23 Dec 2019

Chairman of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission pays a visit to TM’s 5G use cases in Langkawi

Chairman of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission pays a visit to TM’s 5G use cases in Langkawi Article Header
TM One
TM Research and Development

The Company also deployed the region’s first 5G Standalone (SA) network

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) was honored to receive an official working visit by Al-Ishsal Ishak, Chairman of Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to TM's 5G use cases in Langkawi, Kedah recently. The transmission of 5G service in Pulau Langkawi is utilising the region's first 5G Standalone (SA) network, deployed by TM.​

Al-Ishsal and his delegates were received by Rosli Man, Chairman of TM; Ir. Ts. Azizi A. Hadi, Chief Network Officer, TM; Ahmad Taufek Omar, Executive Vice President / Chief Executive Officer, TM ONE; and Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM Research and Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D).

Commenting on the visit, Rosli said: "We are very honored to welcome the Chairman of MCMC to experience our 5G use cases which include UNESCO 8K Virtual Reality (VR) at Langkawi International Airport (LIA) as well as to observe TM's 5G network, smart and innovative solution operations centre at its 5G Command Centre (5GCC). 5GCC serves as an integrated command centre for all our 5G network, smart and innovative solutions in Langkawi. As the national telecommunications infrastructure provider of Malaysia's Digital Nation aspirations, we are indeed excited to be part of this 5G Demonstration Project undertaken by MCMC and showcase our 5G use cases. This signifies our support and capabilities to realise MCMC's aspiration in progressing humanity towards improving the quality of lives of the Rakyat. TM, via our innovative and comprehensive products and solutions will continue to work closely with the Government and MCMC to lay the foundation for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) and rolling out 5G nationwide to serve a more digital society and lifestyle, digital businesses and industry verticals, as well as digital Government."

During the visit, Al-Ishsal was briefed on TM's capabilities and readiness to deploy 5G network solutions as well as how the Company can power the Government's Digital Malaysia aspirations through its innovative products and solutions. TM also aspires to work together with the local authorities, particularly in Langkawi to make it a safe tourist destination via TM's solutions.

Under the 5G Demonstration Project, TM through its enterprise and public sector business solutions arm, TM ONE and its research and development arm, TM R&D are deploying 11 use cases in Langkawi as below: 

  • Smart Safety and Security Solutions – a real-time monitoring system consisting of cameras and related monitoring equipment placed in strategic areas to serve variety of purposes, including building/grounds security, crime prevention, and traffic observation and integrated with TM's emergency response team.
  • Smart Agriculture Solutions – a solution that offers single display and real time monitoring that provides information on indoor farming environment's key parameters such as temperature, humidity, grow lights intensity and selected plant parameters that are critical for timely decision making and ensuring optimality of the growth conditions.
  • Smart Traffic Lights Solutions – data driven solution that provides a single dashboard for monitoring and helps to improve traffic flow by reducing waiting time at traffic lights, improve traffic congestions and management of traffic.
  • Smart Parking Solutions – parking system that provides real time parking bay monitoring using camera and Artificial Intelligence (AI) which enable users to search for vacant parking bay via mobile app.​
  • UNESCO 8K VR – 8K resolution streaming over cloud, showcasing 2 episodes focusing on (1) geopark & geosites; and (2) lifestyle in Langkawi. Tourists can have a taste of all these hidden treasures through an immersive virtual reality experience for some hard to access locations that are not for the less fit.
  • Smart Tourism "My Smart City" application – a single, integrated mobile app for tourists' convenience as it consists of several features and services such as Trip Planner, Places of Interest, Events & Happenings, Parking, and Alert Button.
  • Smart Retail Analytics – a platform that analyses customer's experience within a physical premise and offers insights to enhance that experience. With this solution, retailers can improve customer experience, sales and brand loyalty as the platform supports customised services, targeted advertising and visitor visibility.
  • Smart Water Management System – an internet of water solution that offers seamless end-to-end smart water integration that improves non-revenue water management, optimises repair and replacement of ageing infra as well as improves response to weather events such as flooding and pollution through smart water level and water quality measurements respectively.
  • Smart Vehicle Management System – a fleet management solution that provides management of commercial motor vehicles for work purposes.
  • Smart Safety Helmet – a data-driven smart industrial helmet that helps make worksite safer by providing live, wireless monitoring and array of sensors (i.e. accident impact and geolocation) to perform various analysis of data.​
  • Geolocation People Safety – the tracking solution is designed to protect and connect with people who matters the most that allows users to locate loved ones and receive alert based on safety zone and SOS button through mobile application.

With all these uses cases in place and most of it are already up and running, TM has the highest number of 5G use cases among the telcos participating in the 5G Demonstration Project. The demonstration project is for TM to test the new 5G features, explore the 5G technology system and assess the best way to deploy 5G infrastructure nationwide.

The transmission of 5G service in Pulau Langkawi has been going live since early December, where TM has deployed the first 5G Standalone (SA) network in the country and the region. The Company is currently testing the implementation of a converged 5G core network which allows co-existence of Non-Stand Alone (NSA) and SA network. SA is the future of the 5G network deployment and this demonstration is crucial to fast track 5G implementation in the country. 5G speed tests conducted within TM's 5G use cases sites have successfully achieved up to 1.5Gbps.

TM's aspiration is to deliver efficient and cost effective 5G infrastructure via infrastructure sharing approach, through the access regulations implemented by MCMC. This is by leveraging on its extensive fibre networks, including the submarine cables, telecommunications towers, and Cloud computing as well as ready Data Centres to support the 5G era in Malaysia. In terms of devices and use cases, its wholly-owned subsidiary, TM R&D is also developing and experimenting 5G related equipment to get ready for the upcoming 5G.​


01 Dec 2020
TM One and SME Bank collaborate to deliver technology funding to SMEs under PENJANA

TM One and SME Bank sign agreement to provide technology funding to SMEs via SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF) ​​TM One, the business and public sector solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME Bank), an agency under the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative to offer technology funding for its Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) customers to accelerate their business and digital transformation. ​ The MoU was signed by Ahmad Taufek Omar, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, TM One while SME Bank was represented by Aria Putera Ismail, its Group President/Chief Executive Officer. The SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF), is a fund set up between SME Bank and the Ministry of Finance to offer financing assistance of up to RM3.0 million to local SMEs. This is part of the Government's Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) economic stimulus package to provide financial assistance to SMEs in adopting digitalisation and/or automation in their business operations. Commenting on the collaboration, Ahmad Taufek said, "We are excited to work hand-in-hand with SME Bank to accelerate digital adoption amongst our customers particularly in the SME segment. This is in support of the Government's efforts under PENJANA to execute key initiatives to help SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim is to assist SMEs in addressing real business challenges and issues that they are currently facing with the digital solutions available. We have put in place dedicated teams and solutions to enable our customers to realise the full potential of their digital opportunities. Our Professional Services are a consultative approach in helping SMEs to understand how to plan their digital transformation based on their unique business requirements." Meanwhile, Aria said, "With a fund size of RM500 million, STTF is expected to directly assist SME entrepreneurs to achieve higher productivity, process efficiency, efficient cost management and greater market penetration. As at 11 November 2020, SME Bank has approved 18 applications worth RM36.55 million under the STTF fund. SME Bank's role in encouraging the SMEs to adopt digital technology was further enhanced with the introduction of ODELA, the first one-stop e-commerce platform backed by a Development Financial Institution (DFI), that enabled B2B entrepreneurs to make transactions and foster partnership across vast ecosystems. The Bank's wholesome approach in providing financing and entrepreneur development assistance further adds value and accelerate the development of digital economy thus boosting the nation's economic growth in this challenging time." STTF is to be used for financing the purchases of IT solutions and services, technology support services, computer hardware and software, equipment and/or machinery and other intangible assets to enhance productivity and efficiency. SMEs as defined by the National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (NESDC) are eligible to apply for STTF. TM One's solutions are aimed at helping SMEs to achieve higher productivity, better cost management and improved efficiency for wider market penetration through the adoption of digitalisation and automation. As the digital enabler for enterprise and public sector customers with enterprise-grade connectivity and end-to-end cloud offerings, the Company is well positioned to enable the ecosystem for digital society, digital business and digital government. Leveraging on its complete digital solutions offerings across connectivity (Internet & Data), voice and collaboration tools, business outsourcing services, cloud services, cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart services, TM One will fulfil the needs of businesses and the public sector in embracing digital convergence towards enabling Digital Malaysia. This is in line with TM Group's unique role as the nation's connectivity and digital infrastructure provider. It is also in support of Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) Plan to drive Malaysia's Digital Economy through business digitalisation and new ways of working. For more information on TM One solutions and how to apply for STTF, visit www.smebank.com.my and www.tmone.com.my.

25 Nov 2021
As nation shows encouraging signs of recovery, TM posts strong results for first nine months of 2021 revenue up 6.8%, net profit increases 7.7%

Group Operating Revenue in Jan - Sept 2021 (YTD Sept) grew 6.8% to RM8.38 billion compared to the same period last year Continued focus in supporting the nation's sustainability and recovery has resulted in Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) posting a strong financial result in the first nine months of 2021. Fuelled by high demand for digital connectivity and solutions, TM continues its positive trajectory for the year with a solid performance in the third quarter (3Q2021). YTD Sept 2021 Financial Highlights (vs YTD Sept 2020) Solid revenue growth, with a 6.8% increase to RM8.38 billion, from RM7.84 billion in the same period last year. This achievement is driven by revenue increase from all lines of products, particularly Internet services which saw a 6.8% increase on the back of steady growth in fixed broadband customer base. Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) grew by 17.1% to RM1,414.8 million, from RM1,208.6 million as a result of revenue growth and continuous cost optimisation initiatives. PATAMI increased by 7.7% to RM815.3 million compared to RM756.7 million, following sound operating profits. Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM commented: "Throughout 2021, we've focused our efforts to deliver digital connectivity and solutions in supporting the sustainability and recovery of our country. As a result, we are able to deliver another solid quarter of revenue and net profit growth. Our next focus will be on delivering enhanced customer experience and strengthening our digital offerings across all customer segments in unifi, TM ONE and TM WHOLESALE. With movement control restrictions in Malaysia continue to be eased and the economy gains momentum, we remain committed to serve the nation. We will continue to play our leading role in Malaysia's digitalisation drive outlined by the Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) action plan, 2022 Budget and the 12th Malaysian Plan, including MyDIGITAL blueprint. As we continue our shift towards becoming a human-centred technology company, we will develop innovative solutions and drive digital adoption across our broad customer base of home, SME, corporate and Government customers – anchored on enhanced customer experience. Supporting this evolution, will be our new way of working at TM – focusing on increased productivity through digitalisation and process automation, upskilling of our existing workforce and welcoming new digital talents." Driving digital adoption and a new way of working in the post-pandemic era TM recorded the highest increase in unifi subscribers for three consecutive quarters. In the quarter under review, TM registered an additional 210,000 new unifi subscribers in both the consumer and micro, small and medium sized enterprise (MSMEs) segments. This record-breaking growth is fuelled by high demand for connectivity and digitalisation tools which have become an important necessity. To deliver this demand, TM has been adding higher number of broadband ports and delivering a wider fibre network coverage. This expansion has exceeded TM's committed targets in JENDELA action plan. The fast network rollout together with strong frontline support, a steady marketing push and speedy installation had cemented customer's confidence and trust. Beyond connectivity, unifi has steadily strengthened its entertainment proposition with the addition of 19 new content offerings comprising 7 content streaming services and 12 new channels. Supporting the Government's push to digitalise MSMEs, unifi registered encouraging increase of productivity and digital tools utilisation amongst its 375,000 MSME customers, leveraging the Government's Digitalisation Grant. Focusing on enhanced customer experience Customer experience remains our key focus across all segments and we continue to introduce new experience features and improvements in this area. For unifi customers, we continue to innovate and improve in the management of user experience. We now provide customers with a proactive early detection and intervention support for broadband connectivity and ensuring fast resolution of service. As a market leader, TM commits to a continued focus on customer experience, with progressive releases of more new experience leveraging on analytics. TM WHOLESALE was recently awarded the Best Asia Pacific Zero Outage Supplier by T-Systems amidst intense competition from other established telcos in the region. This recognition signifies TM's commitment and focus to provide the best quality service to our telco and hyperscaler customers. Enabling digital solutions in the Enterprise and Public sectors TM ONE remains steadfast in its commitment to realise the nation's MyDIGITAL blueprint and support efforts to rebuild the economy in both the Enterprise and Public sectors. New sales and contract renewal across the Enterprise and Public sectors are encouraging in the post pandemic recovery period with TM ONE providing digital connectivity and solutions for the Digital Community Centre in rural areas, regional cloud services and major financial institutions. TM ONE maintains its role as a trusted business partner driving digital transformation for Enterprise and Public sectors especially in business process automation via partnerships with global digitalisation partners such as SAP. Delivering network for the Industry TM WHOLESALE continues its "telco for telcos" role by providing wholesale services and solutions to all Malaysian licensed service providers. In line with the overall growth of broadband, TM WHOLESALE recorded high demand for its wholesale broadband service. As the primary mobile backhaul provider for the industry, TM WHOLESALE registered an increase in bandwidth utilisation of its Next Generation Backhaul service by major mobile telcos. This also positions TM as a capable enabler for Malaysia's 5G network deployment. Internationally, TM WHOLESALE continues to strengthen its partnership ecosystem with global telcos and hyperscalers, and has recorded significant growth of international bandwidth traffic. This is further complemented by the coverage increase of the global content delivery network (CDN) with more than 80 CDN nodes worldwide.  TM WHOLESALE has also established a collaboration with a Tier 1 Internet Protocol (IP) transit provider – Tata Communications – to offer high-speed and reliable connectivity in the ASEAN region and open access to global enterprises. At the same time, we have successfully on boarded more than 15 major international hyperscalers and digital service providers in TM's core data centres. All of the above positions Malaysia positively as a digital and technology hub in ASEAN. A socially responsible Corporate Citizen TM played its part in supporting the fight against COVID-19 via various programmes. Overall, TM has contributed over RM9.5 million for humanitarian and community initiatives this year including to Tabung CERDIK and COVID-19 GLC/GLIC (GDRN) fund. TM also provided digital connectivity services to more than 400 PPVs nationwide, in addition to converting three of its premises into PPVs at its Multimedia University (MMU) campuses in Cyberjaya and Melaka, plus Kompleks TM Taiping. TM had also spent over RM16.0 million on several safety protocols and preventive measures across its customer operations to ensure the wellbeing of our frontliners and customers. These measures include providing personal protective equipment (PPE), weekly COVID-19 screening, UV air treatment and other workplace measures.

01 Sep 2022
TM shines the spotlight on an unsung hero this Hari Kebangsaan through interactive 360º wayang kulit performance

​Most of us are familiar with the many great gentlemen heroes who fought for the nation’s Independence, such as Tunku Abdul Rahman and Dato' Onn Jaafar. This year, however, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is shining the spotlight on one of the women “Tokoh Kemerdekaan”, Tan Sri Hajah Zainon Binti Sulaiman, also known as Ibu Zain, who played a pivotal role in inspiring Malaysians to unite and stand up as one. Her inspiring yet lesser-known story was captured in a Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia film titled “Ibu, Kisah Seorang Tokoh Kemerdekaan”, to celebrate the spirit of Malaysia’s independence and as an example of strength through unity. Aptly and equally inspiring too is that the film is narrated by her own daughter, Fadzilah Amin (Tok Lah), one of the most respected lecturers and educators in the country. The film is part of TM‘s Mengukir Malaysia initiative to celebrate and preserve our local  culture through innovative technologies that enhances  and elevates its delivery and enables Malaysians of all ages to better appreciate the richness of Malaysia’s heritage. Aimed at reconnecting people with the nation’s history and preserving the country’s rich heritage, TM brought to life the art of Wayang Kulit (shadow play), one of the earliest forms of animation in Southeast Asia, to tell the story of Ibu Zain. The project was born from one premise: ‘What if we could shine a light on a forgotten Malaysia hero through an art form that is also fading?’ Shanti Jusnita Johari, Chief Marketing Officer, TM, said, “Through our Mengukir Malaysia initiative, we aspire to leverage technologies that not only changes the way we live, work and play, but also enhances our perspectives and ideas, drawing from our local culture and history to remind us about what’s made us a great nation.    “This Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia, we wanted to remember and celebrate Malaysia’s many unsung heroes, such as Ibu Zain, who made our country great. We hope that through this short film, people will be encouraged to learn more about this historical icon as we commemorate her legacy via Wayang Kulit, one of the first forms of storytelling by our ancestors which we must also preserve.” In ensuring that the film stays true to the ancient art of Wayang Kulit, TM found the perfect partner in Tintoy Chuo and his Tok Dalang from Fusion Wayang Kulit, who are renowned for their unique take on the art of Wayang Kulit. Their efforts to bring Wayang Kulit into the digital 21st century has garnered international attention, putting Malaysian Wayang Kulit on the world map. For this collaboration, TM and Tintoy Chuo weaved in virtual reality technology, bringing the Wayang Kulit experience to school children from across the nation’s 13 States. Sharing Ibu Zain’s story in a way that harmonised both heritage and digitalisation was one of the messages TM aimed to highlight about Malaysia’s unique make up and to celebrate both its history and aspirations during this Hari Kebangsaan. On top of the Hari Kebangsaan film, audiences can also visit www.tm.com.my/mengukirmalaysia  to immerse themselves into the world of Wayang Kulit, Ibu Zain and TM‘s Mengukir Malaysia initiative through videos, a 360º interactive Wayang Kulit experience, behind the scene content and many more. Fans of Wayang Kulit can also visit TM‘s social media pages to use the Wayang Kulit filters and be part of the show.


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