07 Jul 2023

TM Announces Upcoming Change In MD / Group CEO

TM Announces Upcoming Change In MD / Group CEO Article Header

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), is pleased to announce a change in its executive leadership effective 1 August 2023. The change sees Amar Huzaimi Md Deris as the new Managing Director / Group CEO of TM, succeeding Datuk Imri Mokhtar, who completes his 3-year term on 31 July 2023.


Currently heading TM's domestic and global wholesale business, Amar is another example of TM's home-grown talent, after Datuk Imri.  Beginning his career with TM after graduating in 1998, Amar’s roles have ranged from financial control, internal audit, corporate and regulatory affairs, Group CEO’s office, culminating in his current P&L position at TM Global. His strategic vision, combined with operational experience and grasp of global leading technologies, ideally positions him to steer TM's evolution from a Telco to a TechCo.


His achievements have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by his recognition as one of CPA Australia's 40 young business leaders (2012) and by Capacity Media's 'Power 100' list in wholesale carrier community (2019, 2023). These accolades further attest to his leadership capabilities and the promising future he holds at the helm of TM.


Speaking about his upcoming role, Amar said, "Datuk Imri has set the right path for TM, with the strengthened foundation from the turnaround and pursuit of new growth areas – charting the shift from a Telco to a TechCo. I am proud to have been part of that journey; and now, I am enthusiastic to follow through and lead TM to the next level."


Datuk Imri expressed his confidence in Amar’s appointment, saying, “Amar is an exceptional TM-grown leader with a proven ability to navigate the business and deliver results. I have full confidence that TM shall attain greater success under Amar’s leadership. I extend my best wishes to Amar, the leadership team and Warga TM as they embark on the next chapter of TM’s growth journey.”


The company wishes to extend its gratitude to Datuk Imri for his tenure as MD/GCEO which has seen notable turnaround and growth, and his total of 21 years serving in TM. With the appointment of Amar Huzaimi as the new MD/GCEO, TM is confident it will continue to innovate and grow, building upon its success and further enhancing its role as the enabler of Digital Malaysia.


16 Jul 2022
TM Tree-Planting Campaign latest in group’s ESG efforts to achieve sustainability targets

TM Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow campaign latest in TM’s comprehensive efforts to achieve Net-Zero emissions by 2050 and improve business operations and social impact. ​ Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today launched an initiative titled Program Kelestarian Hari Esok TM: Kempen Penanaman Pokok (TM Towards A Sustainable Tomorrow: Tree Planting Campaign) – an expansion of its short- and medium-term ESG commitments towards environmental sustainability, operational improvement, and value creation for the wider community. Aligning with the Government’s Penghijauan Malaysia (Greening Malaysia) programme and international aspirations namely the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, this campaign is the latest in TM’s commitment to plant 12,000 trees throughout the country by the end of 2022, to offset greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the impact of climate change. This campaign follows closely on the back of TM’s earlier Gutta Percha tree planting programme, which saw the planting of 5,000 Nyatoh Taban Merah heritage trees in 23 locations in conjunction with World Telecommunications and Information Society Day 2022 – which also garnered a Malaysia Book of Record recognition. Launched at the Sultan Idris Shah Forest Education Centre, Puchong, TM’s latest campaign was graced by YB Datuk Ali Anak Biju, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. Also in attendance were YBrs Ahmad Norhad Zahari, Secretary of Communication Technology, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia; Amin Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of Yayasan Hijau Malaysia; Professor Dato’ Dr. Abdul Mua'ti @ Zamri Ahmad, Director, Centre for Strategy and Corporate Relations, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM); Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan Hashim, Chairman of TM’s Board of Directors; and Imri Mokhtar, TM’s Group Chief Executive Officer. Co-organised with Yayasan Hijau Malaysia, Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia and UPM, the campaign supports the Government’s commitment to plant 100 million trees by 2025, with 5,000 trees being planted during this latest effort, and another 2,000 to be planted in the later part of the year. 60 Warga TM (TM employees) participated in planting the first 100 trees, with all of TM’s designated tree-planting sites to be known as “unifi Green Zones”. YB Datuk Ali Anak Biju said, “Malaysia serves as a habitat for thousands of flora and fauna species and is the ‘green lung’ for oxygen generation and carbon storage for Malaysia and neighbouring countries. Our rainforests and bio-diverse ecosystems remain popular ecotourism destinations for local and international tourists, and serve in furthering environmental research and education. “Over the last decade, tree planting initiatives have intensified to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change stemming from commercial and industrial activities and population growth. “I am proud and grateful to see corporate organisations, government agencies as well as NGOs and education institutions collaborating on green initiatives with greater commitment, such as today’s event by TM and its partners. I hope more corporate companies will follow in their footsteps to help us realise our Greening Malaysia goals,” he added. Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan explained, “Our ESG commitment is something we take seriously as it aligns with our transformation towards becoming a human-centred technology company. This pledge is reflected in our innovative solutions and services, and our efforts to improve business operations and fulfil our social responsibility to our customers, partners and communities.” “In addition to tree planting, TM’s Klang Valley Core Data Centre, Iskandar Puteri Core Data Centre and KL City Data Centre have been powered by renewable energy since January 2022 – significantly reducing the impact of our business operations while supporting the nation’s digitalisation. We have achieved an 11% emission reduction in Q1 2022 against the baseline year of 2019 – putting us on track to achieve our goals of reducing emissions by 30% in 2024, 45% by 2030 and Net-Zero by 2050,” he shared. TM also continues to strengthen its social and governance pillars – continuing to serve as the nation’s connectivity leader and providing high speed internet access to at least 70% of premises nationwide. The Group has also ensured 30% women representation among its Board of Directors and Senior Management, and works with organisations such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to uphold zero-tolerance towards corruption. TM continues to maintain the highest standards of corporate governance in all its partnerships and undertakings.

12 Mar 2022
Statement on discontinuation of new registration for unifi LITE and Business Broadband

As we embrace the digital lifestyle, we can expect an increase in consumer demand for faster connectivity. To satisfy this need, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) through unifi continues to drive digital connectivity through the accelerated expansion of fibre network nationwide. This is also in support of the Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) action plan to deliver enhanced connectivity experience to all Malaysians. Towards this end, as well as in answering the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)'s call for the provision of high-speed broadband services, unifi has discontinued new registrations for its copper-based broadband services, namely unifi Lite (Streamyx) and Business Broadband. We wish to inform that all our existing unifi Lite and Business Broadband customers will be migrated to the fibre-based unifi service in phases, expected to be completed by 2025. We will reach out to these customers via emails, letters, calls and SMSes, to ensure a seamless migration experience. Until then, all existing unifi Lite and Business Broadband customers will still enjoy their broadband service as is, with no disruption. Should these customers be interested to upgrade their subscription to any of the fibre-based unifi packages that provide more value for their money before the migration exercise, they can reach out to us via 100, Live Chat at unifi.com.my, the myunifi app, or just visit any nearest TMpoint.

16 Jun 2021
TM lauds the government’s national recovery plan; stays committed to serve customers

Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) lauds the Government on the announcement of the National Recovery Plan which outlines the four-phase exit strategy and conditions for Malaysia to overcome the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. TM is fully supportive of the recovery plan that is anchored on three conditions – the number of daily cases reported, the medical healthcare capacity (ICU) and the national vaccination rate. Commenting on the announcement, Imri Mokhtar, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, TM said: "We welcome the clarity provided by the Government on the National Recovery Plan. It is indeed a necessary response to the serious economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic. We hope that through the effective implementation of this plan, the nation will be able to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic to a reasonable level of normality by year end, revive the economy and place the country on a new growth trajectory." "TM as an essential services provider continues to ensure Malaysians remain connected in the safety of their homes and that all our customer support services remain in operation throughout each phase of the recovery plan. As the enabler of Digital Malaysia, TM is committed to playing our part to support all our customer segments across homes, businesses, industry as well as the public sector with connectivity and digital infrastructure and solutions towards economic recovery. All of us at TM pray for the safety and health of all Malaysians nationwide; stay safe and ensure that we get vaccinated - together may we return stronger," he concluded. TM is taking proactive measures in its operations to ensure homes and businesses stay connected; strictly adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and guidelines set by the National Security Council (MKN). TMpoint outlets and key partner stores are open for service applications and essential transactions subject to government and local authority regulations. Service installation and restoration activities remain available for customers with SOPs in place to ensure the safety of both TM personnel and its customers. TM customer care lines remain open. Additionally, customers are encouraged to utilise our 24/7 self-serve digital platforms for service registration, service diagnostics, account-related enquiries as well as payment. TM supports the National Immunisation Programme and encourages Malaysians to register for vaccination to ensure the country can achieve herd immunity. TM also runs its own internal vaccination drive and thus far, 65% of Warga TM has registered. TM will also be running an internal campaign to rally its TM Volunteers by participating in the Malaysia Vaccine Support Volunteers (MyVAC) programme for The Special Committee On COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) to assist with the vaccination process at Vaccine Delivery Center (PPV) locations across the country. TM is also offering its suitable venues nationwide for PPV, drive through and mobile unit stations. Today, its Multimedia University Melaka campus begins its operations as a PPV facility for JKJAV. TM also connects PPVs nationwide with internet access services to enable the frontliners, medical teams, volunteers as well as members of the public to stay connected during the vaccination process. More than RM8.0 million has been channeled for nation building initiatives to date; in terms of medical and non-medical humanitarian aid for communities in need during the pandemic. Most recently, TM has also set up Tabung Solidarity COVID-19 TM as a continuation of the employee donation drive last year, which has already raised and disbursed RM800,000 to various causes. Thus far, TM Board members and Warga TM have pledged another RM600,000 for the fund through voluntary salary and allowance deduction. The contribution is matched by the company to total RM1.2 million to date. The donation will be channelled to the government's Akaun Amanah Bencana. TM also continues to support the nation and communities in need through connectivity initiatives such as Jaringan Prihatin, CERDIK and MYBAIKHATI. TM reiterates its commitment to ensure the safety and health of customers and Warga TM with special working arrangements implemented and enhanced SOPs towards business and customer service continuity. The Company will continually monitor for developments on the ongoing situation, adhere to the SOPs under the specific phases detailed out by MKN and adapt its services to help customers, whenever needed as the safety of its employees and members of the public are of paramount importance.


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