15 Dec 2020

TMpoint Kajang reports one (1) new positive Covid-19 case

TMpoint Kajang reports one (1) new positive Covid-19 case Article Header

Safety protocols activated – outlet closed for sanitisation till 27 December 2020

​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to confirm one (1) new positive case of COVID-19 amongst its employees at TMpoint Kajang on 13 December 2020. The employee is currently receiving treatment at a Government​ hospital.

Following the confirmed case, TM has taken immediate action to close its TMpoint Kajang until 27 December 2020 for disinfection and sanitisation in accordance to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health (MoH). Meanwhile, other TMpoint outlets remain in operations in adherence to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as well as TM’s added safety guidelines to ensure our customers continue to be served. TM management and staff are together praying for the speedy recovery of all those affected by the pandemic.

Meanwhile, detailed contact tracing is being carried out by the MoH, assisted by TM’s COVID-19 Crisis Response Team (CRT), to identify and inform those whom had close contact with the positive case. Identified close contacts are being contacted by MoH for further advice and action.

TM would like to remind everyone at all times to stay safe – practice social distancing, maintain personal hygiene and adhere to the SOPs as advised by the Government. TM would like to reiterate that it has taken and will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of its customers, employees and community.​


05 Oct 2021
unifi business a boost for MSMEs as economic recovery gains momentum

unifi Business Solutions help MSMEs kick start their online businesses ​As the country's National Recovery Plan gathers pace, many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are ready to take advantage of the re-opening of economic sectors. In this respect, unifi has recently come up with solutions to help these businesses, many of which have transitioned seamlessly into the digital space post-COVID19 pandemic. In view of this, unifi is taking proactive steps to ensure that MSMEs can achieve business sustainability with its innovative offerings. This was made possible by partnering with proven technology partners and Government agencies that understand the needs of Malaysian businesses. With unifi Business Solutions, MSMEs can grow their businesses online and significantly boost sales and productivity at minimal costs through reliable high-speed Internet that comes with an array of tried-and-tested business solutions, including productivity and marketing tools. With solutions that suit the needs of current businesses, unifi Business Solutions have now established itself as the go-to platform for Malaysian MSMEs. This is attributed to its exceptional service, which includes swift, dependable nationwide support and sound, thought-out advice by its team of experienced consultants. For businesses venturing into the digital marketplace, they have the option of signing up with Digital Marketing Solutions where they can enhance their online presence by setting up a website, getting a business listing and securing more businesses with Facebook and Instagram ads. With cari@unifi Premium Listing, businesses are able to reach a wider customer base through postings listing and articles on unifi's cari@unifi marketplace platform. Productivity can be increased by signing up with Microsoft 365, where businesses can have real-time solutions to connect and collaborate anytime, anywhere. Understanding that new businesses might be overwhelmed with the digital marketplace maze, unifi Business, together with partners and Government agencies, offer free digital upskilling classes to MSMEs. Localised webinars by consultants and partners are held regularly to ensure that no businesses are left behind in the journey towards business digitalisation. In addition, all unifi business broadband and mobile customers will enjoy the benefits as a member of the unifi Business Club (uBC) where they will get access to relevant and current content at the uBC portal (https://ubc.unifi.com.my). Here, they can find content such as webinars, talk shows, live chats, events, business tips and articles that can help them navigate the business world. uBC members will also enjoy specialised financial assistance, productivity boosters, digital marketing platforms, tools and community engagement programmes that are tailored to a variety of business needs. Mohamad Yusman Ammeran, Head of SME Segment, unifi said with more economic sectors opening up, many MSMEs have embraced digitalisation to sustain and thrive, after a challenging period owing to the COVID-19 restrictions. "MSMEs form the backbone of our economy and Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and unifi are ever ready to help these enterprises get back on their feet, come back stronger and help accelerate the country's economic recovery," he said. Yusman added that under unifi's current campaign, MSMEs could enjoy up to 50% off savings or get an RM5,000 matching grant for each company, as part of the PEMULIH initiative announced by the Government in June 2021. To encourage sign-ups amongst MSMEs, unifi is also offering exciting prizes under its Sign Up & Drive Away contest. The prizes include nine (9) four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles during the contest period which will end on 31 December 2021. Other prizes include laptops, smartphones and computer tablets. So far, five (5) 4WD vehicles have been won, including by the latest winners, Zainun Ngah Enterprise and GAP Empire Trading, both of which are in the retail sector. Speaking at the prize giving event to the latest winners recently, Yusman said: "This is an excellent opportunity for local MSMEs to increase their productivity while reducing their operating cost, and at the same time, stand to win exciting prizes. We believe these offerings will help our customers bounce back stronger and help grow the Malaysian economy. We hope they see unifi Business not just as a service provider, but as an integral partner of their business journey." "unifi's online business solutions for MSMEs is in line with TM's support towards the Government's initiatives, such as JENDELA and MyDIGITAL, and fits into the Company's role as the enabler of Digital Malaysia," he added. For more information on unifi Business Solutions and MSME Digitalisation grant offerings, please visit www.unifi.com.my/business/smegrant.

01 Nov 2022
TM launches first phase of 5G services for unifi mobile customers and businesses

Strengthening Unifi’s fixed-mobile convergence offering, TM aims to deliver seamless 5G transition and spur Malaysia’s 5G adoption and digital capabilities ​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (“TM” or “the Group”) is uniquely positioned to accelerate Malaysia’s 5G adoption, as the Group leverages its convergence leadership in delivering seamless fixed and mobile services to customers and businesses. Following the signing of DNB’s Access Agreement on 30 October 2022, TM launched the first phase of its 5G services today, offering unlimited 5G data to existing Unifi Mobile Postpaid customers, as well as new Postpaid and Prepaid customers. “DNB’s Access Agreement provides a level playing field for telcos to access the single 5G network equally, to deliver a wider range of innovative services,” said Imri Mokhtar, TM’s Group CEO. “Leveraging this equal entry into 5G plus our current suite of connectivity and digital solutions, TM will be better placed to drive innovation and digital transformation at a national level, aligning with key digital programmes such as JENDELA and MyDigital to competitively position Malaysia as a technology hub.”   “5G will reinforce TM’s leadership in fixed-mobile converged services for our consumer and MSME segments, strengthening our mobile capabilities to provide the widest and fastest all-in-one solution for fixed broadband, mobile service and digital content that meets today’s digital lifestyles and workstyles,” Imri added. Acknowledging that one of the critical factors in 5G adoption is the willingness of customers to purchase new 5G-enabled devices, Unifi Mobile will also offer bundled 5G service-and-device plans, catering to a range of price points to ensure customer affordability from all backgrounds. With 5G currently covering more than 33% of populated areas throughout Malaysia, this first phase is key to grow TM’s reach and presents the opportunity for a new push in Unifi’s convergence play, riding on its strength of 3 million households and close to 400,000 MSME customers. 5G will also strengthen Unifi’s proposition as a preferred digital partner for MSMEs, to provide complete one-stop services to accelerate their business growth. Additionally, via TM One, its enterprise and Government sector arm, TM recently launched its 5G Sphere, a circle of leading technology and smart solution partners to form an ecosystem that will accelerate the co-creation of 5G innovative use-cases, taking enterprise 5G transformation from ideation to realisation. To date, there are 39 partners in this programme. TM’s nation-building efforts with the Government will also speed-up the availability of smart city, smart industry and 5G-enabled applications, creating a more sustainable and inclusive digital society and economy. Simultaneously, TM continues to modernise the country’s fibre network architecture, integrating automation and virtualisation technologies to boost back-end infrastructures that will support the anticipated demand for 5G services and capabilities. Ahead of this commercial launch, TM took strides to ramp up its 5G capabilities to grow its mobile and fixed-mobile convergence position, having recently appointed a seasoned industry leader, Jasmine Lee, as its Executive Vice President, Mobile and Chief Executive Officer of webe, as well as onboarding senior mobile talents to strengthen its innovation and competitiveness. “As we transform to become a human-centred TechCo, TM’s 5G commitment goes beyond connectivity to enabling our interconnected society reshape the way we live and work. We recognise the value that this next-gen technology will bring to communities, businesses and the Government, and will continue to explore new ways to make 5G and digital progress accessible to all,” Imri concluded.

03 Sep 2020
Telecommunications operators committed to JENDELA to deliver seamless digital connectivity for all Malaysians

​Telecommunications operators Celcom Axiata Berhad, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd, Maxis Berhad, U Mobile Sdn Bhd, Telekom Malaysia Berhad and TIME dotCom Berhad (collectively 'the Industry'), are fully committed to partner with the Government and make connectivity a basic utility to fast-track Malaysia's transition into a high-income digital society. The Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) action plan announced recently by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Yassin, will be the platform to achieve these aspirations by accelerating the country's digital connectivity through widespread deployment of mobile, fibre and fixed wireless access, and paving the way to 5G, under the 12th Malaysia Plan (2021–2025). The National Digital Infrastructure Lab: A collaborative effort aspiring to deliver connectivity for all The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered an urgency for Malaysia to address the 'new normal' and cater for future demands of connectivity as an enabler for all facets of life: The economy and people's livelihoods, education, business opportunities and building and connecting communities amongst others. To prepare for the future and to fulfill our Digital Malaysia aspirations, it is clear the Industry must aspire to enable everyone in this journey through quality and reliable connectivity. To this end, the Industry was a strong participant alongside the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in the National Digital Infrastructure Lab (NDIL), with the aim to collaboratively address how to deliver quality connectivity to all Malaysians. The outcome of the NDIL was a comprehensive digital infrastructure plan that accelerates improvements to coverage and quality of experience nationwide, optimises fixed, mobile and fit-for-purpose technologies; and paves the way for the eventual adoption of 5G technologies to enable the country's digital ambitions. JENDELA: Strengthening Malaysia's Digital Communications Infrastructure to Deliver Seamless Connectivity for all Malaysians The Industry will work closely with the Government to fast-track the nation's progress towards becoming a globally competitive, resilient and enriched digital society and economy through JENDELA. Phase 1 (now to 2022): An accelerated improvement plan for nationwide 4G coverage and 7.5mil fixed broadband premises; with consistent quality of experience for everyone As announced by the Prime Minister, JENDELA will be implemented in phases. Phase 1, which starts now until 2022, will optimise existing resources and infrastructure for both mobile and fixed connectivity to: Expand 4G mobile broadband coverage from 91.8% to 96.9% in populated areas; Increase mobile broadband speeds from 25Mbps to 35Mbps; and Enable as many as 7.5 million premises to access gigabit speeds with fixed broadband services. JENDELA will firstly prioritise strengthening the nation's existing fixed and mobile networks and building a strong foundation for the eventual adoption of 5G. This will also involve the gradual retirement of 3G networks at the end of 2021. To achieve the targets in Phase 1, the Industry will look at providing wider coverage and enhanced quality of experience by upgrading and building new 4G sites, and fiberising more premises. This will be driven by extending 4G mobile coverage in rural and remote areas, improving in-door coverage for urban and suburban areas, connecting more homes with fixed broadband via fibre and other fit-for-purpose technologies (e.g. Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and satellite) to ensure widespread nationwide coverage and connectivity for all. Meanwhile, fibre providers will continue to support the industry with fibre backhaul for capacity to serve higher traffic demands expected on 4G and to ensure the fibre foundation essential for future technologies such as 5G. Phase 2 (Beyond 2022): Address the Digital Divide via Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and pave the way for 5G Phase 2 of JENDELA involves utilising FWA and other fit-for-purpose technologies to address further gaps in the digital divide, as well as priming for the nation's eventual adoption of 5G technologies; which will take place once action plans under Phase 1 are achieved. The Industry will continue to educate the public on the potential of 5G and its capabilities, through use cases applied across verticals such as manufacturing, agriculture, education, healthcare, security transportation, consumer experience, environment and smart city development. These use cases will continue to be explored under the 5G Demonstration Projects (5GDP). JENDELA: A realistic, progressive digital connectivity plan to realise Digital Malaysia JENDELA is an accelerated improvement plan where all public and private stakeholders are equally invested to deliver. This is a shared aspiration for the whole country, driven by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (KKMM) and MCMC in partnership with the telecommunications operators, and other agencies at the federal, state, and local council levels. The industry believes that collaboration among all parties is crucial to facilitate infrastructure rollout in a coordinated manner, with minimal impact on civil works, the public, the environment, and all aspects of the ecosystem. We look forward to working together to fulfil the objectives of JENDELA and enabling widespread quality connectivity for Malaysians nationwide. The Industry will provide periodical updates to the public on the progress of JENDELA, including initiatives undertaken as part of journey towards its aspirations.


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