14 Mar 2024



CYBERJAYA, 14 MARCH 2024 – TM via its Unifi Business segment, today unveiled its latest digital business offering called the e-Pharmacy Solution, a mobile application that enables e-prescriptions via teleconsultation for pharmacists and their walk-in patients.

Bundled with Unifi Business’ fixed broadband plans from 100Mbps up to 2Gbps, this offering in collaboration with Teleme Technologies, Malaysia’s leading telemedicine platform, includes access to over 500 licensed healthcare professionals for teleconsultation, e-prescriptions, customised Digital Signature, e-health articles and a repository for patients’ medical records.

Harnessing TM’s networks and its approximately 600 nationwide Unifi Business consultants, the offering aims to help pharmacists dispense essential medications and pharmaceutical services, especially among rural and underserved communities. Through e-prescriptions, these communities will be able to access prescribed medications seamlessly, enhancing adherence and improving health outcomes.

Launched by Minister of Communications YB Fahmi Fadzil, TM’s e-Pharmacy Solution aligns with the collaboration between the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Malaysian Pharmacists Society (MPS) during the Persidangan PEDi MADANI, to accelerate the digitalisation of healthcare services, and bridge the urban-rural gap in equitable access to quality healthcare.

This offering is also eligible for the Government’s Geran Digital PMKS Madani (GDPM), ensuring pharmacists from the micro, small and medium enterprise segment (MSME) receive the support they need to embrace digitalisation and enable a more inclusive healthcare system for all Malaysians.

Amar Huzaimi Md Deris, TM’s Group CEO said, “TM is pleased to introduce its e-Pharmacy Solution which empowers pharmacists to provide quality healthcare services and medications to walk-in patients through teleconsultations and access to licensed medical professionals. By integrating connectivity and technologies into patient care, our e-Pharmacy Solution aims to support healthcare professionals and the Government in providing efficient and beneficial services for all Malaysians, especially among communities where healthcare access remains a challenge.

“This new offering also reflects TM’s continuous efforts towards becoming a Digital Powerhouse by 2030, leading industry growth through digitalisation and sustainability, and strengthening our digital ecosystem to benefit communities and businesses,” Amar explained.

Key Features of Unifi Business’ e-Pharmacy Solution

  • Streamlined Prescription Processing: Walk-in patients receive e-prescriptions from teleconsultations with licensed medical professionals, which allows pharmacists to dispense the necessary medicines to these patients.
  • Improved Patient Experience: Patients benefit from flexible access to essential prescribed medications, leading to better adherence and health outcomes, which is especially important among underserved or rural communities.
  • Enhanced Medication Management: The application offers robust medication management tools, allowing pharmacists to monitor their inventory and send reminders to patients for medication refills.
  • Secure Patient Management: The application prioritises patient privacy and data security, leveraging secure cloud infrastructure.
  • Eligibility for Geran Digital PMKS Madani (GDPM): Eligible pharmacies will be entitled to claim Grant rebates up to 50% discounts off Unifi Business’ commercial package price for 12 months.


17 Mar 2022
Statement from TM on Government's decision to retain Single Wholesale Network (SWN) for 5G

1. TM welcomes and supports the Government's decision to continue with the Single Wholesale Network (SWN) model for the deployment of 5G in the country. We believe this reflects the national aspiration for an inclusive digital Malaysia. 2. The SWN model reflects the shared responsibility to meet the collective objectives of 5G for Malaysia: Telcos to focus on investing and developing innovative 5G products and solutions for end customers. DNB shall focus on network-build towards faster rollout of coverage and capacity in a cost efficient manner. TM will continue to provide the fiber backhaul as committed in the signing of the agreement with DNB on 16 Dec 2021. This is another example of public-private partnership in the rollout of critical telecommunications infrastructure to boost economic development and enhance the well-being of Keluarga Malaysia. 3. We look forward to rolling out 5G-enabled products and solutions to our unifi and TM ONE customers. As such, we are currently undertaking internal customer and network trials to bring an improved convergence proposition of fiber plus 5G services to our unifi and TM ONE customers. This is subject to finalising our wholesale agreement with the DNB.

30 Aug 2021
TM supports affected small businesses and communities through “Inisiatif Tolong Menolong”

Reaching out to more than 140 SME businesses and 14,000 families nationwide as part of the ongoing Malaysia Prihatin movement. ​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) stays committed to its efforts in lending support and aid to affected Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) businesses and communities during this challenging period of COVID-19 pandemic. In view of the immense impact of this unprecedented period, Yayasan TM (YTM), TM's social impact-based foundation and also its Corporate Responsibility arm, embarked on a food bank programme called "Inisiatif Tolong Menolong", as part of the ongoing "Malaysia Prihatin" movement. The two (2) months programme is aimed at supporting local SME businesses such as grocery stores, sundry shops and restaurants as well as community groups in need including B40 families and the homeless, who are affected by the pandemic and enforcement of Movement Control Order (MCO). For this initiative, YTM works with TM's state offices nationwide to identify the local SMEs and provide the beneficiaries with basic necessities to alleviate their burden during this challenging time. Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM shared: "We understand that the MCO is necessary to keep Malaysians safe during this pandemic, but it brought its own challenges to our livelihood. This is where YTM and TM Group continue to lend our helping hand wherever possible, embracing the spirit of "Malaysia Prihatin" and #kitajagakita. Apart from other ongoing initiatives to help the nation bounce back, we have embarked on this nationwide "Inisiatif Tolong Menolong" that adopts a two-pronged approach – providing basic necessities to those in need by purchasing the items from the local SME businesses in the vicinity. This will help the beneficiaries while at the same time assisting in the survival of the affected local SMEs. We hope this humble assistance can make life and business easier for them, and they have a chance to rebuild their lives together." "We are also very grateful for the great support and cooperation from the TM state offices and our various stakeholders on the ground who have worked tirelessly to make this initiative a success," Izlyn concluded. The initiative, kicked off on 20 August 2021 nationwide, is set to benefit more than 140 SME businesses, which were selected as collection points for the identified 14,000 families to get their basic food supplies in their respective areas. This programme is also part of the collective humanitarian efforts of the GLC/GLIC Disaster Response Network (GDRN), for which YTM is co-chair together with Khazanah Nasional Berhad's Yayasan Hasanah, under Ministry of Finance (MOF)-GDRN PERMAI Relief Fund 2021; a matching grant announced under Initiative 6 of Pakej Bantuan Perlindungan Ekonomi & Rakyat Malaysia (PERMAI) to provide immediate relief to those adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disaster. Earlier this year, TM had disbursed RM1.5 million of the TM's MOF-GDRN PERMAI Relief Fund 2021 via 17 NGOs nationwide and benefited more than 10,000 families from various backgrounds. Also under this fund, working together with Persatuan OKU Sentral and GDRN partners, TM has recently contributed a month's supply of food for front-liners and volunteers working at a Drive-Through Vaccine Center (PPV) specifically for the special needs community, including their guardians and senior citizens in Johor Bahru. To date, the TM Group including YTM has extended close to RM20 million through various initiatives to ease the lives of affected communities, and in continuous support of Malaysia's nation-building and community welfare agenda in these challenging times. YTM joins all Malaysians in prayer for the safety and health of the nation, together may we return stronger.

16 Jul 2022
TM Tree-Planting Campaign latest in group’s ESG efforts to achieve sustainability targets

TM Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow campaign latest in TM’s comprehensive efforts to achieve Net-Zero emissions by 2050 and improve business operations and social impact. ​ Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today launched an initiative titled Program Kelestarian Hari Esok TM: Kempen Penanaman Pokok (TM Towards A Sustainable Tomorrow: Tree Planting Campaign) – an expansion of its short- and medium-term ESG commitments towards environmental sustainability, operational improvement, and value creation for the wider community. Aligning with the Government’s Penghijauan Malaysia (Greening Malaysia) programme and international aspirations namely the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, this campaign is the latest in TM’s commitment to plant 12,000 trees throughout the country by the end of 2022, to offset greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the impact of climate change. This campaign follows closely on the back of TM’s earlier Gutta Percha tree planting programme, which saw the planting of 5,000 Nyatoh Taban Merah heritage trees in 23 locations in conjunction with World Telecommunications and Information Society Day 2022 – which also garnered a Malaysia Book of Record recognition. Launched at the Sultan Idris Shah Forest Education Centre, Puchong, TM’s latest campaign was graced by YB Datuk Ali Anak Biju, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. Also in attendance were YBrs Ahmad Norhad Zahari, Secretary of Communication Technology, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia; Amin Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of Yayasan Hijau Malaysia; Professor Dato’ Dr. Abdul Mua'ti @ Zamri Ahmad, Director, Centre for Strategy and Corporate Relations, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM); Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan Hashim, Chairman of TM’s Board of Directors; and Imri Mokhtar, TM’s Group Chief Executive Officer. Co-organised with Yayasan Hijau Malaysia, Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia and UPM, the campaign supports the Government’s commitment to plant 100 million trees by 2025, with 5,000 trees being planted during this latest effort, and another 2,000 to be planted in the later part of the year. 60 Warga TM (TM employees) participated in planting the first 100 trees, with all of TM’s designated tree-planting sites to be known as “unifi Green Zones”. YB Datuk Ali Anak Biju said, “Malaysia serves as a habitat for thousands of flora and fauna species and is the ‘green lung’ for oxygen generation and carbon storage for Malaysia and neighbouring countries. Our rainforests and bio-diverse ecosystems remain popular ecotourism destinations for local and international tourists, and serve in furthering environmental research and education. “Over the last decade, tree planting initiatives have intensified to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change stemming from commercial and industrial activities and population growth. “I am proud and grateful to see corporate organisations, government agencies as well as NGOs and education institutions collaborating on green initiatives with greater commitment, such as today’s event by TM and its partners. I hope more corporate companies will follow in their footsteps to help us realise our Greening Malaysia goals,” he added. Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan explained, “Our ESG commitment is something we take seriously as it aligns with our transformation towards becoming a human-centred technology company. This pledge is reflected in our innovative solutions and services, and our efforts to improve business operations and fulfil our social responsibility to our customers, partners and communities.” “In addition to tree planting, TM’s Klang Valley Core Data Centre, Iskandar Puteri Core Data Centre and KL City Data Centre have been powered by renewable energy since January 2022 – significantly reducing the impact of our business operations while supporting the nation’s digitalisation. We have achieved an 11% emission reduction in Q1 2022 against the baseline year of 2019 – putting us on track to achieve our goals of reducing emissions by 30% in 2024, 45% by 2030 and Net-Zero by 2050,” he shared. TM also continues to strengthen its social and governance pillars – continuing to serve as the nation’s connectivity leader and providing high speed internet access to at least 70% of premises nationwide. The Group has also ensured 30% women representation among its Board of Directors and Senior Management, and works with organisations such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to uphold zero-tolerance towards corruption. TM continues to maintain the highest standards of corporate governance in all its partnerships and undertakings.


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