07 Jun 2018

TM and PDRM join forces to ensure a pleasant Raya celebration for all

TM and PDRM join forces to ensure a pleasant Raya celebration for all Article Header
Op Selamat

Op Selamat 13/2018 campaign for the upcoming festive season launched to promote community safety and security

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) continues to collaborate with Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) for community safety and security in conjunction with the upcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration with the launch of the annual safety campaign “Op Selamat 13/2018” today. This campaign, which marks the 21st consecutive years of collaboration between both parties, aimed at increasing public awareness on road safety and home security this Raya celebration season.

The campaign was launched by Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun, the Inspector General of Police. Also present was Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Sulaiman Mahbob, Chairman, TM as well as Datuk Bazlan Osman, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer, TM and other police officers of various ranks.

At the event, Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi flagged off the ‘Traffic Monitoring Team’ and a convoy of motorcyclists and cars to symbolically emphasise the campaign’s message.

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Sulaiman said, “As a responsible corporate citizen, TM is committed to playing its role in supporting the Government’s efforts towards the nation’s well-being and once again, we continue our long standing collaboration with PDRM for Op Selamat 13/2018 safety campaign this year. The safety of road users and their homes are the utmost important thing during this festive holiday season. This is why we would like to remind all members of the public to adopt proper and courteous driving etiquette as well as be alert of any break-in attempts in your neighbouring community.” 

“This year also marks the 21st consecutive year of our involvement in this campaign, reflecting our unwavering support towards the Government’s initiatives to reduce the road mishaps rate and to improve home safety during festive season,” he adds. 

Op Selamat 13/2018 continues to bring safety messages from the previous years’ campaigns where the focus encompasses the safety of Malaysian homes while the residents are away for the festive holiday. This 13th edition of the campaign - aptly themed “Rumah Selamat & Selamat Sampai ke Destinasi” will be running for two (2) weeks beginning from 8 June until 22 June 2018.

For this year’s campaign, TM is contributing various necessities for 16 operation centres, for the convenience of the police officers on-duty along the roads identified as accident-prone areas. TM is also contributing car and motorcycle stickers as well as safety booklets which will be distributed to help aide public knowledge on road safety. 

In fulfilling its unique role towards protecting the national interest with regards to communication infrastructure, TM also works closely with PDRM on preventive measures and initiatives towards curbing cable theft incidents, as it involves public safety particularly when it causes difficulty for local communities to communicate and seek assistance in case of emergencies.


05 Dec 2023
TM’s Edge Facilities Win W. Media’s Asia Pacific Cloud And Datacenter Award For The Southeast Asian Region

Kuala Lumpur, 5 December 2023 – TM Global, the wholesale domestic and international business arm of TM, secured a prestigious accolade at this year's W.Media Asia Pacific Cloud & Datacenter Awards, for its Edge Facilities project aptly titled 'Delivering the Edge'. Effectively meeting the global demand for decentralised data hosting via co-location, this achievement solidifies TM Global's commitment to enhance the country’s digital ecosystem and position Malaysia as a trusted digital hub for the Southeast Asian region. Functioning as a regional data hosting facility, the project involves transforming existing TM exchanges into Edge Facilities across seven states, including Seberang Jaya (Penang), Tasek Ipoh (Perak), Seremban (Negeri Sembilan), Kuantan (Pahang), Kuala Terengganu (Terengganu), Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) and Kuching (Sarawak). Strategically positioned close to the edge of TM’s network, TM’s Edge Facilities significantly reduce the distance between the content hosting location and end-users. This closeness supercharges the velocity of data transmission with ultra-low latency, leading to an enhanced digital experience for all users. Commenting on this regional recognition, Khairul Liza Ibrahim, TM Global’s Executive Vice President said, "We are pleased that our innovative ideas and meticulous execution have garnered regional acclaim, and will continue these efforts in other states to meet the ever-growing data co-location demand. TM’s Edge Facilities effectively bridge the gap and seamlessly complement our existing data hosting solutions. While our large-scale data centres excel in intensive computing and data storage, TM’s Edge Facilities specialise in rapid, real-time data processing for edge computing services.” The design of TM’s Edge Facilities replicate key features of a data centre, which includes a carrier-neutral network with service level availability of 99.7%, enabling service providers to capitalise on the flourishing landscape of real-time applications. TM’s Edge Facilities significantly enhance cost-efficiency, accelerates time-to-market and offers scalability to meet the growing demands for both domestic and international service providers. By winning this prestigious award, TM Global reinforces its commitment to elevate the digital landscape and shape the future of data and cloud technology in the Southeast Asian region. Now in its third year, the award encourages industry transformation and innovation. It recognises achievement and excellence in championing the 3P’s for the cloud and data centre industry: Planet, Project and People. Winners were presented with the awards during a ceremony held at the Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong on 30 November 2023. Earlier this year, TM won another two awards at the Asian Telecom Awards via TM Global. These accolades, namely “Telecom Company of the Year” and “Wholesale Company Initiative of the Year” recognised TM’s exceptional performance in spearheading significant advancements within Malaysia and the region's telecommunications landscape. The accomplishments underpin the transformation of TM Global’s wholesale business into a new era, marked by the expansion of its Edge capabilities.

03 Sep 2020
Telecommunications operators committed to JENDELA to deliver seamless digital connectivity for all Malaysians

​Telecommunications operators Celcom Axiata Berhad, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd, Maxis Berhad, U Mobile Sdn Bhd, Telekom Malaysia Berhad and TIME dotCom Berhad (collectively 'the Industry'), are fully committed to partner with the Government and make connectivity a basic utility to fast-track Malaysia's transition into a high-income digital society. The Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) action plan announced recently by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Yassin, will be the platform to achieve these aspirations by accelerating the country's digital connectivity through widespread deployment of mobile, fibre and fixed wireless access, and paving the way to 5G, under the 12th Malaysia Plan (2021–2025). The National Digital Infrastructure Lab: A collaborative effort aspiring to deliver connectivity for all The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered an urgency for Malaysia to address the 'new normal' and cater for future demands of connectivity as an enabler for all facets of life: The economy and people's livelihoods, education, business opportunities and building and connecting communities amongst others. To prepare for the future and to fulfill our Digital Malaysia aspirations, it is clear the Industry must aspire to enable everyone in this journey through quality and reliable connectivity. To this end, the Industry was a strong participant alongside the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in the National Digital Infrastructure Lab (NDIL), with the aim to collaboratively address how to deliver quality connectivity to all Malaysians. The outcome of the NDIL was a comprehensive digital infrastructure plan that accelerates improvements to coverage and quality of experience nationwide, optimises fixed, mobile and fit-for-purpose technologies; and paves the way for the eventual adoption of 5G technologies to enable the country's digital ambitions. JENDELA: Strengthening Malaysia's Digital Communications Infrastructure to Deliver Seamless Connectivity for all Malaysians The Industry will work closely with the Government to fast-track the nation's progress towards becoming a globally competitive, resilient and enriched digital society and economy through JENDELA. Phase 1 (now to 2022): An accelerated improvement plan for nationwide 4G coverage and 7.5mil fixed broadband premises; with consistent quality of experience for everyone As announced by the Prime Minister, JENDELA will be implemented in phases. Phase 1, which starts now until 2022, will optimise existing resources and infrastructure for both mobile and fixed connectivity to: Expand 4G mobile broadband coverage from 91.8% to 96.9% in populated areas; Increase mobile broadband speeds from 25Mbps to 35Mbps; and Enable as many as 7.5 million premises to access gigabit speeds with fixed broadband services. JENDELA will firstly prioritise strengthening the nation's existing fixed and mobile networks and building a strong foundation for the eventual adoption of 5G. This will also involve the gradual retirement of 3G networks at the end of 2021. To achieve the targets in Phase 1, the Industry will look at providing wider coverage and enhanced quality of experience by upgrading and building new 4G sites, and fiberising more premises. This will be driven by extending 4G mobile coverage in rural and remote areas, improving in-door coverage for urban and suburban areas, connecting more homes with fixed broadband via fibre and other fit-for-purpose technologies (e.g. Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and satellite) to ensure widespread nationwide coverage and connectivity for all. Meanwhile, fibre providers will continue to support the industry with fibre backhaul for capacity to serve higher traffic demands expected on 4G and to ensure the fibre foundation essential for future technologies such as 5G. Phase 2 (Beyond 2022): Address the Digital Divide via Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and pave the way for 5G Phase 2 of JENDELA involves utilising FWA and other fit-for-purpose technologies to address further gaps in the digital divide, as well as priming for the nation's eventual adoption of 5G technologies; which will take place once action plans under Phase 1 are achieved. The Industry will continue to educate the public on the potential of 5G and its capabilities, through use cases applied across verticals such as manufacturing, agriculture, education, healthcare, security transportation, consumer experience, environment and smart city development. These use cases will continue to be explored under the 5G Demonstration Projects (5GDP). JENDELA: A realistic, progressive digital connectivity plan to realise Digital Malaysia JENDELA is an accelerated improvement plan where all public and private stakeholders are equally invested to deliver. This is a shared aspiration for the whole country, driven by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (KKMM) and MCMC in partnership with the telecommunications operators, and other agencies at the federal, state, and local council levels. The industry believes that collaboration among all parties is crucial to facilitate infrastructure rollout in a coordinated manner, with minimal impact on civil works, the public, the environment, and all aspects of the ecosystem. We look forward to working together to fulfil the objectives of JENDELA and enabling widespread quality connectivity for Malaysians nationwide. The Industry will provide periodical updates to the public on the progress of JENDELA, including initiatives undertaken as part of journey towards its aspirations.

16 Nov 2021
unifi encourages MSMEs to maximise Government Digitalisation Grant and accelerate their digitalisation journey with its suite of digital-first solutions

Government’s announcement to increase digitalisation grant to RM200 million next year is a big step in the right direction ​unifi is set to accelerate MSMEs in their digitalisation plans with its complete range of digital-first solutions. This comes after the Government’s announcement to raise the Digitalisation Grant for Malaysian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to RM200 million next year. The increase is a big step in the right direction and is expected to have a significant impact on the push for digitalisation especially in a period when businesses are looking at technology to fast track their road to recovery and beyond. Along this road to recovery, unifi Business has positioned itself to become the preferred digitalisation enabler for MSMEs with its digital-first solutions while playing its part as a responsible corporate citizen in supporting the Government’s push to digitalise MSMEs. Anand Vijayan, Chief Commercial Officer of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) said MSMEs should fully utilise this opportunity to accelerate their digitalisation journey and unifi Business is here to support them. “The decision to raise the digitalisation grant to RM200 million is a big move in the right direction and we’re ready to support the needs of MSMEs in Malaysia that want to accelerate their digitalisation journey.” “As a government-appointed Technology Service Provider Partner (TSP) under the MSME Digitalisation Grant, we have the complete range of digitalisation solutions for MSMEs in every step of their digitalisation journey,” said Anand during a virtual media briefing session held today. Since unifi launched its bespoke initiative that leverages on the Digitalisation Grant in August this year, the response from MSMEs have been overwhelming, further strengthening the brand’s position as the digital partner of choice among the MSMEs. Currently, unifi serves a significant portion of the nation’s MSME ecosystem with more than 375,000 MSMEs subscribed its solutions nationwide. Under this Grant, MSME entrepreneurs can subscribe to unifi Business Solution packages with savings of up to 50% across 12 months. In addition, unifi is offering prizes worth RM1.5 million to encourage MSME entrepreneurs to start digitising their businesses. Meanwhile, Mohamad Yusman Ammeran, unifi Head of SME Segment who was also present at the session said feedback from MSMEs showed that digitalisation served as a booster that helped these businesses recover and thrive. “The pandemic has transformed the business landscape in Malaysia and digitalisation is the way forward. We see a positive impact in the many businesses that we’ve supported during this very challenging period and I’m happy to see that many not only recover but have thrived thanks to our digitalisation solutions despite the challenges,” said Mohamad Yusman. unifi has a host of solutions to cater to the different needs of individual MSMEs. These include Microsoft 365 which allows businesses to increase productivity with real-time solutions to connect and collaborate anytime, anywhere. This solution also offers access to files in real time across multiple devices while ensuring a high degree of data integrity. For new businesses venturing into the digital marketplace, unifi offers a comprehensive Digital Marketing Solution where they can enhance their online presence with increased visibility especially on social media. Another unifi Business innovation is the cari@unifi Premium Listing site, a solution that allows businesses to reach a wider customer base through online listings and articles on the hugely popular local e-commerce platform, cari@unifi. In addition, unifi also organises complimentary awareness and training programs for MSMEs to increase their digital proficiency. On top of that, unifi has business consultants at 83 MSMEs Corners nationwide to provide advice and guidance to business owners – the only technology company in the country to provide such services. To encourage sign-up for the Digital Grant, unifi is also offering exciting prizes to successful applicants under its “Sign Up & Drive Away” contest. Prizes include nine (9) four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles during the contest period which will end 31 December 2021. Other interesting prizes include laptops, smartphones and tablets. For more information on unifi Business Solutions and SME Digitalisation grant offerings, please visit www.unifi.com.my/business/smegrant.


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