Protecting the planet
for a greener tomorrow
Our stakeholders rely on TM’s critical network infrastructure and services to function in their daily lives. Therefore, we are committed to building its resilience and response against climate change. In line with our sustainability agenda, we continue to make great strides in improving the environmental impact of our business and stakeholders.
We have introduced a series of carbon emission targets that align with both national and global goals. To achieve these targets, we are intensifying our efforts in reducing energy use, leveraging renewable energy and investing in green technology. We are also collaborating with Mega-Partners and key suppliers to exchange ideas and adopt new technologies that support a more green and circular economy.
Carbon Emission
We are on track to achieving our targets through the adoption of renewable energy and implementing energy-reduction initiatives. The scope of our zero-carbon efforts is based on three (3) scopes:
What Is Our Approach

Scope 1: Direct emissions from fuel consumption
This year, we added the emissions from our gensets to our Scope 1 boundary, in addition to the fuel consumed by our vehicle fleet.
We calculated the carbon emissions from fuel consumption using the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2006.

Scope 2: Indirect emissions from electricity consumption
We have significantly expanded our Scope 2 boundary from eight (8) sites to 100% of TM assets in Peninsular Malaysia, with plans to cover all sites across Malaysia next year.
We calculated the carbon emissions equivalent of the electricity used according to the Fourth Biennial Update Report Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Malaysia.

Scope 3: Indirect emissions from other activities
We cover two (2) key dimensions for Scope 3:
Air Travel - The flights taken by TM employees for business-related matters, which is calculated using the Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Carbon Emissions Calculator.
Waste Production - Solid waste data collected from our operations are vonverted into carbon emissions following the Intergovernmental Panel on CLimate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, 2006.
As part of our continous improvement, we aim to expand our scope 3 boundary
to include employee commuting by 2023
We have a climate change risk management strategy to manage the risks posed by climate change to our business. This includes protecting our network infrastructure from climate-related famage so we can continue providing uninterrupted service to our customers while transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
We are also working to align our business with the TCFD reporting framework. This will help us to understand and evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. By disclosing information on elimate related risks opportunies and governance, we aim to increase transparency and help stakeholders make informed decisions, while demonstrating our commitment to climate action. We plan to publish our TCFD report by mid-2023, two (2) years ahead of Bursa Malaysia;s requirements.
Environmental Quality
As we work towards improving the lives of Malaysians, we must also take responsibility for our impact on the environment. While there is a lot of emphasis on the climate agenda, we must not overlook other environmental issues like air quality, noise pollution and the availability of natural resources. Staying true to our commitment, we are adopting a comprehensive approach to protecting the environment.
What Is Our Approach
At TM, we are committed to building a culture of high environment standards and compliance. Our approach is to be proactive in which we actively monitor our impact on the environment while raising awareness of best practices amongst our employees and stakeholders. Through environmental monitoring, we stay ahead of environmental risks and opportunities that might have been overlooked. To ensure strong governance, the outcomes of our environmental monitoring are reviewed by the Group Risk Manageent and Transformation Office, who deliver a quaterly report to TM’s Board Risk Commitee (BRC).
At our data centres, several activities have been introduced in line with environmental protection:

Legal & Regulatory Requirements
Compliance risk identification and assesment on DOE, DOSH and Suruhanjaya Tenaga legal requirements

Waste Control Guidelines
Monitoring of wastes generated by the organisation, involving or in relation to environmental issues

Establishment on Register of Legal & Regulatory Requirements Form to evaluate compliance

Chemical Control Guidelines
Guideline for chemicals used by the organisation, involving or in relation to any environmental, occupational health and safety issues.
We have also implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) at eight (8) TM sites to help us achieve our environmental goals through review, evaluation and improvements of our environmental performance. Our activities and operations are guided by TM’s Environmental Policy, which articulates our commitments and approach to taking care of our natural world. All employees and relevant stakeholders are expected to adhere to this policy in their daily work with action taken against any misconduct.
TM has been at the forefront of connecting Malaysians to their loved ones for the last 75 years (and counting). Our future-ready approach lends itself to significant contribution towards the national economy. Through the utilisation of cutting-edge technology and product solutions innovation, we up our standards even more. All the while, strengthening our customer experience and building a robust cyber security system that you can rely on..
Fair & Transparent Communication
Fair and transparent communication fosters innovation and collaboration as it provides valuable insights and feedback that help us identify new growth opportunities. This can lead to more effective strategies and decision-making for improved performance and long-term viability. Our goal is to create a shared understanding of our vision, mission and values – allowing all our stakeholders to feel connected with our nation-building agenda. This in turn will help us gain support for TM to accelerate the country’s transformation into a full-fledged Digital Malaysia by 2030.
What Is Our Approach
Since the identification of Fair & Transparent Communication as a critical material matter, the Strategic Communications (SC) team has been re-evaluating our current approach to communications. Instead of increasing the amount of communication activities, we need to channel our communication in better ways. The team plans to adopt a more focused and targeted approach to how we share information. We continuously explore new ways of communicating and engaging with our stakeholders so that our messages are more visible and available to them. Our focus is to tighten the alignment of our communication assets in order to deliver information more effectively. We will also leverage our strengths in technological innovation, such as AI and data analytics, to create smarter and more agile communication pathways.
In 2023, we aim to roll out a strategy to drive various initiatives, guided by a revised TM Communication Policy with the aim of improving our fair and transparent communications. The new strategy and policy will cover our communication approach from a stakeholder perspective. It will address communication issues raised during the materiality exercise and promote a culture of honesty, transparency and accountability across TM.
Innovation & Technology
Through cross-functional collaborative innovation, we meet the evolving connectivity needs of Malaysians and fortify our competitive edge. Our product development goes through rigorous standards and processes to guarantee quality, stability and safety. Everything we create has accessibility, security and affordability as our primary considerations.
The expansion of our network infrastructure further helps bridge the national digital divide and ensure inclusive socio-economic growth. Together, they contribute towards the government’s JENDELA action plan and promote economic sustainability.
We foster a culture of open and transparent communications across all levels and channels responsibly, ensuring stakeholders are well informed with timely, accessible, appropriate and relevant information that is pertinent to our service.
What Is Our Approach
At TM, innovation prevails through TM Research & Development (TM R&D). As the key enabler in driving TM’s digital aspiration, TM R&D’s innovation moves beyond connectivity to create new value- added digital and smart services, covering customer experience, process optimisation, as well as new business opportunities. With strength in intelligent platforms, IR4.0 technologies and connectivity, we help businesses solve operational issues and co-create solutions for the global market:

Intelligent Support Systems
Driving seamless and best-in-class customer experience by providing reliable, AI driven, predictive and end-to-end solutions

Workforce Related
Creating state-of-the-art solutions with safety and productivity as the top priority to boost efficiencies at the workplace

Data Brokerage
Creating new revenue opportunities through smarter platforms, cultivating better insights and spawn the creation of new services

IoT Industry
Creating IoT solutions for the industries to benefit from the industrial revolution.
Today, we are monetising TM R&D as a business, offering R&D as a service. Our goal is to provide a smarter ecosystems solutions to enrich humanity and bring progress to nations. We strive to stay relevant with our new innovative solutions that the market cannot do without and take on projects that provide multi-fold benefits to businesses and the global market.
TM R&D Focus Areas
- Academic Research (Fundamental)
- Industry Research (Exploratory)
- Co-Creation Projects (with Industry)
- Commercialisation
Network Stability & Quality
The demand for connectivity and communication services has soared over recent years, especially since the onset of the pandemic. All segments of society – businesses, governments and the general public – require fast and quality connection to live, work and play. Even just a moment of downtime can impact our stakeholders. For individuals, interrupted services can limit their access to critical services, such as banking or e-learning, thus negatively affecting the customer experience. Businesses that face outages can experience disruption and losses, with the severity based on the sector.
As a strategic partner for Malaysia’s sovereign communications, any network failure can cause severe consequences to the Government and their ability to serve its people. Therefore, optimal network performance is a bedrock for our long-term value creation. This means delivering fast, high-quality and reliable services that truly make life easier while accelerating our Digital Malaysia aspirations.
What Is Our Approach
At TM, we strive to actively protect our stakeholders from network issues. We are continuously improving our network resilience against network disruptions. Our BCM system, and DRP are designed to ensure fast recovery against potential threats that may distrupt our service, which include disasters, cyber security breaches, riots/public disorder and distruptions to logistic operations due to theft/robbery.
Beyond network continuity, we also ensure that the high-quality service delivered is fast and reliable. Our products and services are governed by a range of regulations, certifications and standards that ensure we consistently deliver world-class service quality and performance that meet the needs of our customers.
policies, certifications
& regulations
- TM Business Initiative Governance Framework Policy
- Mandatory Standards of Access & Mandatory Standards of Quality of Services
- MCMC Short Range Devices Technical Standards
- QMS ISO 9001
- BCMS ISO 22301:2019
- ISMS ISO 27001:2013
- Standards for Customer Premise Equipment
- Metro-Ethernet Forum (MEF) Certification
Cyber Security
Given the nature of our business as a digital enabler, we face various cyber security risks and threats that can have severe consequences for our society, businesses and the Government. A cyber attack on our network infrastructure can force us to shut down critical services, disrupt socio-economic well-being and cause major losses for TM. Protecting our digital landscape is crucial to avoid such consequences.
Moreover, cyber breaches can lead to the loss of critical stakeholder information. Successful attacks can result in severe impacts on both individual and business customers, including credit card and identity theft, sensitive information leaks and reputational damage. Therefore, we have a responsibility to protect and manage the data entrusted to us.
What Is Our Approach
TM’s cyber security is overseen by the Group Information Security (GIS). Our goal is to continuously improve our cyber security governance, compliance, risk management and operations management throughout our business. Through these programmes, we are able to build infrastructure protection against cyber threats, protect stakeholder data and ensure the high availability of our critical services at all times. The GIS team is critical to our business continuity and ensuring a secure experience for our customers and stakeholders as we advance our digital objectives.
Our cyber security efforts are governed by the following policies, frameworks and certifications to ensure we deliver world-class protection at all times:
- TM’s Information Security Policy
- Information Security Management System (ISO/IEC27001, ISO/IEC27017, ISO/IEC27018)
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)
Customer Experience
Creating customer value has always been at the core of what we do. Our legacy is built on how we have been able to connect with customers and deliver on their communication needs. As society shifts towards a digital future, we need to evolve along with our customers’ changing needs. This includes adapting to their growing expectations, which have been influenced by new technologies and solutions that facilitate fast and seamless customer interactions. Transforming the customer experience transformation can unlock new opportunities, drive growth, reduce costs, improve competitiveness, and create sustainable value.
As we continue to improve our customer’s journey and experience, we must not forget the importance of human connection in customer service. It is not just about making things quick and easy, but also about showing empathy, kindness, and compassion. Our human-centred approach aims to provide personalised and meaningful services that build long-term trust and satisfaction with our customers.
What Is Our Approach
Through TM’s Customer Experience (CX) team, we adopt a ‘customer first’ management approach, in which we focus on elevating CX at every touchpoint of their journey. Our key focus areas include proactively managing end-to-end usage experience through analytics, strengthening processes and optimising resources at touchpoints and establishing strong fundamentals in the continuous improvement of our CX. In our effort to make our customer’s life easier, we deliver differentiated and new digital experiences for our customers by empowering them through various self-service digital platforms.
We also balance the efficiency that comes with digital technology together with the emotional connection delivered by our frontliners. This means providing the necessary support and training to our frontliners to ensure they are always ready to address customer concerns with respect and empathy. To future-proof our organisation and align with TM’s aspiration of becoming a human-centred TechCo, we are also building capabilities to empower customers to make choices and drive convergence benefits through personalised and omnichannel experiences.
With a customer-first mindset, we strive to deliver exceptional customer experience through three (3) key principles:
Simple and efficient, easy to deal with
Multiple touchpoints to serve all customers using their preferred channels
Experience that is personalised and relevant to the customer
Affordability & Inclusion
With digitalisation becoming more widespread, access to inclusive connectivity is increasingly important. COVID-19 made this even more critical, as digital technologies became essential for accessing services like finance, education and healthcare. However, the crisis also exacerbated existing inequalities for those who lack Internet access, particularly in rural areas like Sabah and Sarawak. As a nation-builder, we are committed to closing this digital divide and promoting inclusive socio-economic development.
We are dedicated to digital inclusion and making services available, accessible and affordable. Our transformation into a human-centred TechCo means prioritising people and ensuring that nobody is left behind in a Digital Malaysia.
What Is Our Approach
We strongly support the Government’s JENDELA plan to close the digital divide and actively contribute to nationwide fiberisation efforts to improve broadband coverage. Our main objective is to extend our reach to areas where it is most needed and to deliver affordable product propositions that cater to the varying financial needs of our diverse customer base. Our approach to affordable and inclusive connectivity is embedded in all our key business areas.
Through Unifi, we offer affordable convergence services to our home and SME customers, with a particular focus on micro and small businesses and ensuring that all Malaysians can enjoy the benefits of broadband everywhere. Unifi also serves as a one-stop service centre for SMEs in Malaysia and addresses their business needs.
TM One delivers smart solutions to the enterprise and public sector to create smart communities, cities and a smart nation for a more inclusive society. TM One supports the Government’s JENDELA projects through its smart solutions.
TM Global continues to proliferate digital inclusivity nationwide through extensive high-speed broadband access coverage and deployment of 4G and 5G sites. Supported by the widest network coverage in Malaysia, with more than 690,000 km fibre optic cables across the nation, TM Global strives to create an augmented domestic telecommunication ecosystem connecting Malaysians to their loved ones, locally and across borders.​
Putting people first for a better world
TM is a human-centred organisation that relies on people to create value for people. The success of our journey is supported by our dedicated workforce, loyal supply chain partners and local communities.
It is our duty to continue promoting diversity and inclusiveness in our leadership positions, as well as improving the footprint of our suppliers. We continue to deliver on their needs while preparing them for excellence in a more digitalised, sustainable world. Beyond that, we also fulfil our nation-building agenda through flagship programmes that develop community members into successful entrepreneurs and future digital leaders.
Fair Employment & Engagement
We view Warga TM as the backbone of our strategic growth and ambitions. When employees feel valued, respected and have equal opportunities, they become powerful advocates for our nation building agenda. To achieve a high-performance workforce, there needs to be a culture of trust, respect and equal opportunity.
Therefore, an inclusive and nurturing workplace culture goes a long way toward achieving business goals that will benefit both TM and our employees. When we create an inclusive and supportive workplace, it benefits both TM and our employees. We can attract and retain the best talent, improve workplace motivation and increase productivity.
Our Group Human Capital Management (GHCM) team works to create a workforce who will not only drive TM towards success but also a workforce that is well prepared and looking towards the future. Our approach to employees include:
What Is Our Approach
Our Group Human Capital Management (GHCM) team works to create a workforce who will not only drive TM towards success but also a workforce that is well prepared and looking towards the future. This includes treating employees with fairness and respect and providing them with the necessary resources and support to succeed in their careers. Our approach to employees include:

Fair, non-discrimination and equal opportunity
Implementation of policies and practices exclude any discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or other protected characteristics. It also involves ensuring that all employees have an equal opportunity to apply for and advance in their careers

Culture of inclusivity, high performance and growth
Promoting #IniCaraKita values and creating a culture where all employees feel valued and respected. This can involve things like training programmes, Pitstop, Turun Padang, Jom Bersama, Townhall, etc.

Employee engagement and well-being
Fostering a positive work environment where employees feel motivated and empowered to do their best work. This involves things like open communication, opportunities for feedback and input and support for work-life balance. Compensation and benefit offered is fair and competitive regardless of the demographic, as well as opportunities for professional development, job rotation, promotion, etc.
Health, Safety & Well-being
The health and safety of employees is an integral part of any business. It ensures that the well-being of employees are valued and protected. On the other hand, workplace injuries and incidents can lead to adverse consequences for employees, such as long-term stress, financial burdens, potential disabilities and, in the worst case, loss of life. Furthermore, it is not only the victim that is harmed but the accidents and injuries can also create a ripple effect to impact their loved ones as well. Well-being also extends to mental and emotional health, which shapes a person’s identity, confidence and life experience.
Having best practices with regard to health and safety is not just moral, but also good for business. A strong health and safety culture can boost employee morale and productivity, reduce staff turnover rates, minimise associated fines and penalties and build our reputation as a caring and responsible employer. By creating a safe and inclusive environment that protects the health, social and emotional well-being of our employees, we build their pride, trust and commitment to achieving their own and TM’s nation building ambition
What Is Our Approach
A strong safety culture is deeply incorporated across our business and value chain. We uphold the highest standards in providing a safe, healthy and environmentally-sustainable workplace for our employees, contractors, visitors and other persons throughout our activities. Our health and safety performance is managed by TM’s occupational health and safety management system (OSHMS). OSHMS helps prevent work-related injury, ill health and provides safe and healthy workplaces. It ultimately eliminates hazards and minimises risks by taking effective preventive and protective measures. The system adheres to ISO 45001:2018, an OSHMS Standards Certification, demonstrating our world-class approach to employee well-being.
The main type of work-related health condition faced by TM employees is musculoskeletal disorder. To mitigate this health issue, we focus on prevention and early intervention through risk assessments to identify any potential risks and implementation of ergonomic solutions. These solutions include job task and workstation modification as well as promoting wellness through various stretching and strengthening exercises. Through these physical awareness sessions and emails, our TM employees gain greater awareness of ergonomics, the significance of good posture and proper lifting techniques.
Training & Development
Upskilling and reskilling employees is critical to future-proofing our workforce, as it ensures that employees have the right skills and knowledge to thrive in a fast-changing environment. Investments in training and development contribute to employees’ professional growth, giving them more fulfilment in their careers.
By focusing on talent development, employees are able to perform better as they have greater understanding and confidence in delivering on their roles. It ensures that they are able to effectively execute TM’s strategic objectives in contributing to our nation building agenda for the years to come. Having strong development programmes also help us attract and retain the industry’s top talent, thus reinforcing TM’s competitiveness as a digital leader​.
What Is Our Approach
TM’s Learning & Development L&D adopts a holistic approach to talent development. Our focus is to reshape the workforce to become a stronger execution engine, embrace a more agile work environment and drive a high-performance culture with future-ready skills. Our training programmes are mapped to our value creation strategy and priorities, therefore ensuring they are equipped to help TM transform into a human-centred TechCo in realising our Digital Malaysia aspiration.
We deliver impactful employee training through our Value Programme Right Skilling (VPRS)programmes, which leverage our internal expertise from Multimedia University (MMU) and TM R&D and through collaborations with our strategic partners. The effectiveness of VPRS is evaluated according to the Kirkpatrick Training Model, covering:
Participants’ Satisfaction index towards the training
Target: 4.25 (85%)
Participants’ Learning (knowledge & skills acquisition) achievement
Target: 80%
Participants’ Behavioural (learning transfer) at the workplace after the training
Target: 20%
Training Outcome/Impact on our business
Sales Revenue from training programmes
Sales Revenue from training cost avoidance
RM5.45 million
Responsible Supply Chain
Our supply chain is an extension of our workforce and community. With over 5,000 active suppliers, the impact of our business is multiplied throughout our operations. Naturally, we see this as a way to drive our sustainability agenda forward. By prioritising local suppliers with sustainable practices, we can influence positive change across our value chain while contributing to the local economy. Sustainable supply chains ensure the protection of workers and the environment while protecting our business from supply distruptions.
What Is Our Approach
To ensure our suppliers uphold our high standards of sustainable and responsible practices, we screen them according out our sustainability criteria. Similarly, we include sustainability-related clauses in our supplier contracts, covering a range of topics such as occupational health and safety, environmental protection, ethics and integrity, business continuity management and other sustainability matters. We work closely with our suppliers to train and develop businesses on how they can improve their social and environmental impact. This ensures that they can transition towards a sustainable economy while supporting TM’s sustainability aspirations.
Furthermore, we have established strong foundations to manage supply chain risks and minimise potential disruptions. This includes a proactively assessing and monitoring supply chain risks and subsequently delivering a quarterly report on Supply Sustainability Risk to TM’s BRC.
tm’s esg
of Mega-Partners to comply with
ESG by 2024
of Mid-Tier suppliers to comply with ESG by 2030
Community Development
As a nation building organisation, community development is an essential component of our business strategy. It is our responsibility to give back to communities that have supported us over the years. Given our wide presence, we are in a unique position to make a positive impact on local communities, particularly those that are underserved and disadvantaged. By supporting these communities, we promote inclusivity and shared prosperity, which contributes to Malaysia’s overall socio-economic progress.
Community resilience is also important for business– when communities suffer, so does business performance. The sustainable development of the country goes hand-in-hand with TM’s long-term growth and successes, especially given our role as a GLC. Therefore, we need to create an ecosystem that benefits all segments of society. Social programmes also provide our employees with an added sense of ownership and fulfillment, while contributing to talent attraction and retention.
What Is Our Approach
We adopt a hands-on approach, mobilising both financial and non-financial resources to maximise positive impacts. We focus on economic recovery, sustainable livelihood and welfare for marginalised communities, including women, special needs individuals, senior citizens and the B40 group.
Our impact in social empowerment is driven through YTM and MMU.
YTM spearheads TM Group’s corporate responsibility initiatives across environmental, social, economic and governance contexts. As a foundation, YTM aims to address pressing social issues among targeted marginalised communities in Malaysia. For the past 28 years, YTM has been shaping future leaders through its scholarship programmes.
In 2021, YTM embarked on a transformation journey (YTM 2.0) to drive greater social impact for Malaysia as a whole, beyond education. Our new approach is threefold: to enlighten promising individuals with greater literacy, uplift marginalised communities and promote arts, culture and heritage through museum placemaking activities.
Applying the highest standards of conduct
Strong governance over ethics and integrity is a fundamental tool in our nation building aspirations. It ensures that we conduct our business in a way that safeguards the rights and interests of all our stakeholders, thus contributing to sustainable value creation. Corporate governance enhances stakeholder trust and our reputation which in turn helps build our customer base, attract and retain employees, and become a more attractive investment proposition to drive our growth and ambitions forward.
Integrity and ethics in business also protect us from the implications of corruption, bribery and malpractices, which can impact our overall performance. Breaches in conduct may lead to regulatory fines, damage to our reputation and other penalties. Therefore, we always strive to uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity to protect our stakeholders and business.
What Is Our Approach
Our corporate governance is built on a strong foundation of TM’s Core values (KRISTAL), which is cascaded throughout our lines of business and is an expected practice by all workers within our operations. We protect the integrity of our business and value creation through robust policies and guidelines, as shown below:
Key Policies For Ethics & Integrity

Code of Conduct & Business Ethics and Anti-corruption Guide
Acts as a primary reference for employees when dealing with internal and external stakeholders, ensuring all interactions are conducted in an open, honest and ethical manner.

Whistleblowing Policy
Provides an avenue for employees and other stakeholders to safely report any improper conduct such as illegal, unethical or corrupt activities.
TM Ethics line:

No Gift Policy
Articulates our strict rule against offering or accepting gifts from any of our stakeholders, including our suppliers, to maintain the integrity of our business relationships.
For more info, please refer to