09 Jun 2023

FAM - TM Jalin Semula Kerjasama Strategik Sebagai Rakan Rasmi Teknologi

FAM - TM Jalin Semula Kerjasama Strategik  Sebagai Rakan Rasmi Teknologi Article Header

Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) meneruskan jalinan kerjasama dengan Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) di mana syarikat telekomunikasi terkemuka negara itu menjadi Rakan Rasmi Teknologi bagi FAM dan pasukan kebangsaan, Harimau Malaya untuk tempoh setahun bermula Jun 2023 ini.

Perjanjian itu juga menjadi bukti komitmen tinggi TM terhadap pembangunan sukan bola sepak negara di mana syarikat tersebut telah terlibat secara langsung dalam industri bola sepak tempatan sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu.

Menurut Presiden FAM, Datuk Haji Hamidin Haji Mohd Amin, kerjasama yang kembali terjalin bersama TM selepas kali terakhir berkolaborasi pada tahun 2020 membuktikan hubungan baik FAM bersama syarikat telekomunikasi itu sentiasa dipelihara.

“Sudah pasti FAM berasa gembira dan berbesar hati dengan jalinan semula kerjasama bersama TM yang tentunya akan membawa manfaat besar kepada perancangan dan pembangunan skuad bola sepak kebangsaan.

“Saya optimis bahawa hubungan strategik antara FAM dan TM ini dapat mencapai hasil penajaan yang menggalakkan selain memberi peluang TM membawakan produk mereka untuk dinikmati oleh jutaan peminat bola sepak di negara ini melalui pelbagai program promosi yang akan kita aktifkan dalam masa terdekat. 

“Mewakili seluruh warga kerja FAM, saya ingin menzahirkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada TM dan berharap menerusi kerjasama ini, arena bola sepak negara akan bergerak ke arah kecemerlangan,” kata Datuk Haji Hamidin. 

Majlis menandatangani perjanjian antara FAM dan TM itu telah berlangsung di Wisma FAM, Kelana Jaya petang tadi di mana FAM diwakili oleh Setiausaha Agung FAM, En Noor Azman Hj Rahman sementara TM telah diwakili oleh Naib Presiden, Jenama dan Pemasaran, En Andrew Pinto. Majlis tersebut telah disaksikan oleh Datuk Haji Hamidin bersama-sama Puan Shanti Jusnita Johari, Ketua Pegawai Pemasaran, TM.

Turut hadir adalah kedua-dua Timbalan Presiden FAM, Datuk Wira Mohd Yusoff Mahadi dan Dato’ S. Sivasundaram, barisan ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif FAM, serta barisan pengurusan kanan Kumpulan TM.


Sementara itu, Puan Shanti turut menzahirkan penghargaan kepada pihak FAM atas kolaborasi ini yang membolehkan TM meneruskan peranannya dalam memajukan sukan bola sepak sebagai sukan nombor satu negara yang mempunyai jutaan peminat tanpa mengira bangsa, umur dan latar belakang.

“TM menerajui evolusi teknologi telekomunikasi negara sejak sekian lama ke arah membina Digital Malaysia menerusi teknologi yang memperkasa komuniti, perniagaan dan Kerajaan. Kini, TM telah menjalani transformasi ke arah menjadi sebuah Syarikat Teknologi Berteraskan Insan, ataupun, a Human-Centred Technology Company. Peralihan ini akan turut diterapkan dalam jalinan kerjasama antara TM dan FAM ini, dengan membawakan pengalaman baharu kepada para penyokong pasukan kebangsaan melalui teknologi digital serta perkhidmatan komunikasi dan kandungan,” kata beliau.

“Kami amat berbesar hati dapat memberikan sokongan kepada sukan bola sepak kerana ianya mampu menyatukan rakyat Malaysia di bawah satu bendera. Diharapkan kolaborasi ini dapat mencetuskan minat dan sokongan yang lebih jitu daripada para peminat, seterusnya memberi suntikan semangat untuk pasukan bola sepak kebangsaan. Semoga kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak bakal mengangkat martabat sukan bola sepak kita dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa,” akhiri Puan Shanti.


27 Dec 2022
Nurturing future digital leaders through YTM Future Skills Champion Schools

Enhances its adopted schools programme to be more holistic by embedding digital technology and leadership skills ​TM, through Yayasan TM (YTM), recognises the need to equip the next generation with the digital and technology skills required for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). In view of this, in 2014, YTM began its Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) oriented programmes, such as robotics, 3D modelling, coding, and big data analytics, to promote those subjects amongst students and education communities at schools nationwide. In 2020, the modules were conslidated into TM Future Skills (TMFS) programme, with the aim of making it more comprehensive and beneficial to the intended participants. The programme was tailored to the syllabus outlined by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and covered the nine (9) pillars of the IR4.0. It has been receiving positive feedback from the teachers and students involved and more schools have requested to be part of the programme. Supporting MOE’s aspiration for digital education transformation, YTM continues to spread the positive impact of TMFS in a more structured approach. Towards this end, the foundation has embarked on TM Future Skills Champion School (TMFS School) initiative, as a continuation of the TM School Adoption Programme with enhanced contents. TMFS Schools foster future digital skills by embracing digital technology in its classroom activities where leadership, design thinking and cognitive abilities were emphasised to prepare the students for future employment. SMK Gunung Semanggol (SMKGS) in Perak, with more than 90% of its students from B40 families, was selected as the first TMFS School, aligned with YTM’s aspiration to assist B40 students in rural areas. To further facilitate the initiative, YTM is establishing TMFS Digital Hub at TMFS Schools where the schools will be equipped with a PocketLab, robotics set, 3D printer, smart TV, desktop, and digital learning content to gain more interest from its students as well as the neighbouring schools. "SMK Gunung Semanggol was identified based on its active involvement in various STEM initiatives, including previous TMFS programmes. The school also has passionate and dedicated teachers, where they adopt integrated and innovative approach for more in-depth understanding of the modules among the students. With such exposure and capabilities, we are confident that SMK Gunung Semanggol is able to play the role as a hub to spread the digital technology knowledge to more students and teachers including at the five (5) neighbouring schools, and approximately over 20 secondary schools in the Kerian district," said Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM, during the launching ceremony of TMFS School in November 2022. Throughout this three-year programme, YTM, together with its strategic partner, Creative Minds, will work with Multimedia University (MMU), Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM), TM Perak, and other YTM's partners to design and deliver engaging programmes providing the tools and support for students in rural schools to flourish. "We are also happy to see that SMK Gunung Semanggol promotes the development of other skills, such as urban farming and entrepreneurship, to empower the local communities sustainably. So as we continue to identify more potential schools in more states of Malaysia, we hope this programme will unearth more talented students towards building a competitive and sustainable community in the future," she added. Salmah Iman, the Principal of SMK Gunung Semanggol, expressed her enthusiasm, "We feel honoured and privileged to be chosen as the first TMFS School in the Northern Zone and Malaysia. We are excited and look forward to share the positive impact of this programme with the nearby schools. As we are committed to ensuring that this programme achieves its goals, we are also confident that YTM's support and assistance will help these students be prepared for future employment and enhance their standard of living." At the event, Bakri Arsad, Chief Assistant Director of Mathematics and Science, Learning Sector, Perak State Education Department, said, "We welcome such initiatives through collaboration with the private sector, especially for rural schools that need exposure to digital technology. These programmes will inspire students to explore their potential beyond academics and increase the number of students choosing STEM-related fields." During the launch, guests had the opportunity to visit the Pusat Sumber Sekolah Pendeta Za'aba and experience content and materials created by the students based on specific themes including unique handicrafts and martial arts performances. Guests toured the school's urban farm, where they sampled delicious cuisine prepared by students from the special education class using produce from the farm. SMK Gunung Semanggol provided a wonderful ambience of positive vibes that attract students' engagement and boosted their creativity.   To date, STEM-related programmes by YTM, including TMFS, have benefited over 15,000 students and teachers from over 500 schools across the country. With the support and assistance of various interested partners, we hope this initiative will spark students' interest in pursuing their tertiary studies in technology and digital fields and equip the young generation with future-proof skills relevant to the future workforce.

26 Apr 2022
Op Selamat to ensure a safer Raya celebration for all

TM remains committed to work closely with enforcement agencies in ensuring the welfare and well-being of the community Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) today launched Op Selamat 18/2022 to promote a safer and joyous celebration this upcoming Hari Raya for all Malaysians nationwide. Entering into its 18th edition, this year's campaign is aptly themed "Rumah Selamat, Selamat Sampai ke Destinasi" (Safe Home, Safe Journey), with the aim of increasing public awareness on road safety and home security during festivities. Op Selamat will be running for 10 days, from 29 April until 8 May 2022. This marks the 23rd collaboration between TM and PDRM on this campaign, the last being in 2019 before the pandemic hit. This is part of the long-standing strategic partnership that TM has established with PDRM, including the MERS999 emergency hotline, the anti-telecommunications cable theft efforts, and the Secured Mobile Services platform used for enforcement operations. The campaign was launched at Menara TM by Datuk Razarudin Husain, the Deputy Inspector General of Police. He also flagged off the 'Traffic Monitoring Team' and a convoy of motorcyclists and cars, symbolically highlighting the campaign's message of road and home safety. Also present at the event were CP Datuk Wira Mat Kasim Karim, Director of Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT); CP Datuk Aidi Ismail, Director of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department (JPJKK); Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan Hashim, Chairman of TM; Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM; senior management of TM Group, police officers of various ranks as well as officers from various government agencies such as Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia, Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO). In his opening speech, Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan said, "TM is committed and always ready to work hand-in-hand with PDRM and other law enforcement agencies in ensuring the security and well-being of the community. This year, once again we continue our long-standing collaboration with PDRM on this noble effort. This campaign reflects our unwavering support towards the Government's initiatives to reduce road mishaps and improve home safety during festive seasons. "The safety of road users and their homes are of utmost importance during festivities. This is the key message we want to spread to the public, and we urge everyone to stay alert on the road and vigilant at home," he added. For this year's campaign, TM is contributing various necessities for the 15 Op Selamat operation centres nationwide, including campaign advocacy and materials such as leaflets and stickers that will be distributed to road users.

30 Mar 2023

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) has today announced the completion of its new fibre optic network hub or point of presence (PoP) project phase one (1) installations, across northern region, Sabah and Sarawak. The launch ceremony, which was officiated by YB Fahmi Fadzil, Minister of Communications and Digital, took place at SMK Padang Terap, Kuala Nerang, Kedah. Also present were Dato’ Haji Pkharuddin Bin Haji Ghazali, Director-General of Education and Dato’ Sri Haji Mohammad Bin Mentek, Secretary-General, Ministry of Communications and Digital.     PoP is a place where different devices connect to each other and to the internet. In simple terms, PoP brings fibre closer to users. By setting up PoP locations near schools, people in rural and remote areas can get better and faster internet services in their homes, instead of relying on mobile internet. This will improve internet access and connectivity for more people in the community.   During the ceremony, YB Fahmi highlighted the significant benefits and opportunities that the new PoPs would bring. The new PoPs represent a major step forward in the Government's efforts to narrow the digital gap and promote digital inclusion across Malaysia.   A total of 4,370 PoPs had been planned under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) where 4,323 PoPs will be installed near rural schools and 47 PoPs near industrial area. Phase one (1) of the project, involves 677 sites and the remaining will be implemented under phase two (2) over the span of three (3) years, 2022-2025. A total of 233 PoP circuits were installed under phase 1, with 100% completion achieved by TM, ahead of other industry players.   “We are thrilled to see the progress and achievements of this project, which will bring significant benefits and opportunities to the community, including improved internet quality, economic development and the development of new infrastructures,” said Shazurawati Abdul Karim, Executive Vice President of TM One.   PoP will create a more balanced and inclusive regional development, boosting the growth of new technologies like 5G and future generations of communication technologies. Through this initiative, users in TM's PoP area have now reached over 9,000 and are increasing. A total of 58 of its users are schools that have subscribed to Unifi services. The widespread internet accessibility will not only help to develop the rural economy but more importantly allow learning materials to be downloaded, to improve the quality of education in schools, equipping the future generations with a wealth of knowledge.   “As the nation's telecommunications leader, and enabler of Digital Malaysia, TM is committed to support the nation's development agenda through the benefits brought by hyperconnectivity and digital solutions, which will accelerate digital adoption and new economic growth,” added Shazurawati.   “The presence of PoP can attract technology companies, start-ups and other businesses that require a high-speed internet connection to operate. This can create more job opportunities, increase innovation, and stimulate economic growth in local communities,” concluded Shazurawati.   The collaboration between TM and the Government demonstrates the shared commitment to deliver digital inclusivity throughout Malaysia. For phase two (2) of PoP project, TM has been awarded with 174 sites in the central region. This phase is expected to further boost digital connectivity and economic development for Malaysia.


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