06 Jul 2022

Credence, TM’s new cloud and digital services company, to empower enterprises’ digital capabilities – from infrastructure to insights

Credence, TM’s new cloud and digital services company, to empower enterprises’ digital capabilities – from infrastructure to insights Article Header

Powered by TM as a corporate start-up, Credence will bring new expertise and agility to grow TM’s digital services to support customers’ requirements and capture new opportunities.

​Kuala Lumpur, 6 July 2022 – Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today launched Credence, a new cloud and digital services company focused on expanding the capabilities of enterprises and the public sector in their digital transformation journey.

“With enterprises re-evaluating their capabilities and offerings to respond to today’s increasingly digital demands, TM is poised to become an astute digital solutions provider in addition to its established connectivity leadership position.

“TM will empower organisations in the private and public sector to transform with greater efficiency and flexibility while offering a superior return on investment. We recognise that now is an opportune time to leverage on our strengths, address market needs and launch a dedicated company – Credence – that is focused on technology and digital innovation,” said Imri Mokhtar, TM’s Group Chief Executive Officer.

“TM will offer a differentiated advantage in how we bring end-to-end digital solutions and services to customers through Credence. Leveraging both local and international technologies as well as expertise, Credence will provide greater and faster time-to-value by understanding local customer requirements and challenges.

“In the long run, through our foray into the digital services market, we aim to improve TM’s growth trajectory and unlock significant value for both our customers and stakeholders,” Imri explained.

Credence is led by Krish Datta, an experienced technology leader who joined TM in late 2021 to shape its new digital services arm. Leveraging TM’s established resources, infrastructure, and its strong links to enterprises and the public sector, Credence is well-positioned to accelerate Malaysia’s digital transformation journey.

“We offer organisations the ability to embark on their digital journey with better predictability, lesser concern and disruption while choosing the best tech solutions that suit their needs and priorities, enabling them to focus on their core business,” said Krish.

He explained that Credence will provide capabilities from tech infrastructure to business insights, cloud advisory, IT landscape migration, SaaS, managed services as well as analytics and insights.

“Credence aims to deliver outstanding experience for our customers. We are the only company that is able to offer our customers the full end-to-end solutions from infrastructure to insights (I2I). Our approach is to meet customers where they are, discover what their mission-critical goals are, and work with them according to their needs and priorities.

“We are also platform and technology-agnostic – putting us in a better position to offer solutions with a stronger customer bias vis-a-vis a vendor bias,” explained Krish.

As part of the launch, Credence announced key partnerships with VMware, AWS and Huawei, which enables them to offer a broad range of options to enterprises, customised to their individual growth needs.

“We are pleased to announce that Credence is working with VMware to deliver their first sovereign cloud service in Malaysia, keeping in mind the data sovereignty of customers in Malaysia,” said Krish.

“Malaysia’s digital-first approach is enabling massive transformation and opportunity for businesses in the country. VMware is working with Credence to help enterprises in regulated industries, and companies in the e-commerce and energy sectors to meet their unique cloud and data sovereignty requirements within Malaysian borders,” said Ajay Turki, Director Cloud Sales, Southeast Asia & Korea, VMware.

“We are also enhancing the offerings of TM’s Cloud Alpha Edge to include services, SaaS solutions as well as data insights to be the leading Government cloud service provider,” added Krish.

“At its core, however, digital transformation is less about technology and more about people, and the success of organisations depends on developing, cultivating and nurturing the next generation of technologically-skilled professionals. Through Credence, we aim to address the current digital and tech skills gap – making strategic hires from the tech sector as well as transferring similar skillsets from TM to spearhead this new digital start-up.

“In this way, we hope to nurture a pipeline of next-generation tech and digital talents, and equip Malaysians for a digital future by upskilling them with digital capabilities, and providing them access to the right data and tools. This will not only benefit organisations but our collective progress as a nation, solidifying our Digital Malaysia aspirations,” concluded Imri.



24 Dec 2021
TM restores 85% of flood-impacted services and ramps up outreach to affected customers, communities and employees

​Following up from the statement issued by Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) on December 19, 2021, we have since accelerated our focus on supporting the escalating needs of our customers, communities and employees impacted by the tragic event of the floods. As of today, 85% or 84,274 of our affected customers are now back online thanks to the exhaustive efforts made by TM’s engineering and support teams, enabling the successful restoration of our core services. We will continue this rigorous service restoration exercise to ensure the remainder of our customers are able to be connected soonest. For our affected customers, we have allocated:     RM13 million to replace for free, damaged Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and network components;     A waiver of two (2) weeks subscription from customer bill estimated at RM5 million; and     Credit term extension to 60 days to further ease the financial burden of customers. In the affected regions, TM has restored a majority of its impacted primary network sites. The flood had impacted more than 15 network sites and hill stations across four (4) states, due to power outages and in some areas, high water levels and severe road conditions, preventing our network team from accessing these locations. As part of the pledges made by members of the GLC/GLIC Disaster Response Network (GDRN) currently at RM58.4 million, the TM Board has allocated RM2 million in aid of the recovery, rebuilding and flood relief efforts. TM, via Yayasan TM (YTM) is also joint chair and secretariat for GDRN. Together with YTM, partner NGOs and the Malaysian Armed and rescue Forces, we have also distributed over 3,500 care packs consisting of hot meals, dry rations and hygiene items, and COVID-19 self-test kits provided by Pharmaniaga to the flood-stricken areas in Klang Valley and Hulu Langat. Our committed team of over 260 staff volunteers (TM Reaching Out Volunteers – TM ROVers) are currently assisting communities with the daunting task of cleaning up their homes, including 830 of our own employees whose premises have been damaged. TM will also ensure compensation via financial aid to the affected staffs, and the provision of temporary shelter at the MMU campus. Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM said, “The immense challenges faced by fellow Malaysians during this unfortunate situation calls for corporations and businesses to come together to respond swiftly to alleviate the struggles of many, leveraging on our resources and means where possible.” “As co-lead of the GDRN, TM is grateful to serve alongside its members in addressing the needs of those trying to rebuild their lives in the aftermath. The worse may not be over, and TM is mindful of our role to support our customers, communities and employees as we recover as a nation.” “We appreciate the patience shown by all as we work hard to get our networks back up and running and ensure uninterrupted services in face of power shutdown and damaged equipment in some of our locations,” he added. TM will continue to play its aid and recovery efforts towards community wellbeing. More regular update is available on TM social media channels or visit our website https://unifi.com.my/unifi-alerts for updates.

31 May 2022
Innovating Malaysia's healthcare through 5G and digital solutions

TM One’s 5G and digital infrastructure reflects its commitment to enable smart hospitals and remote care capabilities ​TM One, the enterprise and public sector business solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) recently previewed the innovative future of Malaysia’s healthcare sector, powered by 5G technology and digital solutions. Collaborating with Siemens Healthineers Malaysia, TM One shared its vision at the inaugural 5G in Healthcare Symposium, organised by the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia (APHM), where they showcased next-level innovations for the healthcare system, made possible by 5G connectivity. This gathering of healthcare providers highlighted the multiple benefits gained from digital transformation in the sector, including enhanced patient care and operational efficiencies, among others. The digitalisation of this essential sector has also proven to be particularly timely and effective in delivering health care during and post pandemic. Shazurawati Abd Karim, Executive Vice President of TM One explained the significance of 5G to Malaysian healthcare, stating that: “5G will positively impact the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), and enable life-saving medical innovations that reflect the needs of a post pandemic society. This includes remote medical learning and remote patient monitoring, among others. Together with our partners, which includes global technology companies as well as leading local companies, we are primed and ready to help Malaysia’s private hospitals co-create solutions that will save lives and bring value to their stakeholders.” “Aside from real-time speed and breakthrough connectivity, today’s digital healthcare ecosystems depend on robust and secure infrastructure essentials. Collecting and sharing of digital patient records and hospital data requires world-class data security to mitigate cyber threats and to comply with stringent regulatory requirements. TM One’s services can be integrated with private 5G networks and offers enhanced data protection and encryption to safeguard both patients and hospitals. This will encourage patients towards adopting digital healthcare services, potentially enabling them to seek treatment earlier and save lives,” she said. Amongst the technologies demonstrated was VRAR (virtual reality/augmented reality) using a Microsoft HoloLens device, which utilises mixed-reality experiences with 3D data processing, analytics, visualisation, and simulation applications. This technology aims to humanise the diagnosis and treatment identification process and will improve the productivity of healthcare personnel by accelerating their time-to-diagnosis, surgical accuracy and reduce time-to-care which will result in improving overall patient experience.   TM One also showcased a virtual medical consultation solution powered by REMEDi, a digital healthcare technology developer. Through high-speed, low-latency 5G, the solution will provide enhanced video images and sound quality for safer diagnosis of patients and effective troubleshooting. In addition, this solution can be conveniently deployed anywhere, matching the current shift towards online examinations and telemedicine.   Speaking about the event, Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh, President of APHM said, “The 5G in Healthcare Symposium was a great platform for our partners, TM One and Siemens Healthineers to demonstrate the future of Malaysia’s private healthcare, providing a guide on how to transform hospitals by leveraging 5G. This sharing was truly valuable to the symposium participants.” “Having these esteemed digital leaders provided a clearer idea to the industry of how they can transform their institutions. We are both excited by the potential offered by 5G technology and confident of the expert support offered by our partners as the industry continues its digital transformation journey in delivering superior healthcare service to our patients,” he enthused. Rod Frazer, Managing Director of Siemens Healthineers in Malaysia commented, "The opportunity to aggregate healthcare data and leverage this to support the day-to-day decisions of patients and clinicians is the game changer in healthcare delivery and cost effectiveness. To shape this future, it is vital not only to work on ideas that will change the way we think about the healthcare sector in the long term but also to identify current developments such as 5G connectivity, which has the potential to transform the market. Siemens Healthineers is excited to collaborate on this initiative with APHM and TM One to facilitate such discussions in the country.” TM One’s suite of robust and secured digital infrastructure solutions enable organisations to harness the power of AI and IR 4.0 to take their transformation forward. TM’s recent partnership with Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) to provide extensive fibre coverage for DNB’s 5G network emphasises its commitment to provide 5G infrastructure to support the digital aspiration of all Malaysians, including the digitalisation the nation’s private healthcare industry to support the vitality and wellbeing of the rakyat.   For more details about TM One Healthcare solutions, visit www.tmone.com.my/industry/healthcare/

26 Apr 2022
Op Selamat to ensure a safer Raya celebration for all

TM remains committed to work closely with enforcement agencies in ensuring the welfare and well-being of the community Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) today launched Op Selamat 18/2022 to promote a safer and joyous celebration this upcoming Hari Raya for all Malaysians nationwide. Entering into its 18th edition, this year's campaign is aptly themed "Rumah Selamat, Selamat Sampai ke Destinasi" (Safe Home, Safe Journey), with the aim of increasing public awareness on road safety and home security during festivities. Op Selamat will be running for 10 days, from 29 April until 8 May 2022. This marks the 23rd collaboration between TM and PDRM on this campaign, the last being in 2019 before the pandemic hit. This is part of the long-standing strategic partnership that TM has established with PDRM, including the MERS999 emergency hotline, the anti-telecommunications cable theft efforts, and the Secured Mobile Services platform used for enforcement operations. The campaign was launched at Menara TM by Datuk Razarudin Husain, the Deputy Inspector General of Police. He also flagged off the 'Traffic Monitoring Team' and a convoy of motorcyclists and cars, symbolically highlighting the campaign's message of road and home safety. Also present at the event were CP Datuk Wira Mat Kasim Karim, Director of Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT); CP Datuk Aidi Ismail, Director of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department (JPJKK); Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan Hashim, Chairman of TM; Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM; senior management of TM Group, police officers of various ranks as well as officers from various government agencies such as Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia, Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO). In his opening speech, Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan said, "TM is committed and always ready to work hand-in-hand with PDRM and other law enforcement agencies in ensuring the security and well-being of the community. This year, once again we continue our long-standing collaboration with PDRM on this noble effort. This campaign reflects our unwavering support towards the Government's initiatives to reduce road mishaps and improve home safety during festive seasons. "The safety of road users and their homes are of utmost importance during festivities. This is the key message we want to spread to the public, and we urge everyone to stay alert on the road and vigilant at home," he added. For this year's campaign, TM is contributing various necessities for the 15 Op Selamat operation centres nationwide, including campaign advocacy and materials such as leaflets and stickers that will be distributed to road users.


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