26 Apr 2022

Op Selamat to ensure a safer Raya celebration for all

Op Selamat to ensure a safer Raya celebration for all Article Header

TM remains committed to work closely with enforcement agencies in ensuring the welfare and well-being of the community

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) today launched Op Selamat 18/2022 to promote a safer and joyous celebration this upcoming Hari Raya for all Malaysians nationwide. Entering into its 18th edition, this year's campaign is aptly themed "Rumah Selamat, Selamat Sampai ke Destinasi" (Safe Home, Safe Journey), with the aim of increasing public awareness on road safety and home security during festivities.

Op Selamat will be running for 10 days, from 29 April until 8 May 2022. This marks the 23rd collaboration between TM and PDRM on this campaign, the last being in 2019 before the pandemic hit. This is part of the long-standing strategic partnership that TM has established with PDRM, including the MERS999 emergency hotline, the anti-telecommunications cable theft efforts, and the Secured Mobile Services platform used for enforcement operations.

The campaign was launched at Menara TM by Datuk Razarudin Husain, the Deputy Inspector General of Police. He also flagged off the 'Traffic Monitoring Team' and a convoy of motorcyclists and cars, symbolically highlighting the campaign's message of road and home safety.

Also present at the event were CP Datuk Wira Mat Kasim Karim, Director of Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT); CP Datuk Aidi Ismail, Director of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department (JPJKK); Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan Hashim, Chairman of TM; Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM; senior management of TM Group, police officers of various ranks as well as officers from various government agencies such as Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia, Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO).

In his opening speech, Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan said, "TM is committed and always ready to work hand-in-hand with PDRM and other law enforcement agencies in ensuring the security and well-being of the community. This year, once again we continue our long-standing collaboration with PDRM on this noble effort. This campaign reflects our unwavering support towards the Government's initiatives to reduce road mishaps and improve home safety during festive seasons.

"The safety of road users and their homes are of utmost importance during festivities. This is the key message we want to spread to the public, and we urge everyone to stay alert on the road and vigilant at home," he added.

For this year's campaign, TM is contributing various necessities for the 15 Op Selamat operation centres nationwide, including campaign advocacy and materials such as leaflets and stickers that will be distributed to road users.


16 Jun 2021
TM lauds the government’s national recovery plan; stays committed to serve customers

Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) lauds the Government on the announcement of the National Recovery Plan which outlines the four-phase exit strategy and conditions for Malaysia to overcome the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. TM is fully supportive of the recovery plan that is anchored on three conditions – the number of daily cases reported, the medical healthcare capacity (ICU) and the national vaccination rate. Commenting on the announcement, Imri Mokhtar, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, TM said: "We welcome the clarity provided by the Government on the National Recovery Plan. It is indeed a necessary response to the serious economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic. We hope that through the effective implementation of this plan, the nation will be able to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic to a reasonable level of normality by year end, revive the economy and place the country on a new growth trajectory." "TM as an essential services provider continues to ensure Malaysians remain connected in the safety of their homes and that all our customer support services remain in operation throughout each phase of the recovery plan. As the enabler of Digital Malaysia, TM is committed to playing our part to support all our customer segments across homes, businesses, industry as well as the public sector with connectivity and digital infrastructure and solutions towards economic recovery. All of us at TM pray for the safety and health of all Malaysians nationwide; stay safe and ensure that we get vaccinated - together may we return stronger," he concluded. TM is taking proactive measures in its operations to ensure homes and businesses stay connected; strictly adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and guidelines set by the National Security Council (MKN). TMpoint outlets and key partner stores are open for service applications and essential transactions subject to government and local authority regulations. Service installation and restoration activities remain available for customers with SOPs in place to ensure the safety of both TM personnel and its customers. TM customer care lines remain open. Additionally, customers are encouraged to utilise our 24/7 self-serve digital platforms for service registration, service diagnostics, account-related enquiries as well as payment. TM supports the National Immunisation Programme and encourages Malaysians to register for vaccination to ensure the country can achieve herd immunity. TM also runs its own internal vaccination drive and thus far, 65% of Warga TM has registered. TM will also be running an internal campaign to rally its TM Volunteers by participating in the Malaysia Vaccine Support Volunteers (MyVAC) programme for The Special Committee On COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) to assist with the vaccination process at Vaccine Delivery Center (PPV) locations across the country. TM is also offering its suitable venues nationwide for PPV, drive through and mobile unit stations. Today, its Multimedia University Melaka campus begins its operations as a PPV facility for JKJAV. TM also connects PPVs nationwide with internet access services to enable the frontliners, medical teams, volunteers as well as members of the public to stay connected during the vaccination process. More than RM8.0 million has been channeled for nation building initiatives to date; in terms of medical and non-medical humanitarian aid for communities in need during the pandemic. Most recently, TM has also set up Tabung Solidarity COVID-19 TM as a continuation of the employee donation drive last year, which has already raised and disbursed RM800,000 to various causes. Thus far, TM Board members and Warga TM have pledged another RM600,000 for the fund through voluntary salary and allowance deduction. The contribution is matched by the company to total RM1.2 million to date. The donation will be channelled to the government's Akaun Amanah Bencana. TM also continues to support the nation and communities in need through connectivity initiatives such as Jaringan Prihatin, CERDIK and MYBAIKHATI. TM reiterates its commitment to ensure the safety and health of customers and Warga TM with special working arrangements implemented and enhanced SOPs towards business and customer service continuity. The Company will continually monitor for developments on the ongoing situation, adhere to the SOPs under the specific phases detailed out by MKN and adapt its services to help customers, whenever needed as the safety of its employees and members of the public are of paramount importance.

05 Apr 2022
Yayasan TM launches art exhibition featuring works of gifted artists in conjuction with World Autism Awareness Day at Muzium Telekom

​In conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) this year, Yayasan TM (YTM), the foundation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) in collaboration with Nak Seni and We&I presented the second edition of Seni Ekspresi Autisma (SESAMA) exhibition at Muzium Telekom taking place from 2nd until 30th of April 2022, showcasing the creative talents in visual arts as well as performing arts of gifted autistic artists. This exhibition is held to help nurture a more autism-friendly world through the arts; demonstrating a genuine expression of love, compassion and empathy for children and individuals on the spectrum, as they face their everyday challenges. SESAMA was officially launched on 2nd of April, last Saturday by the Honourable Senator Datuk Ras Adiba Radzi, President of OKU Sentral together with Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM. Speaking at the launch event, Senator Datuk Ras Adiba said, “These children and individuals on the spectrum need our love and support. We need to have greater understanding and compassion towards them or else, we would have done them a great injustice. It isn't easy to look after persons with disabilities, but it's a beautiful and challenging journey, hence the reason we are here today, showcasing their incredible talents via an art exhibition, to empower them.” Meanwhile, YTM’s Izlyn said, “No one should ever be left behind, especially in the times we live in, where we’re enabled by so many wonderful life-changing technologies. YTM is delighted to celebrate WAAD and these amazing artistic talents who have come together to showcase their creative artwork. “Through the exhibition, we hope that audiences will look beyond their preconditions and see them for who they really are – beautiful souls and artists in their own right, deserving equal opportunities, standing shoulder to shoulder with their peers.” The exhibition launch event included the unveiling of “Rhythm Interactive Special Enabler” (RISE); an instructional book on the practical use of percussion for therapeutic benefits. This book, authored by Dr. Tan Swee Chuan and Edwin Nathaniel, is dedicated towards developing the musical talent of gifted children, providing insights into teaching students with different types and varying levels of learning challenges. The book launch was supported by Musicians for Musicians (MFM). Apart from the exhibition, YTM is also introducing its “Ramadan Buffet at Muzium Telekom” by Nomad Market, offering many local and international varieties to delight any food lover. The Ramadan Buffet is set to begin daily from 11th of April 2022 every day and on weekends; complete with a Ramadan Nite Bazaar with stalls selling goodies from local artists and entrepreneurs! YTM and its partners invite all to come and experience the free-admission SESAMA exhibition, from 2nd – 30th April 2022 (12.00PM – 6.00PM, Tuesday to Sunday) showcasing the journey of five gifted artists. Come and join us for Iftar and be inspired by the amazing artwork during this holy month of Ramadan.

05 Dec 2019
The future of 5G begins with TM! #bersamasama5G

The Company is ready to bring 5G to all Malaysians; Becomes the First Telco to Deploy Stand Alone (SA) network As the national telecommunications infrastructure provider of Malaysia's Digital Nation aspirations, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is embarking on delivering 5G infrastructure to the country by participating in the 5G Demonstration Project undertaken by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).​ The demonstration project is for TM to test the new 5G features, explore the 5G technology system and assess the best way to deploy 5G infrastructure nationwide. The Company plans to test the implementation of a converged 5G core network which allows co-existence of Non-Stand Alone (NSA) and Stand Alone (SA) network. SA is the future of the 5G network deployment and this demonstration is crucial to fast track 5G implementation in the country.​ Towards this end, TM through its enterprise and public sector business solutions arm, TM ONE, recently started its 5G demonstration in Subang Jaya, Selangor together with Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) to test its 5G solutions namely Smart Traffic Light, Smart Safety & Security and Smart Parking. Besides that, TM is also expanding its 5G Demonstration Project in Pulau Langkawi, Kedah with the demonstration of more 5G use cases. The transmission of 5G service in Pulau Langkawi is going live today, where TM is deploying the first 5G SA network in the country. Commenting on the milestone development, Dato' Noor Kamarul Anuar Nuruddin, Group Chief Executive Officer, TM said: "We are very excited to be part of this 5G Demonstration Project which demonstrates our capabilities to deploy 5G in Malaysia and to roll-out the first 5G SA network in the country. These reflect our commitment to accelerate the delivery of 5G services nationwide. The deployment of our tested and proven 5G-enabled smart solutions for the showcase in Subang Jaya and Langkawi are testament of our commitment in accelerating the delivery of 5G services nationwide. This is in support of the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission's (MCMC) efforts in progressing humanity towards improving the quality of lives of the Rakyat. TM, via our innovative and comprehensive products and solutions will continue to lay the foundation for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) and enabling Internet of Things (IoT) – to serve a more digital society and lifestyle, digital businesses and industry verticals, as well as digital Government." TM's aspiration is to deliver efficient and cost effective 5G infrastructure via infrastructure sharing approach, through the access regulations implemented by MCMC. This is by leveraging on its extensive fibre networks, including the submarine cables, telecommunications towers, and Cloud computing as well as ready Data Centres to support the 5G era in Malaysia. In terms of devices and use cases, its wholly-owned subsidiary, TM Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), is also developing and experimenting 5G related equipment to get ready for the upcoming 5G.  In addition, the Company plans to test and demonstrate the Dynamic Spectrum Sharing feature where it can dynamically share the same spectrum to support different mobile technologies, dynamically.​ "This approach is expected to minimise duplication of network which will lead to cost reduction, translating the savings to lower prices for consumers/customers, be more environmentally friendly and allow the savings to be channeled for better innovation and improved customer services. We are open and ready to work together with other operators during this demonstration project. True to our position as the national telecommunications infrastructure provider of Malaysia's Digital Nation aspirations, we have established the communications backbone of Malaysia with the widest connectivity and convergence network," added Dato' Noor Kamarul.


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