KUALA LUMPUR, 29 NOVEMBER 2023 – TM One, the enterprise and government sector business solutions arm of TM, has entered into a collaboration with PLANMalaysia to enable local city councils harness smart innovations and create sustainable, efficient, and connected urban communities. The collaboration is the next phase in TM One’s efforts to accelerate the nation’s smart city aspirations and improve urban living across the country.
As part of this collaboration, 29 local councils that were awarded as part of the Malaysia Smart City Recognition Programme during World Town Planning Day 2023, will have access to TM One’s Proof of Concept trials (POCs). Spanning a selection from TM One’s smart services suite, the POCs allow councils to test solutions suited to their localities, enabling them to make empowered decisions in their smart city development efforts.
Shazurawati Abd Karim, TM One’s Executive Vice President said, “TM One has always been at the forefront of enabling the country’s smart city initiatives, helping councils nationwide push the boundaries of urban living through smart innovations. Among our recent success stories were Smart City projects in Ipoh, Pengerang, Seberang Prai, Kulai, Port Dickson and Subang Jaya, which experienced reduced time in traffic, lower carbon emissions, and improved response efficiency through solutions such as TM One’s Smart Traffic Management and Smart Surveillance.”
Building on these successes, TM One will be offering POCs for the following services:
1. Unified Enforcement System – automation and insight analysis of various local council operation enforcement services that help local councils manage larger communities better;
2. Smart City App – a one stop app for local councils’ e-government services; and
3. Smart Workforce – a system that helps local councils manage field teams in real-time.
These services will help councils in their journey towards becoming full-fledged smart cities, as well as improve overall efficiency in their operations and services to their communities.
“Through these POCs, we aim to help the government implement Smart Services in more locations, bringing these technologies closer to everyday Malaysians and improving their way of life. This reflects TM’s role in powering a digital nation and enabling transformation for communities, businesses and Government,” concluded Shazurawati.
TM Global extends collaboration with Radian Arc to strengthen its Cloud Gaming offerings
Seoul, South Korea, 1 October 2024 – TM Global, the domestic and international wholesale business arm of Telekom Malaysia (TM), is pleased to announce the extension of its collaboration with Radian Arc, global cloud infrastructure provider, for another two years. This continued collaboration will focus on expanding TM’s cloud gaming offerings at wholesale level. Building on the successful collaboration initiated in 2022, the extended collaboration will see TM Global and Radian Arc further enhance Malaysia's cloud gaming landscape, as well as expanding these services to other regions including Middle East and African countries. The extended agreement will continue to leverage on Radian Arc’s GPU Edge technology complemented by low-latency SHAKS Gamepad controller developed by Radian Arc’s South Korea-based partner, AKSys Co. This will enable a seamless gaming experience and boost TM Global’s capability in offering high quality, real-time applications. The signing took place in Seoul with the presence of YB Fahmi Fadzil, Malaysia’s Minister of Communications, who arrived in South Korea for a working visit. TM was represented by Khairul Liza Ibrahim, TM Global’s Executive Vice President, while signing on behalf of Radian Arc was its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), David Cook. Khairul Liza Ibrahim said, "This collaboration with Radian Arc reinforces our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that drive digital transformation. The versatility of GPU technology can be extended beyond gaming offerings, allowing us to cater to a diverse set of workloads and meeting the evolving needs of our customers. We are excited to expand our collaboration with Radian Arc, which not only enhances our existing services but also create opportunities to tap into new markets.” This collaboration will accelerate TM Global’s aspiration to further explore new innovative services like Bandwidth-on-Demand (BoD), enabling flexible, cost-efficient and real-time capacity management, and GPU-based services. This will enable TM to offer high-performance solutions for various applications such as Large Language Model (LLM) training, AI inferencing, and Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS). These new offerings will empower our customers with scalable, cloud-based resources that drive innovation for their digital transformation journey. David Cook, CEO of Radian Arc, commented, “We are thrilled to extend our partnership with Telekom Malaysia, paving the way for groundbreaking services like GPU-as-a-Service and BoD. Together, we will not only enhance TM's offerings but also expand our reach to new regions, empowering businesses with the technology they need to thrive.” The collaboration reflects TM’s strategic roadmap towards becoming a Digital Powerhouse by 2030, aligning with its commitment to develop a converged ecosystem for digital transformation across all sectors, and strengthening Malaysia’s competitiveness as a key digital hub for Southeast Asia.

TM announces another steady full year performance (FY2021) with EBIT up 6.6% at RM1.71 billion; revenue up 6.4% at RM11.53 billion; declares 6 sen per share dividend
As a result of jump in revenue and continuous cost optimisation initiatives, Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) increased 6.6% to RM1.71 billion from RM1.60 billion in 2020 despite one-off provisions, impairments and accelerated depreciation Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM or the Group) delivered yet another healthy set of financial results for the Full Year 2021 ended 31 December 2021 as compared to the same period last year (YoY), despite protracted impact from the ongoing pandemic on the economic and business front. Fueled by strong growth in unifi revenue and fixed broadband subscribers, as well as sharp growth in the TM Wholesale business which registered increasing data demands from hyperscalers, and international and domestic service providers, TM recorded a 6.4% rise in revenue to clock in at RM11.53 billion from RM10.84 billion in 2020. This marked revenue improvement as well as the Group’s continuous cost optimisation initiatives led to the increase in Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT), up 6.6% YoY to RM1.71 billion, from RM1.60 billion last year. Profit After Tax and Non-Controlling Interests (PATAMI) at RM895.2 million dipped 11.9% contributed by higher taxation including provision for Cukai Makmur, lesser interest income and forex losses, as well as impairment of TM’s mobile assets as the Group prepares itself for 5G. Based on its steady financial position and strong Free Cash Flow generation, the Board of Directors proposed the final interim dividend at 6 sen per share, resulting in a total dividend of 13 sen per share for 2021, in line with the Group’s growth investment strategy. CAPEX for the year was reported at RM1.70 billion, or 14.7% of revenue, reflecting TM’s commitment to reinvest in business expansion, new growth areas and provide great experience and services for its growing base of customers. Free Cash Flow at RM2.19 billion rose 9.5% from RM2.00 billion, ensuring steady growth ahead of a demanding future. unifi: Record-breaking revenue, total subscribers It was a landmark year for unifi, contributing to the Group’s strong performance. Overall unifi revenue grew by 10.3% driven by increased fixed broadband subscribers, with 2.78 million cumulative registered subscribers - the highest number of unifi and fixed broadband customers registered, as well as highest number of ports installed. In addition to unifi’s drive to reduce broadband downtime to the absolute minimum for its customers, the business introduced five #unificares initiatives to refine its end-to-end customer experience, with the highlight being unifi’s 24-hour service restoration guarantee, the first of its kind in the Malaysian telecommunications industry. In its effort to support SME recovery and growth, unifi has offered more than 377,000 local SMEs special packages with complete digital ecosystem to help them to grow their business and stay competitive. unifi will continue to maintain its leadership in convergence of broadband, content, mobile and solutions for both home and SMEs customers. With online connectivity playing a central role to enable Digital Malaysia, unifi bridges the connectivity gap by serving customers with innovative and high-quality products and services. TM Wholesale (TMW): Realising 5G and Malaysia’s digital hub aspiration TM continues to drive wholesale business for both domestic and international segments via TM Wholesale (TMW). With a strong performance last year, TMW’s posted revenue grew by 14.7% due to solid partnership expansion with domestic and international customers. Domestically, as the preferred fibre service provider, TMW will continue to pursue 4G and 5G fibre infrastructure deployment as well as promoting collaboration with domestic service providers, in line with the Government’s JENDELA initiative. The 5G fibre leasing services (worth RM2 billion over 10 years) for Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB)’s 5G infrastructure needs, is a testament of TM’s commitment to infrastructure sharing in enabling excellent wireless solutions and services. TMW also recorded the highest active ports subscription for wholesale High-Speed Broadband (HSBB) access with more than 550,000 cumulative ports for Malaysian fibre broadband providers. On the international front, TMW continues with its aspiration to become a digital hub for the ASEAN region through strategic collaborations with hyperscalers and global service providers. The year saw a solid achievement with 190 new deals from hyperscalers and global service providers for various wholesale International Data offerings. This translated into the highest annual revenue contribution from major hyperscalers worldwide, a milestone year in building a regional hub position for Malaysia. TM ONE: Custom solutions and digital adoption amid a challenging landscape TM ONE is expected to remain competitive amidst the challenging economic and business environment. This is driven by its strong value proposition of offering the end-to-end managed services and digital solutions, backed by robust digital connectivity and infrastructure. As the only home-based Cloud Service Provider (CSP) with data sovereignty assurance, TM ONE will continue enhancing its Cloud service as a complete digital solution by embedding analytics, smart services/IoT and cybersecurity to cater for the key industry verticals. Enterprises and public sector services are on an accelerated path to digitally transform, leveraging on cloud architecture and smart services as a foundational pillar to unlock innovation opportunities, stay resilient and maintain a competitive edge, all in line with Malaysia’s MyDIGITAL aspirations. In becoming a trusted cloud partner, TM ONE focused its efforts in boosting proficiencies and competencies of its solution consultants, technology experts as well as international certifications. It has attained four (4) International Standard certifications (ISO/IEC) for Cloud α (pronounced as Cloud alpha) on Information Security Management System (ISMS), Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) and Cloud Specific Controls. Commentary and Outlook from Imri Mokhtar, TM Group Chief Executive Officer “As the enabler of Digital Malaysia, TM remains steadfast in its efforts to realise the national digital aspirations. We are committed to support the Government’s efforts to re-build the economy post-pandemic. For 2021, TM has shown positive results, driven by the New TM Transformation Programme which has delivered overall growth in TM’s revenue and EBIT. Cost rationalisation has also significantly improved the Group’s profitability. As TM enters its second year of transformation in 2022, we are activating more programmes to ensure we quickly move forward as a growth company, and keep pace with our trajectory. TM’s revenue growth is expected to remain intact, in line with the Group's market guidance, which is between low to middle single digit growth, while EBIT is projected to be more than RM1.80 billion, driven by TM’s three Lines of Business: unifi, TM ONE and TM Wholesale. We expect to invest between 14% to 18% of our revenue this year on Capex, reflecting our continued commitment to reinvesting into growth areas, capability, and capacity building, as well as enhanced customer experience. In promoting sustainability, TM aligns its ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) vision and commitments to national and global aspirations. For Environmental, TM is committed to achieve carbon emission reduction by 30% in 2024, 45% by 2030 and Net-Zero emission by 2050. On Social, TM is set to enable MyDIGITAL Blueprint 2025 targets by ensuring at least 70% of premises have access to high-speed Internet. Under Governance, TM works hand-in-hand with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to continue upholding our zero-tolerance to any form of corruption and maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance. This year, we will continue to power a digital nation, by delivering great Customer Experience, Solutions and Connectivity Excellence. This is made possible with unwavering support from its core execution engine; the employees or "Warga TM" who are fully dedicated and committed to enabling a Digital Malaysia, bridging the digital divide and in step, reducing the income divide.” In its pursuit to strengthen its core connectivity and invest more in digital, TM is future-proofing the organisation with future-ready skills and digital workforce, as part of its aspiration in becoming a human-centred technology company.” Guidance for 2022 is summarised below: Revenue Growth Low to middle single digit growth Low to middle single digit growth EBIT More than RM 1.8 billion CAPEX / Revenue Between 14% - 18%

TM expands its unifi service to more areas in Kuching
Residents of three (3) more villages in Kuching namely Kampung Boyan, Kampung Gersik and Kampung Surabaya can now enjoy high speed Internet connectivity with unifi. Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), through TM Sarawak, today expanded its unifi service to three (3) more villages in Kuching, Sarawak namely Kampung Boyan, Kampung Gersik and Kampung Surabaya (Kpg BGS). The service expansion has provided an opportunity for new and existing TM customers in the area to experience high-speed Internet connectivity delivered via fibre optic network. To mark the occasion, a special event titled “Juh Tukar Ke unifi @ Tebingan Sungai BGS” was held and launched by YB Datuk Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi, Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs & Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU)) and Assistant Minister of Utility (Water Supply). The launch was witnessed by Adiman Ajem, Director of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) Sarawak and Sudarnoto Osman, Chief Executive Officer, Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC). Also present at the event was Jafer Sadig Abdul Lathiff, State General Manager, TM Sarawak. Speaking at the event, YB Datuk Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman said: “We welcome the expansion of unifi to Kampung Boyan, Kampung Gersik and Kampung Surabaya as this signifies TM’s continuous effort to bring high speed broadband connectivity to more areas in Sarawak. This initiative is hoped to boost the growth of local industries such as Kek Lapis Sarawak and Ikan Terubuk Masin, thus promoting digital economy and adoption of a more digital lifestyle amongst the local communities. As Malaysia’s national telecommunications services provider, with its extensive network and expertise, I believe TM is more than capable to facilitate Sarawak’s digital transformation journey.” Meanwhile in his speech, Jafer Sadig said, “As the enabler of Digital Malaysia aspiration, we are excited to deliver our unifi service to Kpg BGS so the residents there can fully utilise the high speed connectivity to cater to their digital lifestyle. We will also continue to upgrade the network infrastructure to fibre optic beyond Kpg BGS in Kuching Division to fulfill the increasing demand for unifi. This has become more essential as the nation adapts to the new normal in which our activities including work, education, business and leisure have been digitalised. We hoped that the availability of unifi service to more areas will enable Sarawak citizens to reap the benefits of digital communications,” he said. “This expansion also reflects TM’s commitment and support towards the Government’s Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) action plan to deliver connectivity to all. TM, as a responsible nation-builder, will continue to serve the nation and establish the ecosystem for a digital society, digital businesses and digital Government through our solid network infrastructure towards enabling Digital Malaysia,” he added. At the event, TM Sarawak also rewarded selected new unifi customers from its consumer segments as an appreciation for their trust and support for the brand. Besides that, a digital marketing workshop was held in collaboration with SDEC which saw the participation of 20 aspiring digital local entrepreneurs. YB Datuk Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman also went for a walkabout around Kpg BGS and engaged with the residents where he reiterated the need for the community members to play their part in safeguarding the newly deployed communication infrastructure for everyone’s benefit. New unifi Plans unifi is now available in better value packages to cater to the dynamic needs of all customers. Among available plan options are: unifi 30Mbps plan at RM89 per month: Offers unlimited data for you to get the best internet experience for your family at home. Comes with 16 free channels on playTV@unifi app downloadable on Apple App Store or Google Play Store. unifi 100Mbps plan at RM129 per month: For customers who need faster speed for their advanced digital lifestyle such as online entertainment, home surveillance, and e-sports among others Comes with unlimited data, free 600 minutes talk time to all mobile and fixed lines nationwide. Options to choose unifi TV’s Aneka Plus, Varnam Plus or Ruby Plus premium entertainment packages to be enjoyed via unifi playTV app for non-stop entertainment on-the-go. unifi Your World Campaign from as low as RM198 per month: Total Convergence Home Broadband package comprising internet, content and mobile with savings of up to RM200 per month for seamless internet experience at home. Comes with unifi TV’s Ultimate Pack bundled with unifi Plus Box and unifi Mobile 4G LTE with unlimited data, voice and SMS. Can be supplemented with unifi’s Mesh Wi-Fi to boost customers’ Wi-Fi experience at home by eliminating Wi-Fi dead spot for only RM15 per month. Exclusive for the 500Mbps and 800Mbps packages, unifi is giving out a FREE Deco M9 Plus Mesh Wi-Fi. unifi Mobile 99 Unlimited postpaid plan for only RM59 per month: Exclusive offer for unifi Home Broadband customers (Normal Price: RM99 per month): Offers unlimited data, calls and SMS, with no contract. Comes with 10GB LTE hotspot pass every month. Customers may keep their number and switch to unifi Mobile with zero upfront payment. unifi Mobile #BEBAS prepaid with options of RM10, RM13, RM15 or RM35: Comes with more data to stream, game, shop and browse. Customers can opt to buy add-ons if they need more data to enjoy their favourite apps and make more calls to chat all day. To find out more on unifi’s latest offerings, please visit https://unifi.com.my/