Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) meneruskan jalinan kerjasama dengan Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) di mana syarikat telekomunikasi terkemuka negara itu menjadi Rakan Rasmi Teknologi bagi FAM dan pasukan kebangsaan, Harimau Malaya untuk tempoh setahun bermula Jun 2023 ini.
Perjanjian itu juga menjadi bukti komitmen tinggi TM terhadap pembangunan sukan bola sepak negara di mana syarikat tersebut telah terlibat secara langsung dalam industri bola sepak tempatan sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu.
Menurut Presiden FAM, Datuk Haji Hamidin Haji Mohd Amin, kerjasama yang kembali terjalin bersama TM selepas kali terakhir berkolaborasi pada tahun 2020 membuktikan hubungan baik FAM bersama syarikat telekomunikasi itu sentiasa dipelihara.
“Sudah pasti FAM berasa gembira dan berbesar hati dengan jalinan semula kerjasama bersama TM yang tentunya akan membawa manfaat besar kepada perancangan dan pembangunan skuad bola sepak kebangsaan.
“Saya optimis bahawa hubungan strategik antara FAM dan TM ini dapat mencapai hasil penajaan yang menggalakkan selain memberi peluang TM membawakan produk mereka untuk dinikmati oleh jutaan peminat bola sepak di negara ini melalui pelbagai program promosi yang akan kita aktifkan dalam masa terdekat.
“Mewakili seluruh warga kerja FAM, saya ingin menzahirkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada TM dan berharap menerusi kerjasama ini, arena bola sepak negara akan bergerak ke arah kecemerlangan,” kata Datuk Haji Hamidin.
Majlis menandatangani perjanjian antara FAM dan TM itu telah berlangsung di Wisma FAM, Kelana Jaya petang tadi di mana FAM diwakili oleh Setiausaha Agung FAM, En Noor Azman Hj Rahman sementara TM telah diwakili oleh Naib Presiden, Jenama dan Pemasaran, En Andrew Pinto. Majlis tersebut telah disaksikan oleh Datuk Haji Hamidin bersama-sama Puan Shanti Jusnita Johari, Ketua Pegawai Pemasaran, TM.
Turut hadir adalah kedua-dua Timbalan Presiden FAM, Datuk Wira Mohd Yusoff Mahadi dan Dato’ S. Sivasundaram, barisan ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif FAM, serta barisan pengurusan kanan Kumpulan TM.
Sementara itu, Puan Shanti turut menzahirkan penghargaan kepada pihak FAM atas kolaborasi ini yang membolehkan TM meneruskan peranannya dalam memajukan sukan bola sepak sebagai sukan nombor satu negara yang mempunyai jutaan peminat tanpa mengira bangsa, umur dan latar belakang.
“TM menerajui evolusi teknologi telekomunikasi negara sejak sekian lama ke arah membina Digital Malaysia menerusi teknologi yang memperkasa komuniti, perniagaan dan Kerajaan. Kini, TM telah menjalani transformasi ke arah menjadi sebuah Syarikat Teknologi Berteraskan Insan, ataupun, a Human-Centred Technology Company. Peralihan ini akan turut diterapkan dalam jalinan kerjasama antara TM dan FAM ini, dengan membawakan pengalaman baharu kepada para penyokong pasukan kebangsaan melalui teknologi digital serta perkhidmatan komunikasi dan kandungan,” kata beliau.
“Kami amat berbesar hati dapat memberikan sokongan kepada sukan bola sepak kerana ianya mampu menyatukan rakyat Malaysia di bawah satu bendera. Diharapkan kolaborasi ini dapat mencetuskan minat dan sokongan yang lebih jitu daripada para peminat, seterusnya memberi suntikan semangat untuk pasukan bola sepak kebangsaan. Semoga kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak bakal mengangkat martabat sukan bola sepak kita dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa,” akhiri Puan Shanti.
TM Records a Promising 1Q2023 Performance with 2.0% Revenue Growth; Continues to Strengthen its Core Business
1Q2023 Key Highlights (vs 1Q2022) · Operating Revenue grew 2.0% from RM2.89 billion to RM2.95 billion, with continuous growth across Unifi and TM Global · EBIT decreased 15.5% from RM560.4 million to RM473.3 million, following accelerated depreciation and impairment · PATAMI lower 2.9% from RM339.9 million to RM330.1 million, lower EBIT cushioned by lower net finance cost and effective tax rate · CAPEX investment stood at 14.0% of revenue or RM413.1 million, heavily attributed to fibre network expansion Amidst the challenges for the year, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) achieved a steady and promising performance in the first quarter that ended on 31 March 2023, compared to the same period in the previous year (YoY). Operating revenue grew 2.0% to RM2.95 billion, from RM2.89 billion in 2022, driven by Unifi and TM Global. TM saw an increase in customers with Unifi now serving close to 3.5 million home and MSME customers, TM One catering to 8,800 businesses, and TM Global serving more than 700 local and regional customers. Its reported Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) is lower 15.5% to RM473.3 million, from RM560.4 million, following the Group’s decision to accelerate depreciation and impairment of IT assets, due to changes in market conditions. Profit After Tax and Minority Interest (PATAMI) decreased 2.9% to RM330.1 million from RM339.9 million. Lower net finance cost and lower effective tax rate from the recognition of deferred tax assets mitigated the impact of the lower EBIT on the Group’s overall profitability. Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) stood at 14.0% of overall revenue, or RM413.1 million. A significant portion of this investment was dedicated to fortifying its fibre infrastructure, delivering new customer acquisition, international subsea cables investment and 5G fibre network deployment to meet Government’s target of 80% coverage by year end. Unifi sustaining growth trajectory Unifi continues to deliver leadership in convergence service and solutions for both home and MSMEs customers. Unifi reported a 1Q2023 revenue growth of 4.3% from RM1.38 billion to RM1.44 billion contributed by both, growth in number of subscribers and average revenue per customer (ARPC). Unifi fixed broadband subscription increased by 8.1% to 3.08 million propelled by aggressive sales, and promotions such as the 6-months complimentary speed upgrade offered to existing Unifi Home users and 7-days free viewing of all Unifi TV channels during Chinese New Year. Unifi Mobile unveiled its latest offerings, the UNI5G prepaid and postpaid plans, which include complimentary 5G access for all current mobile subscribers. Additionally, Unifi introduced the Pakej Perpaduan Jalur Lebar Tetap (Home Internet) and Pakej Perpaduan Prabayar Mudah Alih (Prepaid Mobile) plans specifically designed for underserved communities, providing inclusive and ubiquitous connectivity for the community. Unifi Business’ collaborative efforts with local government agencies have been instrumental in supporting MSMEs to digitally grow their businesses. As part of this initiative, Unifi Business launched a programme in Sabah that has resulted in a significant participation of local entrepreneurs. TM One navigating challenging market and shifting demand TM One recorded a 6.7% slowdown in revenue from RM773.7 million to RM721.9 million in the current quarter, largely due to the impact of price reduction and lower revenue from one-off customer projects. The delivery of key projects across several industries shall set the pace for TM One in the coming quarters. TM One delivered a Private 5G solution to enable Smart Industry solutions and completed a hybrid cloud project that is instrumental to the IT backbone transformation of its customer. TM is also the only telco with a 100% completion record for the Point of Presence (POP) Phase 1 Project, successfully delivering 233 sites across the northern states, Sabah and Sarawak. Building on the success of TM One 5G Sphere Partner Programme launched end of 2022 where more than 90 leading partners are registered today, TM One launched its Sandbox platform providing a secure and controlled environment for enterprise and Government customers with technology partners to co-create and commercialise innovative smart service solutions, which will propel their digitalisation and automation drive. TM Global catalysing digital inclusivity TM Global reported continuous growth in 1Q2023, with revenue increasing by 3.9% from RM625.1 million to RM649.2 million, contributed by higher data and data centre co-location services. As the leading partner for High-Speed Broadband Access (HSBA), TM Global achieved the highest number of new installations in March, supporting collective industry growth throughout Malaysia. Additionally, close to 8,000 4G and 5G fiberisation site were deployed to meet the growing demands of industry players and enhance nationwide edge capabilities, further propelling national digital initiatives. Internationally, TM Global secured deals from US-based hyperscaler and North Asia digital provider for its wholesale data centre solutions as well as a substantial deal from ASEAN telecommunication player for more than 10Tbps data requirement within this region. TM Global remains focused on positioning Malaysia as the preferred digital hub for the ASEAN region through its comprehensive and customised offerings for hyperscalers, global carriers and digital players. Commentary and Outlook from Dato’ Imri Mokhtar, TM Group Chief Executive Officer “2023 is expected to be a challenging year with changes in the regulatory landscape, heightened competition and other market structure changes. TM will continue strengthening its core business to be commercially sustainable as a Public Listed Company (PLC) whilst continuing to contribute to the nation’s growth via its role as a Government Linked Company (GLC). “As the national connectivity and digital infrastructure provider, TM will continue to execute the fiberisation plan to support the Government’s National Digital Network (JENDELA) programmes as well as the 5G rollout nationwide. TM looks forward to continue playing an active role in the 5G implementation, leveraging its nationwide fibre infrastructure, extensive digital platforms (data centres, edge nodes) and rollout experience. “We remain steadfast as we enter the final year of our 2021-2023 Transformation Programme, and pursue the next wave of growth beyond 2023. In line with our journey to become a human-centred TechCo, we announced the launch of TM’s new HQ and Campus, located in Cyberjaya. The campus will serve as a catalyst for a new way of working that drives agility and flexibility through digital collaboration and hybrid work environment, propelling innovation among our employees, customers and partners. “We will continue to advocate sustainability efforts and strive for progress. TM has released our first Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report, 2 years ahead of Bursa Malaysia’s 2025 requirement. The report focuses on increasing transparency around the financial implications of an organisations’ climate-related risks and opportunities. “Though cautious with the overall outlook, we remain optimistic with the prospects of increased hyperconnectivity, continuous growth investments in connectivity and digitalisation across all customer segments. TM will continue to enable a Digital Malaysia by offering comprehensive suite of communication services and digital solutions benefitting communities, businesses and Government.”
Unifi Brings 5g Excitement and Immersive Experience to Communities in Klang Valley at the uni5g #Liveunstoppable Event
Unifi, the nation’s leader in converged fixed broadband, mobile, and lifestyle services, has today launched its UNI5G #LIVEUNSTOPPABLE event at Pavilion, Bukit Bintang. Running from 19 to 21 May 2023, the event showcases 5G’s capabilities in delivering greater connectivity and empowering limitless opportunities in education, work, entertainment, music, gaming, and so much more. The event will include not-to-be-missed opportunities for visitors to interact and learn from some of Malaysia’s favourite influencers such as Elizabeth Tan (on 19 May), MK Clique and Noki (on 20 May), and Vokey (on 21 May). They will also get to participate in UNI5G’s unique content creation experience by taking 3D video footage of themselves, with selected participants having the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be featured on the Pavilion Elite 3D LED Screen located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Visitors could also win tickets to upcoming Liga Malaysia football matches, the latest Samsung Galaxy S23+ mobile phones, and limited UNI5G football jerseys, when they participate in Unifi’s TikTok #UnstoppableRap challenge, join in the longest #UnstoppablePlaylist on Spotify, and take part in other exciting activities. “Malaysia is entering a new era of digitalisation, with today’s digital lifestyles and customer experiences demanding more robust and uninterrupted connectivity, any time anywhere. The UNI5G #LIVEUNSTOPPABLE event is an opportunity for us to bring immersive experiences to local communities and showcase how 5G will elevate their daily lives – be it in work, education, entertainment, as well as the empower the creation, sharing and consumption of digital content,” said Jasmine Lee, Executive Vice President, Unifi Mobile. New and existing customers will be able to subscribe to the newly launched UNI5G Postpaid 89 Plan at the event, which comes with unlimited 4G & 5G data and unlimited calls. The Plan includes the option to own a brand new 5G smartphone with savings of up to RM1, 500, and the UNI5G Supplementary Plan as an add-on for only RM39 per line per month. Priced below RM90 a month, Unifi’s UNI5G Postpaid Plan is one of the most comprehensive and value-for-money plans with unlimited 4G & 5G data, smartphone bundles and supplementary lines currently available in the market. Prepaid users can also access UNI5G Prepaid Plans, including monthly unlimited 4G + 5G data for as low as RM35, with a chance to win tickets to Liga Malaysia football matches when they activate their new UNI5G Prepaid sim pack. “While we have started by connecting with communities in the Klang Valley, we hope to engage and provide our services to more Malaysians. In the coming months, we will continue our efforts to bring fixed-mobile convergence solutions and 5G coverage to more communities nationwide, reinforcing our commitment to enabling a Digital Malaysia,” Jasmine concluded.
Telekom Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), the innovation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wins the “Digital-Utilities” Award for its smart workforce management solution known as FORCE at the recent Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2023 (MTEA), organised by the Asian Business Review. This is the seventh award received by TM R&D from MTEA in the last five years, spotlighting its role in accelerating the use of advanced technology and mobile-first approach to spearhead industrial productivity and operational efficiencies as Malaysia transitions into a digital economy. Through cross learnings from deployment within the TM ecosystem, TM R&D’s advanced analytics software in the FORCE platform measures and reports business performance metrics in real-time. This enables fast-paced businesses to make precise data-driven decisions to improve complex tasks scheduling of large fieldwork teams across geographies that in turn, significantly ease resource planning and operational costs. Commenting on the achievement, Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM R&D said, “In promoting growth mindsets through innovation and capacity-building, TM R&D has been consistently recognised for advancing tech solutions to meet fast-evolving digital needs of today’s competitive businesses. Our work in R&D is helping companies in the region adopt automation and digital solutions in improving workforce productivity and efficiency which translates into reducing cost of doing business.” “FORCE provides operational efficiencies and first-class customer experience by automating day-to-day tasks of large field teams. It proves to be an indispensable tool not only for its ability to automate functions of a workforce but also in enabling seamless execution of digital solutions. Today, FORCE can be effectively deployed in key sectors such as the Water and Utility Industry, IT Services, Public Services, Manufacturing, Hospitality and Plantation Management,” added Dr. Sharlene. The workforce management solution is designed to enable the adoption of digitalisation progressively within the organisation’s own growth strategy, allowing it to rapidly reap benefits with minimal costs. Dr. Sharlene concluded, “Winning this award inspires us to create smarter digital solutions in line with TM’s transformation towards becoming a human-centred TechCo and enabling a more Digital Malaysia.” For more information about TM R&D and its innovations, visit or email your inquiry to or follow them on LinkedIn (TM Research & Development) for more news and updates.