05 Jan 2023

TM R&D inks MoU with AL-QUDS University to foster industry-academia collaboration for research and innovation excellence in next generation communication technologies

TM R&D inks MoU with AL-QUDS University to foster industry-academia collaboration for research and innovation excellence in next generation communication technologies Article Header

​Telekom Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), the innovation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Al-Quds University (AQU) to foster industry-academia collaboration for joint research in Next Generation Communication Technologies and to create an institution for innovation and technology transfer.

Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM R&D, signed the MoU on behalf of TM R&D while AQU was represented by its President, Prof. Dr. Imad Abu Kishek. The agreement was sealed under the support and presence of H. E. Mr. Walid Abu Ali, Ambassador of The State of Palestine to Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand and Maldives.

Under the MoU, both entities will join forces to explore research and knowledge exchange activities including staff exchange for scientific works and student visits, in addition to development of impactful digital solutions with a global outlook.

Commenting on the latest collaboration, Dr. Sharlene said, “We are excited to have AQU on board as the first university that we’re collaborating with post COVID-19. This MoU is testament of our efforts to work with innovative and entrepreneurial academic institutions to deliver excellence in the field of research and innovation.”

“The knowledge sharing and technology transfer between Malaysia and Palestine will definitely boost research capabilities and cross-cultural innovations,” she added.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Imad Abu Kishek shared, “The university’s strategy encompasses building strong cooperative relationships with the Malaysian industry and academia. We believe that this is the first step towards a sustainable partnership with TM R&D, which will provide our staff and students the opportunity to access expert knowledge, latest technologies, innovation labs, and industry in Malaysia.”

“We hope that this collaboration will result in a symbiotic relationship that furthers the economy, innovation, and technology transfer among both institutions,” added Prof. Dr. Imad.

AQU is an academic research university that currently offers more than 120 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, delivered through its 15 degree-granting faculties that cover main scientific disciplines such as medicine, life and natural sciences, business and management, arts and humanities, law and jurisprudence, engineering, computer science, information technology, and social sciences.

In addition, AQU pursues educational distinction through a culture of innovation and strives to develop entrepreneurs who are able to partake in the development of the Palestinian economy.


24 Dec 2021
TM restores 85% of flood-impacted services and ramps up outreach to affected customers, communities and employees

​Following up from the statement issued by Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) on December 19, 2021, we have since accelerated our focus on supporting the escalating needs of our customers, communities and employees impacted by the tragic event of the floods. As of today, 85% or 84,274 of our affected customers are now back online thanks to the exhaustive efforts made by TM’s engineering and support teams, enabling the successful restoration of our core services. We will continue this rigorous service restoration exercise to ensure the remainder of our customers are able to be connected soonest. For our affected customers, we have allocated:     RM13 million to replace for free, damaged Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and network components;     A waiver of two (2) weeks subscription from customer bill estimated at RM5 million; and     Credit term extension to 60 days to further ease the financial burden of customers. In the affected regions, TM has restored a majority of its impacted primary network sites. The flood had impacted more than 15 network sites and hill stations across four (4) states, due to power outages and in some areas, high water levels and severe road conditions, preventing our network team from accessing these locations. As part of the pledges made by members of the GLC/GLIC Disaster Response Network (GDRN) currently at RM58.4 million, the TM Board has allocated RM2 million in aid of the recovery, rebuilding and flood relief efforts. TM, via Yayasan TM (YTM) is also joint chair and secretariat for GDRN. Together with YTM, partner NGOs and the Malaysian Armed and rescue Forces, we have also distributed over 3,500 care packs consisting of hot meals, dry rations and hygiene items, and COVID-19 self-test kits provided by Pharmaniaga to the flood-stricken areas in Klang Valley and Hulu Langat. Our committed team of over 260 staff volunteers (TM Reaching Out Volunteers – TM ROVers) are currently assisting communities with the daunting task of cleaning up their homes, including 830 of our own employees whose premises have been damaged. TM will also ensure compensation via financial aid to the affected staffs, and the provision of temporary shelter at the MMU campus. Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM said, “The immense challenges faced by fellow Malaysians during this unfortunate situation calls for corporations and businesses to come together to respond swiftly to alleviate the struggles of many, leveraging on our resources and means where possible.” “As co-lead of the GDRN, TM is grateful to serve alongside its members in addressing the needs of those trying to rebuild their lives in the aftermath. The worse may not be over, and TM is mindful of our role to support our customers, communities and employees as we recover as a nation.” “We appreciate the patience shown by all as we work hard to get our networks back up and running and ensure uninterrupted services in face of power shutdown and damaged equipment in some of our locations,” he added. TM will continue to play its aid and recovery efforts towards community wellbeing. More regular update is available on TM social media channels or visit our website https://unifi.com.my/unifi-alerts for updates.

03 Sep 2020
Telecommunications operators committed to JENDELA to deliver seamless digital connectivity for all Malaysians

​Telecommunications operators Celcom Axiata Berhad, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd, Maxis Berhad, U Mobile Sdn Bhd, Telekom Malaysia Berhad and TIME dotCom Berhad (collectively 'the Industry'), are fully committed to partner with the Government and make connectivity a basic utility to fast-track Malaysia's transition into a high-income digital society. The Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) action plan announced recently by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Yassin, will be the platform to achieve these aspirations by accelerating the country's digital connectivity through widespread deployment of mobile, fibre and fixed wireless access, and paving the way to 5G, under the 12th Malaysia Plan (2021–2025). The National Digital Infrastructure Lab: A collaborative effort aspiring to deliver connectivity for all The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered an urgency for Malaysia to address the 'new normal' and cater for future demands of connectivity as an enabler for all facets of life: The economy and people's livelihoods, education, business opportunities and building and connecting communities amongst others. To prepare for the future and to fulfill our Digital Malaysia aspirations, it is clear the Industry must aspire to enable everyone in this journey through quality and reliable connectivity. To this end, the Industry was a strong participant alongside the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in the National Digital Infrastructure Lab (NDIL), with the aim to collaboratively address how to deliver quality connectivity to all Malaysians. The outcome of the NDIL was a comprehensive digital infrastructure plan that accelerates improvements to coverage and quality of experience nationwide, optimises fixed, mobile and fit-for-purpose technologies; and paves the way for the eventual adoption of 5G technologies to enable the country's digital ambitions. JENDELA: Strengthening Malaysia's Digital Communications Infrastructure to Deliver Seamless Connectivity for all Malaysians The Industry will work closely with the Government to fast-track the nation's progress towards becoming a globally competitive, resilient and enriched digital society and economy through JENDELA. Phase 1 (now to 2022): An accelerated improvement plan for nationwide 4G coverage and 7.5mil fixed broadband premises; with consistent quality of experience for everyone As announced by the Prime Minister, JENDELA will be implemented in phases. Phase 1, which starts now until 2022, will optimise existing resources and infrastructure for both mobile and fixed connectivity to: Expand 4G mobile broadband coverage from 91.8% to 96.9% in populated areas; Increase mobile broadband speeds from 25Mbps to 35Mbps; and Enable as many as 7.5 million premises to access gigabit speeds with fixed broadband services. JENDELA will firstly prioritise strengthening the nation's existing fixed and mobile networks and building a strong foundation for the eventual adoption of 5G. This will also involve the gradual retirement of 3G networks at the end of 2021. To achieve the targets in Phase 1, the Industry will look at providing wider coverage and enhanced quality of experience by upgrading and building new 4G sites, and fiberising more premises. This will be driven by extending 4G mobile coverage in rural and remote areas, improving in-door coverage for urban and suburban areas, connecting more homes with fixed broadband via fibre and other fit-for-purpose technologies (e.g. Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and satellite) to ensure widespread nationwide coverage and connectivity for all. Meanwhile, fibre providers will continue to support the industry with fibre backhaul for capacity to serve higher traffic demands expected on 4G and to ensure the fibre foundation essential for future technologies such as 5G. Phase 2 (Beyond 2022): Address the Digital Divide via Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and pave the way for 5G Phase 2 of JENDELA involves utilising FWA and other fit-for-purpose technologies to address further gaps in the digital divide, as well as priming for the nation's eventual adoption of 5G technologies; which will take place once action plans under Phase 1 are achieved. The Industry will continue to educate the public on the potential of 5G and its capabilities, through use cases applied across verticals such as manufacturing, agriculture, education, healthcare, security transportation, consumer experience, environment and smart city development. These use cases will continue to be explored under the 5G Demonstration Projects (5GDP). JENDELA: A realistic, progressive digital connectivity plan to realise Digital Malaysia JENDELA is an accelerated improvement plan where all public and private stakeholders are equally invested to deliver. This is a shared aspiration for the whole country, driven by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (KKMM) and MCMC in partnership with the telecommunications operators, and other agencies at the federal, state, and local council levels. The industry believes that collaboration among all parties is crucial to facilitate infrastructure rollout in a coordinated manner, with minimal impact on civil works, the public, the environment, and all aspects of the ecosystem. We look forward to working together to fulfil the objectives of JENDELA and enabling widespread quality connectivity for Malaysians nationwide. The Industry will provide periodical updates to the public on the progress of JENDELA, including initiatives undertaken as part of journey towards its aspirations.

25 Oct 2022
TM One LEAP Summit 2022 poised to advance next-gen enterprise transformation with world-class innovators

TM One’s annual flagship event LEAP Summit returns for a fifth year, anchoring on the theme ‘Enabling Your Next: Innovate and Transform’ TM One, the enterprise and government sector business solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), held its high-impact annual flagship event, LEAP Summit 2022 today, aimed at propelling enterprise innovation and transformation as Malaysian businesses take advantage of the nation’s initial economic recovery. The fifth in its series, LEAP Summit 2022 themed ‘Enabling Your Next: Innovate & Transform’, brought together world-class digital experts and over 200 of Malaysia’s top decision makers to better understand how these leaders could unleash their innovation potential and take their businesses to the next level. Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM, in his welcoming address said that increased customer expectations for digital services and platforms are reshaping how enterprises work and conduct their business. He also explained that in order to keep up with these new trends, enterprises must fast-track their transformation to virtualised cloud-based services, leverage digital networks to modernise legacy processes, accelerate workflow efficiency, and strengthen cybersecurity. This will improve business offerings and overall customer experience, leading to increased growth and profitability. Kicking off LEAP Summit 2022 was Netflix’s Co-Founding Executive, Mitch Lowe, who emphasised the need for being brave in order to become a leader of the industry and to remain relevant. Having grown with the entertainment industry from video stores and DVD kiosks, to founding one of the most successful over the top (OTT) content services, Lowe shared that the habit of transformation is built by constantly looking to solve the problems faced by the customers and the industry. Building on this need for organisations to constantly evolve, the event then featured a panel session with Paul Nicholls, Telstra Purple’s Digital Transformation Practice Leader with Telstra’s global partners Airspeeder (the F1 for Electric Flying Vehicle) and Bata Global (world's largest shoe manufacturer), which was moderated by Ching-Fong (CF) Ong, Managing Director & Senior Partner from Boston Consulting Group; who deep dove into real examples of transformation, spanning multiple technologies and geographies, which centres around customers. Bringing the conversation closer to home, industry leaders Datuk Hj Bacho Pilong, Senior Vice President, Project Delivery & Technology, PETRONAS; Fabian Bigar, Chief Executive Officer, MyDIGITAL; Effendy Shahul Hamid, Chief Executive Officer, CIMB Digital Assets; Ir. Dr. Lim Eu Shawn, Chief Global Solutions Officer, Aerodyne Group; also weighed in on transformation within the Malaysian context and its role in future-proofing businesses and the nation to progress from surviving to thriving. This discussion was moderated by Manoj Menon, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of twimbit. Commenting about this year’s event, Shazurawati Abd Karim, Executive Vice President of TM One said, “TM One’s LEAP Summit is part of our continuous commitment to enable organisations to prepare for their next advantage, today and tomorrow. With one of the common challenges faced by organisations being how to start or even expand their innovation and transformation journey, we connect them to world-class leaders to open up new ideas and possibilities that enterprises can put into motion.”TM One 5G Sphere Programme – enabling enterprises’ ‘Next’, now LEAP Summit 2022 also witnessed the inauguration of TM One’s 5G Sphere Programme, an alliance of Malaysia’s leading technology and smart solution partners to create an ecosystem to support the next phase of enterprise innovation and transformation, leveraging 5G. Harnessing 5G capabilities to power connected technologies to improve performance and customer experience, real-time detection, instant analysis and action for efficiency, as well as increased safety while reducing down-time through smart solutions, TM One’s 5G Sphere offers the opportunity for enterprises to springboard their transformation through actual case studies and proof of concepts that address their unique business challenges.TM One 5G Solutions for enterprises and the government sector TM One’s latest-in-class showcase during LEAP Summit 2022 also spotlighted 5G-enabled applications for Smart Healthcare, Smart Industry and Smart Cities, along with several digital solutions and services, demonstrating the latest end-to-end technologies available to enterprises and the public sector to spur on their digital growth. Shazurawati explained, “The next phase of smart innovative transformation will be 5G-driven opportunities, with capabilities such as video monitoring, logistics, fleet management, and private 5G networks powering manufacturing, transport, factories, and campuses already on the horizon.” “Moving forward, optimal 5G business solutions will arise from smart collaborations and coalitions among industry leaders, accelerating the next phase of technology adoption by both industry and the country as a whole, and enabling our aspirations for a Digital Malaysia,” she concluded.


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