and economic impact for the shared prosperity of all Malaysians. Under the MoU, TM and MDEC will work together in matching, introducing and connecting TM with MDEC's MSME ecosystem and established partners such as Perkhidmatan eDagang Setempat (PeDAS) programme, Pusat Internet Desa (PID) and Digital Xceleration (DX), as well as TM's MSME customers to offer products and solutions in TM's identified technology pillars towards further empowering the SME fraternity. This will pave the way towards producing business and technology savvy entrepreneurs, MSMEs who will then drive economic growth. Towards empowering the rural digital economy, both organisations will explore the initiatives to further expand connectivity infrastructure that in turn, can help enable mentoring and coaching to communities on how to increase the utilisation of emerging technology to improve business operations. Both parties will also look into organising training and workshops to enhance the digital skills and competencies of identified communities as well as TM employees, while at the same time building competent graduates to increase their employability. This includes promoting the awareness on 4th Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) related skills to teachers, students and youth to equip them for the digital era. Commenting on the collaboration, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohd Bakke Salleh, Chairman of TM said: "We are excited and thrilled to join hands with MDEC in this milestone effort. Both national organisations will explore common ground and embark on the best initiatives towards establishing a solid foundation for the country's Digital Economy and to elevate Malaysia into a Digital Nation. This is also in line with TM's aspirations and unique role as the enabler of Digital Malaysia." "What TM will bring to the table are our comprehensive infrastructure as well as our capabilities to reach out to not only our wide customer base but to more Malaysians nationwide, through our various touchpoints and engagement platforms.  As we continue to engage with the communities to increase their awareness on digital solutions and how it can help fulfill their needs; we are also working to provide the future digital workforce with the right skills for a digital business ecosystem. As the national connectivity and digital infrastructure provider, we have always and will continue to support the Government's aspirations in increasing connectivity reach to all," he added. "MDEC's collaboration with TM will complement the 'Malaysia 5.0' as the new narrative for introducing emerging technologies that will focus on accelerating the growth of Malaysia's digital economy in three primary areas: empowering Malaysians with digital skills, enabling digitally-powered businesses, and driving digital investments. Predominantly, the MDEC-TM joint effort is crucial to the new 'Malaysia 5.0' digital economy which will enable greater access and connectivity that will allow the nation to realise the full potential that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) holds for the economy. This goes to show that we are determined to surge the digital economy agenda for the many and to firmly establish Malaysia as the heart of digital ASEAN," said Datuk Wira Dr. Hj. Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff, Chairman of MDEC. In addition, the collaboration will look at potential community engagements via digital platforms for the knowledge sharing of products and solutions from both parties to address the communities' needs. With this MoU in place, MDEC and TM will leverage on each other's strengths and complement areas where each entity requires further support towards a higher purpose of realising a Digital Malaysia and the benefits that it will give to more Malaysians; ensuring that no one will be left behind in this digital era and IR4.0.  

25 Nov 2021
Yayasan TM in collaboration with CENDANA transforms Muzium Telekom into engaging public digital arts space as part of art in the city's inaugural KLWKND

Through the marriage of technology and arts, Yayasan TM (YTM) continues its ongoing mission to preserve and celebrate the nation's arts, culture and heritage by transforming Muzium Telekom into an engaging public digital arts space, thanks to a ground-breaking collaboration with the Cultural Economy Development Agency (CENDANA). The collaboration is in support of the agency's Art In The City Programme, via its inaugural KLWKND event. KLWKND is a series of exciting events happening from 25 to 28 November 2021 created to make arts and culture accessible to all walks of life. KLWKND is set to transform downtown KL into a vibrant, truly immersive hub for creativity, arts and culture with various activities planned, all throughout the four (4) day programme including dance, music, opera, fashion, architecture, food, visual arts, design, creative products, traditional crafts, literature, history and more. In amongst the activities, YTM is honoured to be part of KLWKND placing Muzium Telekom as the centrepiece where art meets technology. The 93-year old heritage building will be transformed as SITULAH, a public digital arts showcase. Since 1994, the museum has been showcasing the history and evolution of telecommunications in Malaysia. Befitting the times, YTM aims to reinvigorate this beautiful historic building as an engaging hub that connect the dots across the many facets within the TM Group, showcasing talents from Multimedia University (MMU) students, alumni and faculty in digital, creative and cinematic arts as well as TM's heritage and innovation in telecommunications. True to its collaborative spirit, YTM is working with CENDANA together with Joe Sidek Productions and other esteemed figures in the arts community including gifted visual and performing artists; whilst supporting local Food & Beverage businesses during the festival period and beyond. Muzium Telekom as SITULAH at KLWKND carries the exhibition theme of Traverse – Motions Through Time, a showcase of art and technology traversing without borders across time, mediums and cultures, in a vibrant interdependent ecosystem. As the visitors move through the museum, the artworks will guide them through an exploration into the past, present and future. Addressing the transformation of telecommunication institutions (TM Group, Muzium Telekom and MMU) in the age of digital evolution, contained within four (4) chapters: ENTER, INTER(IN)VENTION, RETROSPECT, and EXPERIENCE. 'Traverse' asks the visitors - how do these historical shifts in the mediation of our perception reflect our beliefs in the function of these institutes in our media society. At 'Traverse – Motions Through Time' while the artists are embracing the new form of art-making, expressing their ideas in a novel and ingenious ways, YTM take the opportunity to inform the public of the emerging creative practices by encouraging public participation, reflection and immersive engagement with the new content produced by MMU students, faculty and alumni. Besides digital and creative arts, TM R&D and TM ONE also showcase their latest technology and innovations. Today, the exhibition hosted a VVIP walkabout, graced by YB Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin, Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia, accompanied by Dato' Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahim Haji Daud, YTM Board of Trustees Member; Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM; Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer of TM Research & Development (TM R&D); Ainol Shaharina Sahar, Chief Executive Officer of Menara KL; Nor Azmi Mat Said, Chairman of MyCreative Ventures; Junady Nawawi, Group Chief Executive Officer of MyCreative Ventures; Izan Satrina Mohd Sallehuddin, Chief Executive Officer of CENDANA; and Joe Sidek, Director of KLWKND Festival. Holding on to the noble principle that no one gets left behind in this digital age, YTM is exhibiting the extraordinary visual talents of gifted artists in Malaysia for a charity sale during the event. Also taking part are visual artists from Persatuan Pelukis Negeri Perak who will be showcasing the Gutta Percha Trail Exhibition, the history of how a tree native to Malaysia played a crucial part in making the global submarine and telegraph network possible. With the exciting emergence of vast markets for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), YTM is also collaborating with DETIK, a unique Malaysian NFT project team who is organising the NFT-JAM Challenge where digital artists will meet up in the DETIK created Newsantara metaverse. This challenge aims to increase digital literacy reach so that creative communities can participate in the digital economy and earn potential income from their creative arts. This initiative will have presence in the Traverse exhibition and also feature some of the artwork displayed physically and digitally at Muzium Telekom. Commenting on the collaboration, Izlyn said, "As a purpose driven social impact foundation, YTM is committed to the Group's aspiration of enabling a Digital Malaysia via our three pillars of Education, Community and Nation-Building as well as Tourism, Culture and Heritage. The third pillar is dedicated to the sustainable development of Malaysian arts, culture and creative ventures. It is a necessary part for the preservation and celebration of our nation's heritage but also a key foundation to building our future. Creativity and innovation are not just confined to a certain sector; they are applicable across all aspects as well as being a key life skills. This must be nurtured and supported by all stakeholders for the betterment of society." "Malaysia has a wealth of talent, creativity and innovation but it needs that due attention and support to grow further and make an even greater mark in the world. How corporates can support the overall ecosystem should be considered from a strategic view – how they can enhance the scene with the core competencies they have so that the local arts industry creates greater impact and sustainability. YTM's role is in connecting the dots between the youth, talent and creativity to skills development, digital opportunities and collaborative partners; focusing on expanding traditional content and goods to digital platforms and solutions," she added. Meanwhile, as the main organiser, Izan Satrina said, "KLWKND is an integral part of Art In The City key to reach out, restart, revive and rebuild the economy for the arts and culture sector. To successfully implement such efforts, collaboration at all levels amongst the private and public sectors is needed to ensure involvement and ownership of the programme. Therefore, we are proud to partner with YTM and Joe Sidek Productions to build a greater impact for the sector and wrap up the year with a bang. Part of the arts includes us reflecting our history. The exhibition 'Traverse – Motions Through Time' complements this journey." YTM and its partners invite all to come and experience this exciting and immersive digital arts and innovations exhibition, Traverse – Motions Through Time from 25 – 28 November 2021 (10.00 am – 10.00 pm) as part of CENDANA's Art in The City inaugural KLWKND programme. There will also be cool prizes to be won from a special gamification competition feature of the exhibition journey!


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