25 Feb 2022

TM announces another steady full year performance (FY2021) with EBIT up 6.6% at RM1.71 billion; revenue up 6.4% at RM11.53 billion; declares 6 sen per share dividend

TM announces another steady full year performance (FY2021) with EBIT up 6.6% at RM1.71 billion; revenue up 6.4% at RM11.53 billion; declares 6 sen per share dividend Article Header

As a result of jump in revenue and continuous cost optimisation initiatives, Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) increased 6.6% to RM1.71 billion from RM1.60 billion in 2020 despite one-off provisions, impairments and accelerated depreciation

​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM or the Group) delivered yet another healthy set of financial results for the Full Year 2021 ended 31 December 2021 as compared to the same period last year (YoY), despite protracted impact from the ongoing pandemic on the economic and business front.

Fueled by strong growth in unifi revenue and fixed broadband subscribers, as well as sharp growth in the TM Wholesale business which registered increasing data demands from hyperscalers, and international and domestic service providers, TM recorded a 6.4% rise in revenue to clock in at RM11.53 billion from RM10.84 billion in 2020.

This marked revenue improvement as well as the Group’s continuous cost optimisation initiatives led to the increase in Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT), up 6.6% YoY to RM1.71 billion, from RM1.60 billion last year. Profit After Tax and Non-Controlling Interests (PATAMI) at RM895.2 million dipped 11.9% contributed by higher taxation including provision for Cukai Makmur, lesser interest income and forex losses, as well as impairment of TM’s mobile assets as the Group prepares itself for 5G.

Based on its steady financial position and strong Free Cash Flow generation, the Board of Directors proposed the final interim dividend at 6 sen per share, resulting in a total dividend of 13 sen per share for 2021, in line with the Group’s growth investment strategy.

CAPEX for the year was reported at RM1.70 billion, or 14.7% of revenue, reflecting TM’s commitment to reinvest in business expansion, new growth areas and provide great experience and services for its growing base of customers. Free Cash Flow at RM2.19 billion rose 9.5% from RM2.00 billion, ensuring steady growth ahead of a demanding future.

unifi: Record-breaking revenue, total subscribers

It was a landmark year for unifi, contributing to the Group’s strong performance. Overall unifi revenue grew by 10.3% driven by increased fixed broadband subscribers, with 2.78 million cumulative registered subscribers - the highest number of unifi and fixed broadband customers registered, as well as highest number of ports installed.

In addition to unifi’s drive to reduce broadband downtime to the absolute minimum for its customers, the business introduced five #unificares initiatives to refine its end-to-end customer experience, with the highlight being unifi’s 24-hour service restoration guarantee, the first of its kind in the Malaysian telecommunications industry. In its effort to support SME recovery and growth, unifi has offered more than 377,000 local SMEs special packages with complete digital ecosystem to help them to grow their business and stay competitive.

unifi will continue to maintain its leadership in convergence of broadband, content, mobile and solutions for both home and SMEs customers. With online connectivity playing a central role to enable Digital Malaysia, unifi bridges the connectivity gap by serving customers with innovative and high-quality products and services.

TM Wholesale (TMW): Realising 5G and Malaysia’s digital hub aspiration

TM continues to drive wholesale business for both domestic and international segments via TM Wholesale (TMW). With a strong performance last year, TMW’s posted revenue grew by 14.7% due to solid partnership expansion with domestic and international customers.

Domestically, as the preferred fibre service provider, TMW will continue to pursue 4G and 5G fibre infrastructure deployment as well as promoting collaboration with domestic service providers, in line with the Government’s JENDELA initiative. The 5G fibre leasing services (worth RM2 billion over 10 years) for Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB)’s 5G infrastructure needs, is a testament of TM’s commitment to infrastructure sharing in enabling excellent wireless solutions and services. TMW also recorded the highest active ports subscription for wholesale High-Speed Broadband (HSBB) access with more than 550,000 cumulative ports for Malaysian fibre broadband providers.

On the international front, TMW continues with its aspiration to become a digital hub for the ASEAN region through strategic collaborations with hyperscalers and global service providers. The year saw a solid achievement with 190 new deals from hyperscalers and global service providers for various wholesale International Data offerings. This translated into the highest annual revenue contribution from major hyperscalers worldwide, a milestone year in building a regional hub position for Malaysia.

TM ONE: Custom solutions and digital adoption amid a challenging landscape

TM ONE is expected to remain competitive amidst the challenging economic and business environment. This is driven by its strong value proposition of offering the end-to-end managed services and digital solutions, backed by robust digital connectivity and infrastructure.

As the only home-based Cloud Service Provider (CSP) with data sovereignty assurance, TM ONE will continue enhancing its Cloud service as a complete digital solution by embedding analytics, smart services/IoT and cybersecurity to cater for the key industry verticals. Enterprises and public sector services are on an accelerated path to digitally transform, leveraging on cloud architecture and smart services as a foundational pillar to unlock innovation opportunities, stay resilient and maintain a competitive edge, all in line with Malaysia’s MyDIGITAL aspirations.

In becoming a trusted cloud partner, TM ONE focused its efforts in boosting proficiencies and competencies of its solution consultants, technology experts as well as international certifications. It has attained four (4) International Standard certifications (ISO/IEC) for Cloud α (pronounced as Cloud alpha) on Information Security Management System (ISMS), Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) and Cloud Specific Controls.

Commentary and Outlook from Imri Mokhtar, TM Group Chief Executive Officer

“As the enabler of Digital Malaysia, TM remains steadfast in its efforts to realise the national digital aspirations. We are committed to support the Government’s efforts to re-build the economy post-pandemic.

For 2021, TM has shown positive results, driven by the New TM Transformation Programme which has delivered overall growth in TM’s revenue and EBIT. Cost rationalisation has also significantly improved the Group’s profitability.

As TM enters its second year of transformation in 2022, we are activating more programmes to ensure we quickly move forward as a growth company, and keep pace with our trajectory. TM’s revenue growth is expected to remain intact, in line with the Group's market guidance, which is between low to middle single digit growth, while EBIT is projected to be more than RM1.80 billion, driven by TM’s three Lines of Business: unifi, TM ONE and TM Wholesale.

We expect to invest between 14% to 18% of our revenue this year on Capex, reflecting our continued commitment to reinvesting into growth areas, capability, and capacity building, as well as enhanced customer experience.

In promoting sustainability, TM aligns its ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) vision and commitments to national and global aspirations. For Environmental, TM is committed to achieve carbon emission reduction by 30% in 2024, 45% by 2030 and Net-Zero emission by 2050. On Social, TM is set to enable MyDIGITAL Blueprint 2025 targets by ensuring at least 70% of premises have access to high-speed Internet. Under Governance, TM works hand-in-hand with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to continue upholding our zero-tolerance to any form of corruption and maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance.

This year, we will continue to power a digital nation, by delivering great Customer Experience, Solutions and Connectivity Excellence. This is made possible with unwavering support from its core execution engine; the employees or "Warga TM" who are fully dedicated and committed to enabling a Digital Malaysia, bridging the digital divide and in step, reducing the income divide.”

In its pursuit to strengthen its core connectivity and invest more in digital, TM is future-proofing the organisation with future-ready skills and digital workforce, as part of its aspiration in becoming a human-centred technology company.”

Guidance for 2022 is summarised below:

Revenue Growth Low to middle single digit growth Low to middle single digit growth
EBIT More than RM 1.8 billion
CAPEX / Revenue ​Between 14% - 18%




09 Jun 2023
FAM - TM Jalin Semula Kerjasama Strategik Sebagai Rakan Rasmi Teknologi

Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) meneruskan jalinan kerjasama dengan Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) di mana syarikat telekomunikasi terkemuka negara itu menjadi Rakan Rasmi Teknologi bagi FAM dan pasukan kebangsaan, Harimau Malaya untuk tempoh setahun bermula Jun 2023 ini. Perjanjian itu juga menjadi bukti komitmen tinggi TM terhadap pembangunan sukan bola sepak negara di mana syarikat tersebut telah terlibat secara langsung dalam industri bola sepak tempatan sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu. Menurut Presiden FAM, Datuk Haji Hamidin Haji Mohd Amin, kerjasama yang kembali terjalin bersama TM selepas kali terakhir berkolaborasi pada tahun 2020 membuktikan hubungan baik FAM bersama syarikat telekomunikasi itu sentiasa dipelihara. “Sudah pasti FAM berasa gembira dan berbesar hati dengan jalinan semula kerjasama bersama TM yang tentunya akan membawa manfaat besar kepada perancangan dan pembangunan skuad bola sepak kebangsaan. “Saya optimis bahawa hubungan strategik antara FAM dan TM ini dapat mencapai hasil penajaan yang menggalakkan selain memberi peluang TM membawakan produk mereka untuk dinikmati oleh jutaan peminat bola sepak di negara ini melalui pelbagai program promosi yang akan kita aktifkan dalam masa terdekat.  “Mewakili seluruh warga kerja FAM, saya ingin menzahirkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada TM dan berharap menerusi kerjasama ini, arena bola sepak negara akan bergerak ke arah kecemerlangan,” kata Datuk Haji Hamidin.  Majlis menandatangani perjanjian antara FAM dan TM itu telah berlangsung di Wisma FAM, Kelana Jaya petang tadi di mana FAM diwakili oleh Setiausaha Agung FAM, En Noor Azman Hj Rahman sementara TM telah diwakili oleh Naib Presiden, Jenama dan Pemasaran, En Andrew Pinto. Majlis tersebut telah disaksikan oleh Datuk Haji Hamidin bersama-sama Puan Shanti Jusnita Johari, Ketua Pegawai Pemasaran, TM. Turut hadir adalah kedua-dua Timbalan Presiden FAM, Datuk Wira Mohd Yusoff Mahadi dan Dato’ S. Sivasundaram, barisan ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif FAM, serta barisan pengurusan kanan Kumpulan TM.   Sementara itu, Puan Shanti turut menzahirkan penghargaan kepada pihak FAM atas kolaborasi ini yang membolehkan TM meneruskan peranannya dalam memajukan sukan bola sepak sebagai sukan nombor satu negara yang mempunyai jutaan peminat tanpa mengira bangsa, umur dan latar belakang. “TM menerajui evolusi teknologi telekomunikasi negara sejak sekian lama ke arah membina Digital Malaysia menerusi teknologi yang memperkasa komuniti, perniagaan dan Kerajaan. Kini, TM telah menjalani transformasi ke arah menjadi sebuah Syarikat Teknologi Berteraskan Insan, ataupun, a Human-Centred Technology Company. Peralihan ini akan turut diterapkan dalam jalinan kerjasama antara TM dan FAM ini, dengan membawakan pengalaman baharu kepada para penyokong pasukan kebangsaan melalui teknologi digital serta perkhidmatan komunikasi dan kandungan,” kata beliau. “Kami amat berbesar hati dapat memberikan sokongan kepada sukan bola sepak kerana ianya mampu menyatukan rakyat Malaysia di bawah satu bendera. Diharapkan kolaborasi ini dapat mencetuskan minat dan sokongan yang lebih jitu daripada para peminat, seterusnya memberi suntikan semangat untuk pasukan bola sepak kebangsaan. Semoga kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak bakal mengangkat martabat sukan bola sepak kita dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa,” akhiri Puan Shanti.

17 May 2021
TM wins again at Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2021 for its innovation, patrol

This is the fourth award received by TM at Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards in three years running Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) through its innovation arm, TM Research & Development (TM R&D) wins the AI – Telecommunications Award at the recent Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2021, presented by Singapore Business Review. The award was conferred in recognition of the Company's achievement in developing PATROL as a proof of function for research particularly on automatic detection of construction using vehicle dashcam and generate proactive alerts using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. This is the fourth award received by TM R&D from the Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards in its three years of running. The awards ceremony lauds exceptional companies that have successfully pioneered IT products, solutions and innovative technology projects in their respective industries to boost Malaysia's fast-growing economy. Commenting on the accomplishment, Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM R&D said, "This is indeed a proud moment for us. Winning the award is a huge boost for our effort in showcasing how AI can be applied to solve real-life problems. It is also a huge encouragement for us to further strengthen our position as the leader in the research, development and innovation field. This award goes out to the team for delivering such outstanding work. We hope it will give them the drive to explore more innovations for TM to serve a more digital society, digital business, digital industry and digital Government, towards accelerating Digital Malaysia." Project PATROL was developed to provide early warning alerts on areas where TM infrastructure has a high risk of being destroyed due to civil and construction works by a third party. Ideally, before the civil or construction works were to begin, TM and other utility companies are to be consulted to ensure proper precautionary measures are taken to avoid telecommunication cable or other utility infrastructure cuts such as water or sewerage. The cable cuts will lead to loss of broadband and other telecommunication services which will cause major inconveniences to consumer lifestyle and businesses, as well as operation nightmare for any telcos. To fill in those gaps, PATROL was developed powered by digital and AI capabilities. PATROL leverages AI, object detection capabilities and the Internet of Things (IoT) to detect a construction area using a dashcam. The system then automatically checks if the unregistered civil and construction activity is in close proximity to underground or overhead cable infrastructure. Several parameters are used to assess risk before an alert is sent to the Network Operations Centre for investigation. "PATROL provides real-time alerts on civil and construction activities that pose a high risk to the security and safety of TM's cable infrastructure. This information allows telco providers to act fast in preventing possible threats to their assets. With PATROL, we foresee a huge opportunity for operational cost avoidance due to cable cut cases," she further added. Established in 2001, TM R&D is the innovation arm for TM Group focusing on creating smarter ecosystems to make business and life easier for a better Malaysia.  TM R&D's solutions are clustered around four (4) pillars namely Intelligent Platforms, Data Brokerage, Connectivity/Tools and IR4.0/Digital Solutions. Growing from strength to strength since 2016, TM R&D has won multiple global awards and generated more than 2,800 Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and 1,400 digital assets to date. TM R&D's innovations are all developed in-house and cut across multiple verticals such as Utilities, Retail, Agriculture, Healthcare and Education with safety and productivity as the top priority. As TM R&D continues to expand beyond connectivity and into smarter digital ecosystems, its role in TM has become more prominent and exciting. For more information about TM R&D and its innovations, visit www.tmrnd.com.my or email your inquiry to business@tmrnd.com.my or follow them on LinkedIn (TM Research & Development) for more news and updates.

01 Nov 2021
TM wins Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards 2021 again

The 2nd consecutive win further boosts TM’s outstanding professionalism in human capital amongst companies in Asia ​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) was recently accorded Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards at the World HRD Congress 2021. Organised by the Employer Branding Institute, World HRD Congress and Star of the Industry Group, Asia’s Best Employer Brands Awards recognises efforts of organisations in the Asian region that have demonstrated excellent employer branding through effective talent strategies, talent development and talent innovation. The event hosted Human Resource (HR) leaders and professionals from the Asian region to discuss and recognise HR best practices. Sarinah Abu Bakar, Chief Human Capital Officer, TM in expressing her gratitude for the achievement, said: “This award is a testament of our commitment and efforts in doing things that matter the most and have a direct impact on our businesses and employees - human capital development. We are fully aware that Human Resources are a strategic pillar in driving business results. As part of the ‘New TM’ transformation, we recently introduced a new performance culture to reshape our workforce into a stronger execution engine that performs and transforms with agility. We continue to focus on future-proofing our organisation, invest in future-ready skills for new growth areas that will shift our business performance to the next level. This is in line with our continuous commitment towards upskilling and reskilling our workforce with digital competencies to accelerate Digital Malaysia. So this award is a tribute to our over 22,000 employees whose dedication has made TM one of Asia’s best employers.” Additionally, in this seemingly challenging situation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, TM has also implemented policies and initiatives for the safety and health of its workforce including digital applications such as the COVID-19@TM app, and digital tools to enable the workforce to remain resilient and productive in delivering connectivity services to our customers and the nation so Malaysians can stay connected and stay productive. For more info on the award and the list of winners, visit www.employerbrandingawards.com.


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