03 Oct 2020

TM helps local entrepreneurs in Perlis to meet their digital needs

TM helps local entrepreneurs in Perlis to meet their digital needs Article Header

“Program Usahawan Digital Bersama TM” is set to empower local entrepreneurs in Beseri and Padang Besar with digital tools

​​​​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), through TM Perlis and Kedah, today organised a special programme on digital awareness for local entrepreneurs in Beseri and Padang Besar at Dewan KEMAS, Alor Tampang, Beseri, Perlis.​

Aptly titled "Program Usahawan Digital Bersama TM", the programme was officiated by YB Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin, Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia. Also present were YB Rozieana Ahmad, Exco of Education, Human Resource Development, Science and Technology Innovation, Information Technology and Communications, Datuk Rozlan Mohamed, Regional Head Northern, TM, Anis Ahmad Mohd Ibrahim, State General Manager, TM Perlis and Kedah, as well as Azhar Abdul Rahman, State Office Director, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

Speaking at the event, YB Datuk Zahidi said: "The Government continues to organise programmes skewed towards the development of digital economy, which are very relevant in today's new normal. In shifting the entrepreneurs to digital journey, it needs to be supported with the right skills and knowledge in ensuring the entrepreneurs' sustainability. Thus, we laud TM's initiatives such as today's event to increase the digital awareness and further promote the adoption of digital tools amongst the local entrepreneurs, including in sub-urban area."

Meanwhile in his speech, Datuk Rozlan said that this programme reflects TM's commitment towards enabling the digital economy. "Digital is the way to go and "the name of the game" for businesses nowadays. So businesses, including local entrepreneurs need to keep abreast of and quickly adapt the digital technologies to stay ahead. Today's "Program Usahawan Digital Bersama TM" is among our initiatives to facilitate this and we are excited to play our role towards this end."

"We have various solutions for entrepreneurs to get on board the digital journey to grow their business further. So, we really hope they will grab this opportunity to get business tips and know-how for their benefits. In addition, we are rapidly upgrading our network infrastructure in Beseri and Padang Besar to Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) to enable communities in the areas to enjoy unifi high speed broadband services. This fits well with the Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) action plan which aspires to deliver connectivity for all," he added.

The overall network upgrading exercise for Perlis is expected to be fully completed by end of 2021.

At the event, TM Perlis and Kedah also handed over its zakat contribution of RM250 each to 15 selected asnaf residing in Beseri reflecting its caring side to the communities.​ 


20 Apr 2022
TM and Telin collaborate to enable opportunities and enhanced experience for the region’s digital ecosystem

TM Wholesale, the wholesale domestic and international business arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and Telin, a subsidiary of PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom), have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strategically collaborate and jointly explore opportunities on subsea cable business arrangements. The signing ceremony was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dubai recently, where TM was represented by Amar Huzaimi Md Deris, Executive Vice President of TM Wholesale and Telin was represented by its Chief Executive Officer, Budi Satria Dharma Purba (Budi). This new partnership will further strengthen the Business to Business (B2B) relationship between the two parties and broaden the collaboration while continuing to provide their customers with reliable, diversified and uninterrupted connectivity solutions. Commenting on the partnership, Amar Huzaimi Md Deris, Executive Vice President of TM Wholesale said, "TM Wholesale is committed to deliver greater reachability and resilient connectivity to our customers. This collaboration allows us to gain immediate submarine capacity in response to the growing demand for high bandwidth services. It also gives us more diverse connections and alternative routes connecting Malaysia to the rest of the world, while optimising our existing submarine capacity. Additionally, it will enable us to begin exploring the most cost-effective approach for future submarine cable investment projects that will benefit both parties and this region." Meanwhile, Budi Satria Dharma Purba (Budi), Chief Executive Officer of Telin said, "Telin and TM Wholesale share mutual interests, with the aim of serving our stakeholders with excellence. This time, we are excited to jointly explore opportunities in buying, selling, upgrading and investing activities, especially with regard to subsea cables. Telin's participation in global connectivity focuses on ensuring reliable connectivity in order to meet surging demand for fast internet due to trends such as flexible working arrangements, video streaming, and gaming. We believe that this collaboration will serve our stakeholders' needs accordingly." Currently, TM has 30 submarine cable systems, owned and leased, spanning more than 320,000 kilometres around the globe and Telin has 22 submarine cable system, owned and leased, with over 222,260 kilometres. Together, both parties can leverage on their respective capabilities to provide the highest service performance and best quality experience to all its customers. TM has been a long-standing partner of Telin in many aspects related to business solutions and are mutually delighted to work together in supporting ASEAN and other region's future digital demands for connectivity, digital infrastructure and solutions.

18 Jul 2022
unifi business’ entertainment solutions empowers hospitality industry for stronger rebound

Providing best-in-class content to support hoteliers return to normalcy ​unifi Business, the preferred digital partner for close to 400,000 SMEs in Malaysia, have signed an agreement to provide innovative hospitality entertainment solutions to five high-value business customers namely, the Genesis Life Care Centre, Aturan Lagenda-Ideas Hotel, Capitol Hotel, Federal Hotel and Corus Hotel. The agreement provides these businesses access to premium and exclusive content from unifi Business through unifi TV’s hospitality entertainment solutions. Customers will be able to choose from three attractive packs to mix and match over 50 channels in genres ranging from live sports, drama series, blockbuster movies, global news, kids/edutainment, lifestyle and many more. Mohamad Yusman Ammeran, unifi’s Head of SME Segment shared, “Foreign tourist arrivals reportedly dipped from about 26 million in 2019 to only about 135,000 in 2021 – hitting Malaysia’s tourism industry harder than most other sectors. “As of June 2022, however, tourist numbers have exceeded 1 million and are expected to rise to 4.5 million by the end of the year. Hoteliers are revitalising their businesses and striving to provide more rewarding, comprehensive experiences in their effort to attract more customers.” He added, “To support the hospitality industry’s effort to create greater value for their customers, unifi is excited to offer these local businesses our new hospitality entertainment solutions. These are part of our convergence solutions that include connectivity, content, and digital solutions to empower the hospitality industry to ramp up their offerings more quickly. “In addition to more than 50 world-class channels from which they can choose, this solution provides the best in-room guest experience with five exciting new premium channels, including beIN Sports.” Ho Hock Doong, Head of unifi TV, explained that the new hospitality entertainment solutions were designed to allow these businesses the flexibility to customise their TV channels, elevating in-room guest experiences while saving costs at the same time. In addition to BEIN SPORTS 1 and 3 HD, the new premium channels selection will include DEGUP HD, CGTN HD and CCTV-4 HD – catering to these businesses’ diverse customers. The signing ceremony was held at the Kuala Lumpur Tower with Dr Phang Sue Ling, Chief Operating Officer, Genesis Life Care Centre Sdn Bhd; Kharil Hafez Harith Yahya, Aturan Lagenda-Ideas Hotel General Manager; Thomas A/L Anthony of Capitol Hotel; Lim Kae Juang from Federal Hotel; and Teoh Gee Chuan from Corus Hotel representing their respective businesses. In addition to Mohamad Yusman Ammeran and Ho Hock Doong, the signing ceremony was also witnessed by Kenneth Oh, Deputy Secretary, The Malaysia Budget Hotel Association; and Maznan Deraman, Head of SME Medium Business Segment, unifi Business. Mohamad Yusman concluded, “In supporting SMEs regain their footing post pandemic, we remain committed to helping these local industries become more sustainable and resilient through our comprehensive business solutions. Through these offerings, we strive to empower the hospitality industry to attract more customers, and revitalise both their businesses and the nation’s economy.”

09 Jun 2023
FAM - TM Jalin Semula Kerjasama Strategik Sebagai Rakan Rasmi Teknologi

Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) meneruskan jalinan kerjasama dengan Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) di mana syarikat telekomunikasi terkemuka negara itu menjadi Rakan Rasmi Teknologi bagi FAM dan pasukan kebangsaan, Harimau Malaya untuk tempoh setahun bermula Jun 2023 ini. Perjanjian itu juga menjadi bukti komitmen tinggi TM terhadap pembangunan sukan bola sepak negara di mana syarikat tersebut telah terlibat secara langsung dalam industri bola sepak tempatan sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu. Menurut Presiden FAM, Datuk Haji Hamidin Haji Mohd Amin, kerjasama yang kembali terjalin bersama TM selepas kali terakhir berkolaborasi pada tahun 2020 membuktikan hubungan baik FAM bersama syarikat telekomunikasi itu sentiasa dipelihara. “Sudah pasti FAM berasa gembira dan berbesar hati dengan jalinan semula kerjasama bersama TM yang tentunya akan membawa manfaat besar kepada perancangan dan pembangunan skuad bola sepak kebangsaan. “Saya optimis bahawa hubungan strategik antara FAM dan TM ini dapat mencapai hasil penajaan yang menggalakkan selain memberi peluang TM membawakan produk mereka untuk dinikmati oleh jutaan peminat bola sepak di negara ini melalui pelbagai program promosi yang akan kita aktifkan dalam masa terdekat.  “Mewakili seluruh warga kerja FAM, saya ingin menzahirkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada TM dan berharap menerusi kerjasama ini, arena bola sepak negara akan bergerak ke arah kecemerlangan,” kata Datuk Haji Hamidin.  Majlis menandatangani perjanjian antara FAM dan TM itu telah berlangsung di Wisma FAM, Kelana Jaya petang tadi di mana FAM diwakili oleh Setiausaha Agung FAM, En Noor Azman Hj Rahman sementara TM telah diwakili oleh Naib Presiden, Jenama dan Pemasaran, En Andrew Pinto. Majlis tersebut telah disaksikan oleh Datuk Haji Hamidin bersama-sama Puan Shanti Jusnita Johari, Ketua Pegawai Pemasaran, TM. Turut hadir adalah kedua-dua Timbalan Presiden FAM, Datuk Wira Mohd Yusoff Mahadi dan Dato’ S. Sivasundaram, barisan ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif FAM, serta barisan pengurusan kanan Kumpulan TM.   Sementara itu, Puan Shanti turut menzahirkan penghargaan kepada pihak FAM atas kolaborasi ini yang membolehkan TM meneruskan peranannya dalam memajukan sukan bola sepak sebagai sukan nombor satu negara yang mempunyai jutaan peminat tanpa mengira bangsa, umur dan latar belakang. “TM menerajui evolusi teknologi telekomunikasi negara sejak sekian lama ke arah membina Digital Malaysia menerusi teknologi yang memperkasa komuniti, perniagaan dan Kerajaan. Kini, TM telah menjalani transformasi ke arah menjadi sebuah Syarikat Teknologi Berteraskan Insan, ataupun, a Human-Centred Technology Company. Peralihan ini akan turut diterapkan dalam jalinan kerjasama antara TM dan FAM ini, dengan membawakan pengalaman baharu kepada para penyokong pasukan kebangsaan melalui teknologi digital serta perkhidmatan komunikasi dan kandungan,” kata beliau. “Kami amat berbesar hati dapat memberikan sokongan kepada sukan bola sepak kerana ianya mampu menyatukan rakyat Malaysia di bawah satu bendera. Diharapkan kolaborasi ini dapat mencetuskan minat dan sokongan yang lebih jitu daripada para peminat, seterusnya memberi suntikan semangat untuk pasukan bola sepak kebangsaan. Semoga kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak bakal mengangkat martabat sukan bola sepak kita dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa,” akhiri Puan Shanti.


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